V1 – The Spring Rains That Brough Change: Part Three
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The rain was still pouring down onto the pavement, creating large and small puddles alike across the campus and its surrounding streets. The heavy rainstorm was unexpected, resulting in Katsumi not packing an umbrella.

You reap what you sow I guess… 

Katsumi stepped out into the downpour. 

With each step, more and more water flooded into his shoes. Water dripped from his bangs onto his face, but Katsumi pushed on. 

He stared ahead, grasping the straps of his backpack, not bothering to wipe the water off his face, knowing that it would return as quickly as he did.

In a jarring instant however, the rain stopped hitting his face.

Hm? It’s not raining over me anymore…? Thanks, God.

“No problem.”


Katsumi, disconcerted, looked to his left to see a girl with short black hair holding an umbrella over the two of them.

“You looked miserable, so I thought I’d help.” 

The girl didn’t meet Katsumi’s gaze, instead keeping her focus straight ahead. However, he continued to stare at her.


Katsumi regained his senses and shook his head, turning his attention back to the street in front of them. 

“Ah, nothing… Just a bit surprised.”

The two silently walked together for multiple blocks. The rain soaking her left side as she held the umbrella in a way that entirely shielded Katsumi from the rain. He stared at her shoulder for a moment, thinking about bringing it up, but ultimately decided against it and silently continued walking.

The sound of dinging filled the air.

A black and yellow arm slowly started lowering at the railroad crossing following a train whistle blowing. It could be heard in the distance accompanied by the ever-growing click-clack sound of the train sliding across the tracks. The pair waited in front of the gate for the train to pass.

“Ah!” A sudden gust of wind had taken hold of the umbrella and took it from the girl’s hand. 

With unexpectedly fast reactions though, Katsumi reached out and grabbed the handle before it blew onto the tracks.

He handed it back to the black-haired girl.

“Thank you,” She said.

“Mm, no problem.”

The gate slowly rose, and the two carried on.

After a few minutes of walking in silence the girl spoke up, “I’m going left here, how about you?”

“I go straight.”

“Nnn… I would like to walk you all the way to your apartment, but I promised to meet a friend soon. I’m sorry about this…”

“What? No, don't worry about that. You’ve helped me more than anyone would. T-thank you very much for this.” Huh? My apartment how—

“Here, you can take the umbrella.”

“No It’s yours. You really don’t need to go out of your way for me like this. You’ve done more than enough.”

“I insist, take it. I’ll be fine.” She pushed the umbrella into Katsumi’s hand before swiftly walking off into the rain.

She got so far so fast that Katsumi felt it was impossible to call out. Something felt too off about this.

His arm fell limp, and the umbrella dropped down by his side. The once muffled patter of the rain hitting the umbrella was thrust into the foreground. His hair was drenched again, just as it began to dry.


Katsumi stood alone in the elevator. The only sound that could be heard was water dripping onto the floor, which was beginning to form small puddles. There was a ding, then the doors slid open—he stood in the elevator until the doors had fully opened. With the dripping umbrella at his side, he stepped out and walked down the hallway. 

He reached into his pocket for his keys, which he soon found weren’t there.

"Shit… I left them on the kitchen table…"

He hit his head on the door and stood in silence for a moment when he heard someone from inside his apartment say, “Coming!”

You’re kidding me!

“Welcome home, honey!” Nara burst out of Katsumi’s apartment.

“...Get outta my apartment.”

Nara gasped, “Are ya’ saying you want a divorce?”

“I wouldn't even go out with you for one-hundred million yen.” Katsumi raised the umbrella and shook it, spraying water all over Nara.

The door slammed in Katsumi’s face.

“Sorry sorry! Please let me in!”