V1 – The Right Direction: Part One
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I hope he comes today…” 

Mayumi glanced at Katsumi’s front door and memories of her confrontation with Nara began swirling in her head.


‘He’s fine the way he is, he doesn’t need saving.’

‘Katsumi thinks you’re a pain.’


Her gaze lingered on his door for a moment longer. Tightening her grip on her bag, Mayumi quickly turned towards the elevator and left the building.

 Once she was around half a kilometer from the apartment building, someone latched onto her from behind. 


Only one person could be this energetic this early in the morning.

“Good morning Yui,” Mayumi sighed.

“Your apartment is so close to mine! you should’ve told me.”

“I didn’t know either, so I would not have been able to tell you.”

“I guess you’re right… Still, it’s nice that you didn’t have to go overseas with your mom," Yui moved her hand to her chest and her bright demeanor darkened ever so slightly, “I would’ve been heartbroken if you left.”

“I’m glad too. She works really hard to support me so I might go see her sometime next year.”

“Ahh~ but it must be nice living alone.”

“It has its ups and downs. It really makes you feel like an adult.”

“I’m glad I get to live at home, but like, I kinda wanted to try living alone too.”

 “You do not have to deal with the neighbors at least, some of them are troublesome…”

“Really? I’m sorry to hear that. Just know if you ever are in trouble you can call me. Okay?”

“Yes, thank you.”

“At least now we can walk to campus together everyday!”

“Yeah… that’s great.”

Yui pouted, turning her head away from Mayumi, “Are mornings your worst enemy? Or is it me?”



Katsumi swung his legs out of bed but overshot. Pulling the bed-sheets with him, he ended up on the floor, again.

Nine-fifty…Suppose I’m a little late.

Katsumi stood up and made his way to the washroom.

I could probably return the box and get to school in about an hour. Wait no, that’s a terrible idea. I'll just tell Nara’s brother to come get it.


Ta… Arata!”

“Huh? Oh, sorry sensei,” Mayumi turned her attention from the window to Hasegawa-sensei.

Some light laughter came from around the classroom.

Damn kids these days. Apparently staring out the window is more important than learning… The answer to number seven Arata.” 

“Yes.” Mayumi came up to the chalkboard and stood in front of it, not writing anything. 

“Somewhere else today are we, Arata?”

She stood quietly facing the board.

“Just go back to your seat. Can someone else answer this question?”

As Mayumi returned to her seat Yui gave her a worried look.


 “Yumi what happened earlier? You completely blanked up there,” Saki said as she approached.

Mayumi was sitting with her head on her hand gazing out of a window while Yui was sitting backwards on the desk in front of her, fiddling with her cellphone.

“Yeah I wanted to ask you too. I’ve Never seen you do somethin’ like that.”

“I’ve just been a bit distracted recently I guess.”

“It might be the stress that comes from living by yourself. It’d be pretty scary for me at least… She even said some of her neighbors were mean,” Yui set down her phone and turned towards Saki.

“Yumi, Is your mom going to be overseas for a long time?” 

Saki leaned against the desk Katsumi would usually sit in for their Physics class.

Mayumi blankly stared at the empty seat. “Where’s that change…

“Hello~? Earth to Yumi.” 


“Is your mom going to be overseas for a long time?”

“I think she is in America this time for a little over a year.”

The look on Mayumi’s face was distant—something the two girls picked up on quickly. As Mayumi usually didn’t wear expressions like that.

“How about we go shopping tonight?” Saki asked. “Some stores are starting their summer-sales early.” 

Yui nodded in agreement.

“I would love to, but I’m busy tonight, sorry.” 

“…Hey, would it work if we came over instead? I’ve been wanting to see your new apartment too,” Saki asked.

“Oh~ that’d be nice. These summer deals go on for a while so shopping can wait,” Yui added on.

“Sorry but I really do have something going on tonight. What about this weekend?”

“What’d you have going on?” Saki asked.

“Yeah… What do you have going on tonight?” Yui moved her face closer to Mayumi’s, seemingly inspecting it for clues as to what she had planned. “Hey hey, is it with Murakami again?”

“She’s been seeing him!? He’s terrible! He—” Saki seemed to be holding back a torrent of jabs directed at Katsumi.

“We aren’t going out nor are we like that. I simply helped him with some organization yesterday.”

“Mhm… When you’re ready you can tell us, we’ll understand,” Yui nodded.

Saki’s phone beeped. “I’ve gotta go, it’s Jackson. I’ll see you two around.” She waved as she left the classroom.

Yui waved back with a smile, then, instantly after giving her goodbye, Yui swiveled around to face Mayumi with great curiosity in her eyes. 

“Come on, come on, tell me. You two are going out, aren’t you?” 

“I have no clue why you two instantly jumped to that conclusion. It’s a little rude to suggest something like that—”

Yui’s expression sank a little as Mayumi completely shut her down. However, it was as if words were stuck at the tip of Mayumi’s tongue—she was hesitating.

“But I am seeing Murakami tonight.”

“I knew it!”

“To work on our modern Japanese project. I have a feeling you didn't even remember we had one, let alone start on it.”

That may be so,” Yui looked away while saying this, but then quickly brought her face back up to Mayumi’s. “More importantly though, that means you’re going to be alone with him.”

“We have been alone together quite a bit already.”

Yui pouted, “You’re no fun.”

“Still, I could never see Murakami doing anything like that.”

Mayumi pulled out her phone, thinking Yui was done. But one more question came hurling her way—one of the last one’s she wanted to hear.

“The question is though… Would you want something to happen?”

Mayumi’s upper-cheeks turned ever-so-slightly pink. “D-don’t suggest things like that. How many times do I have to tell you? It isn’t like that. It’s like you’re in your own world making up stories.”

“Sorry sorry, I was just jokin’ around.”

Mayumi sighed.

The two girls collected their things and were leaving the classroom. As they stepped through the door Hasegawa-sensei called out, “Nakagawa, could you come here for a moment  please?”

“Yes sensei.”

“I looked at some records and saw that you live somewhat near Murakami. I'm sorry about this but could you bring him his homework? I’m really sorry about this.”

“Sure! I’m happy to help!”

Hasegawa-sensei pushed up his glasses. He handed a packet of papers to Yui who enthusiastically accepted them.

Mayumi led the way out of the classroom followed by the cheerful girl who wished Hasegawa-sensei a good evening with a smile and a wave.