V2 – It Starts With You: A Date in a Ramen Shop
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“How’d you find out about this place? Did you really just find it online?”

“I went three pages into the search results to find it. I wasn’t sure it existed at first.”

“It’s cute—I like it.”

Mayumi and Katsumi were standing outside of the ramen shop's front, glass-door. Mayumi held the umbrella, which was folded away, at her side, as they were protected from the rain by the awning over the shop-front. 

The two peered into the store, still with a small amount of lingering doubt if the place was even open. There was a half-eaten bowl of ramen sitting on the wooden counter but no one was sat in front of it. However, after a second longer of lingering a man came out of a bathroom and sat down at the bowl.

“Like to go in?” Katsumi asked.

“Mm, it’s cold out here.”

Katsumi pushed open the door causing a bell to ring. The chef behind the counter didn’t look up to see who had entered. Being too busy with the grill he instead threw up a hand in a wave to acknowledge he knew people had entered. 

The man eating his dinner at the counter gave the two a passing glance as they walked in.      

A menu written on a chalkboard hung over the counter, listing quite a few items. But most of them were crossed out and the few remaining were circled. With one item called the ‘spring special’ circled in green.  

Katsumi spoke up, “I’ll have the spring special.”

Mayumi tapped Katumi’s shoulder, “I’ll have one too…”

“Uhm, make that two please.”

The chef at the grill threw up his hand again to acknowledge their order.

“You know, Murakami-kun. This almost feels like it isn’t real in a way.” She spun around in her stool, now facing the windows that looked out onto the street. Seeing the rain make it’s attack on the city.

Katsumi kept his head forward, focused on the cook.

“There might’ve been a few moments with Hirano-san and Matsushita-san that are a bit… annoying… But I wouldn’t have imagined I’d be in this town in southern Japan eating ramen in a small shop like this. It’s a weird feeling. One that’s hard to describe. Like we went off the path that we’re supposed to be on, even if it’s just for a moment, to explore something else. To enjoy what there is to offer.”

“...I’m not sure I get what you mean…”

“It’s like… There’s a whole life we’re living—A whole world we need to return to. We’ll still need to go to school when we get back, we’ll still need to clean our apartments, go grocery shopping, do our homework. It doesn’t all go away just because we’re far away. It just feels like it’s put on pause. I don’t know if it’s just me that feels like that, but it’s a nice feeling. Something you don’t always experience.”

“Hm, I guess I never thought of it like that.” Katsumi spun around on his stool. “Hey, Arata-san?”


“Are you doing alright?”

Mayumi went silent at this question.

Katsumi sat silently next to her, not trying to push out an answer.

“I think so.”

“I’m glad.”

It feels like I’m really connecting with her. This trip really was the move. I think this might be a good mood to tell her what’s gotta happen after the trip… I think the time’s right… I feel like she’ll understand… I have to.

Katsumi opened his mouth, but no words came out. He paused for another moment before trying again.



“I have to tell you something… important…”

She turned her head towards him, ready to listen.

Katsumi looked into her large brown eyes. They seemed to be eager to hear what he had to say—expectant.

“I— I’ll tell you tomorrow… It isn’t important really.”

That wonder from Mayumi’s eyes that was there a moment ago seemed to fade. “You can’t just tell me you have something important to say then go quiet like that. Come on. You have to say it now.”

“It really isn’t important. I’ll tell you tomorrow if you still wanna know.”

“You’ll tell me tomorrow then, promise?”

“Yeah… promise.”