V2 – A Time for Forgiveness
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Make it up to her…? How?


The question is why?

Why should it? What did I even do to her?

No! There it is again! Why!? 

I know what I did. It was that type of selfish thinking that hurt her.

And I care because she cares…

It’s simple.

But if it’s going to keep being like this, it's probably going to hurt her more. I think Akito-san is right. I should stop talking to her. 


‘I don’t want to be the one to make her cry. To regret what she’s doing.’


I really don’t… I wasn’t lying when I said that. 

After I make things right I’m going to distance myself. 

It’s for the best…


She’s not there… What am I thinking.

Katsumi approached the hole in the wall that he put in-between their apartments.


No response came.

I knew it. “Are you there?”

After another moment of silence an answer came, “Mm.”

Relief washed over Katsumi. Even though he was doubting that she’d respond, something inside of him told him that she’d been waiting for him to reach out.

“Are you doing alright?”

“...I could be better.”

“Yeah— I don’t think I’ve seen you all week.”

No response came from Mayumi.

“I-” It’s the right thing to do. I just want to fix this problem I’ve created and that’s that. “Arata-san, I want to make it up to you… I want to make things right.”

More silence from Mayumi.


“It isn’t that simple.”


“I-I really don’t think you can. I don’t trust that you can… Last weekend I saw a lot of stuff I wasn’t ready for. I had no idea it went that far.”

Most hope of succeeding in Katsumi had diminished after that.

“You—You hit me Murakami-kun.”

What is she saying?

“When I was trying to hold you down from running you kicked me in the stomach. There was a lot of bruising.”

“I had no idea…”

“Murakami-kun, I don’t want this to be the end. I don’t even really know what this is but I know I don’t want this to be over.” She paused, taking a deep breath, “I know that there’s still a lot that you’re keeping from me, so much about you and the situation that I don’t know… So if this has any chance of working I want to know it all. I want you to tell me everything… I need to know.”


“I’m not done talking, Murakami-kun.” Her voice sounded sharp. “I want to yell right now. I feel like it’s taking so much to not just start screaming at you. Right now, I don’t know how I feel but part of me feels like it hates you.”

Hates… me?

“I still need a bit more time.”

"Let me tell you..." Katsumi paused after saying this.

"Let you tell me what?" Mayumi sounded annoyed.

Katsumi took a deep breath. "What you saw last night. I guess tell you what happened."

"I don't think that will make anything better."

What do I tell her? I really think if I cleared it up she'd trust me again. Even if it's just a little. I just need to make it up to her and then she'll never have to see me again... I mean do I tell her that right now? That I just want a chance to make it up to her? I just want to make myself feel better about leaving her like this? Is it because she's my neighbor? And I don't want it to make my life more difficult? Do I really care about this girl that I met two weeks ago that much?

"Not... talking about it... that ignorance it causes... It will just build. And that ignorance will just reinforce your hate and distrust... So please, let me tell you."

Mayumi didn't respond.

Is she still there?

After another short moment of silence she spoke up. "Alright... I'll hear you out."

"Thank you, Arata-san."

Mayumi went silent for a minute, then asking, "...Who were those four people in my apartment?"

This already feels impossible to explain... I have to tell her how I met them to explain it... Wait, how did I meet them? It just feels so normal being around them now I can't really picture a time that I wasn't. Shouko-chan was a mutual friend through Nara I guess... and from there we just all started hanging out together. I'll just tell her that, it makes the most sense.

"One of the girls, I think you ran into her in the hallway, is a friend of Nara's and from being around her the rest of her friend group started hanging out with us I guess."

"...They're so much older, it doesn't make sense. Why would you be friends with them."

Why are all my friends so much older than me... she's right, it is really strange. But it doesn't change the fact that they still actually care about... I think.

"I guess it doesn't make sense really... But through our time together we've all become really close."

More silence came from Mayumi before she asked another question. "A-are they all like you? Do they... do the same things as you?"

"No." Katsumi answered confidently. "They're just people. They have jobs, or are in university. They all have direction already, all of them know what they want. So no, they aren't like me."

"Don't give me that Murakami-kun, you know what I mean."

That was an honest answer, but I guess I did know what she was really asking.

"Two of them do."

"The two men that were in my apartment last weekend?"

"Yes... But you don't need to say it like we were home invaders."

"That's how I saw it."

Her rebuttal put him at a loss for words.

"Can you tell me what happened last night now?"

"After I... took something I was convinced—"

"Don't leave it out, what did you take?"



"After I... did a bump... I—"

"What's a bump?"

"It's—" Katsumi paused. "Cocaine... It really isn't that bad. The media really shows it as being something demonic but it isn't."

"Murakami-kun stop waffling, did you really?"


"I don't believe you."

"Do you want to not believe me? Or do you actually not?"

Mayumi didn't respond to this.

Katsumi continued on explaining, "This is going to sound crazy because it is, but I was convinced there was something in the wall and I had to get it out... So I... Reached into the wall."

"You punched a hole through the wall."


"Then you came into my apartment to try and fix it?"


The two sat in silence for multiple minutes.


"Good night. Murakami-kun."

After she said this, he heard her stand up and walk away from the wall.


Katsumi stared ahead at the blank chalk board at the front of the classroom. He changed his attention to the girl with the black bob-cut next to him. She was quietly tapping away at her smartphone.

I didn’t talk to her on Monday at all, even though we sat next to each other. I still have Wednesday through Friday to talk to her. But before I do I should actually make a plan of how to make it up to her…


I have no idea what she’d care about. What would make her happy…? I could ask someone.

Katsumi scanned the classroom. 

But who’s really close with Arata-san? I know Nakagawa-san is. And… Akito…-san. Let’s just keep it at Nakagawa-san. Anyone else?

Everyone in the classroom was occupied with their own cliques—Everyone had someone. Even the kids that were generally seen as ‘weird’ had each other, spending their time laughing, having fun, discussing their ideas and sharing jokes. 

Saki and Yui were sitting together with Brad along with a few other boys and girls in the back right corner of the room.

Why isn’t Arata-san sitting with them? I thought they were really close…? Maybe she just likes being alone?

After thinking this, Mayumi swiped down on her phone with her thumb and paused for a moment. She looked up at Saki and then got up out of her desk, walking over to the group in the back right corner.

I know one more person actually. I think they could help.

“Hey, Akito-chan?” Mai, one of the girls in the group, asked.


“What’s the deal with you and Jackson? Are you two together yet?”

This surprise question caught the normally prepared and composed Saki off guard, “Ah~ haha… What do you mean Mai-chan?”

“You know, you two are always talking, even sometimes being intimate in public. I’d assume only really confident couples would do that.”

Saki looked up at Brad's eyes, with a look that hoped that he’d explain what was going on. Brad returned her gaze but just smiled, not saying a word.

“Uhm—well, sort of.”

The others in the group gave her a puzzled look.

“Sort of?” One of the guys asked.

“It’s because of my parents!” She responded quickly, “They don’t really like foreigners so Brad and I don’t really tell anyone.”

“Oh, yeah I get that.” Mai spoke up, “I’d date a foreigner but I don’t know if my parents would really like it. What about you Arata-san? Your parents would probably be the same, right? Especially your dad. Mine would be pissed.”

Mayumi stared down at her smartphone for a moment before looking up to respond, “Hm, I suppose so. I never really thought about it.”

But now where would I find her…?” 

It was a little past four PM, and Katsumi was sitting at the table in his living room doing homework, something he felt he hadn't done in a very long time. 

She’s probably working right now, it’d be a while until she’s off. He thought while checking the time on his cellphone. Even when she’s off though I don’t know anything about her… It’d be really weird to ask Arata-san.

She really seemed to know the owner of that café… No… There’s no chance that she’d be there. Especially at this time.

Katsumi sat in silence for a moment, thinking.

Well it’s the only place I know she could be… It doesn’t hurt to try. Plus I am a bit hungry I guess.

Katsumi changed into something more presentable and slipped on his shoes at the front door. He stepped outside into the corridor and breathed in the early evening air.

Why am I putting so much effort into this…?

He glanced at Mayumi’s front door.

It’s because… It’s because… I want to make it right.


The walk to the café was about seven minutes from their apartment building. As he walked the sky began to darken, heavy storm clouds started rolling in over the city. He peered up into the sky—and the sky stared back at him. A drop of water fell onto his cheek.

It was clear when I left… I really should start watching the weather forecast.


Walking past the windows of the café he saw inside was a woman wearing a pants-suit leaning over the front counter, talking to Leon and a woman that looked much smaller in comparison.

Katsumi looked up at the sign over the café and it read ‘Tiffany’s’. 

“This feels like some kind of T.V. show… It’s like they’re always here.”

Leon pointed to Katsumi who was standing outside in the rain.  The woman in the pants-suit turned around and gave a wry smile when she saw it was Katsumi.


The other woman went into the kitchen and Kaede walked to the front door.

“Katsumi—” She said as she opened the door, “What are you doing out there? You’re getting soaked! Get in here.” The wind of the rain-storm was blowing her brown-hair back.


Katsumi sat at the counter next to Kaede. Opposite of them was Leon and the woman.

Leon looked down at her and said, “Thank you, Shoko dear. Could you please get this young man something hot to drink.”

“Mm, sure.”

“Oh—oh, no, you don’t have to.”

“I insist, it’s on the house.”

Katsumi couldn’t deny this kind of hospitality even if he wanted to.

Kaede rested her head on her hand and smiled at Katsumi. She seemed to be waiting for him to make the first move, to open himself up first.

Shoko came back with a black coffee and set it in front of Katsumi.

“Thank you.”

She gave him a loving look in response, one that a mom would give their sick son when taking care of him.

He stared at the steam rising from the cup, dissipating shortly after leaving the coffee. Kaede took out her smartphone and tapped on it a few times. She turned the screen towards Katsumi.

He blankly stared at the screen for a second, “W-what’s this?”

On the screen was a text conversation between her and Mayumi.


Mayumi: Can we meet up later today? I need some advice 

↳Reply: Sure, I’d be happy to. But what’s this about?

Mayumi: Do you remember that boy at Leon’s café?

↳Reply: Yeah. Katsumi, right?

Mayumi: Yes… Murakami-kun. 

↳Reply: Having a lovers quarrel?

Mayumi: No, nothing like that… Be serious Hirano-san. Well it was sort of like that. I mean we did get into a bad fight you could say. We talked a little bit about it afterwards but nothing was fixed. I don’t know how to approach or start talking to him again, because there’s still a lot we need to talk through.

↳Reply: I talked with him before too, I think it was after you’re argument. I think I want to talk too.

Mayumi: What!? What did you say to him?


That was all the text that was available on the screen but it spoke volumes to Katsumi.

Kaede spoke up, “It’s been about a week since I’ve seen you. Have you two not fixed things?” 

No…” He said softly. “I thought we talked it over on Saturday but she didn’t talk to me at all yesterday or today. She said she needed more time so I’m not going to push it.”

Kaede laughed to herself a little, “Unless you make the first move to talk to her I don’t think you’ll ever reconnect. That’s what she’s like.”

“But we never had a connection in the first place. There’s nothing to work off of.”

“I don’t think that’s true.” She said with a sigh.

He gave her a confused look.

“What about your trip to Tokyo?”

“Ehh—? W-what!? How’d you know about that?” Katsumi’s face turned a faint shade of red.

“Mayumi-chan told me about it a few days after it happened. She said it meant the world to her, Katsumi. She didn’t tell me all the details but the time you shared after really saved her.”

Katsumi looked down into his cup of coffee. Silently. About a minute passed in silence before he spoke up.

“I-—I had a similar talk like this with a friend… I already made my decision…”

“And what’s that?”

“I want to make things right with her. I’m just… scared. Scared of hurting her again like I did that night.”

Kaede reached out a hand and set it on Katsumi’s head and patted it a few times. “You’re making a great choice.”

Katsumi quickly pushed away her hand, “D-don’t do that.”

“Hahaha— You’re turning so red! That’s hilarious!”

He averted his gaze, “Shut up.”

“Just know Katsumi, you have to put in the effort. Don’t do it for yourself, do it for them.”

“...Thank you, Hirano-san.”

“No problem kid.”

I don’t know what it is about her… I think I’ve only talked to her twice, but I trust her.


About twenty minutes had passed and Katsumi was gone. A few customers remained and Shoko was serving them. Leon stood behind the counter looking at Kaede. 

“It sounded like you were giving some actually good advice earlier.”

Kaede smirked. “There’s something about that kid, but he got me to care.”

“And why’s that?”

“...I think it’s because I don’t want to see him make the same mistakes I did when I was a kid. Most people will tell you the people you meet and the interactions you have at that age don’t matter, because you’re just a kid. But I think they do.” She turned her head towards the window that was being battered by the rain. “I believe they matter… This time in your life is the most important part, the connections you make and the people you meet define you. They’ll define how you’ll think and act… It sticks with you.”

“Hm, I think you’re just trying to sound cool, Kaede-chan.” Leon commented.

“Maybe.” She responded with a hint of whimsy in her tone.