Chapter 2 – Findings
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I try to calm myself after that but nonetheless it has no result, I'm still shaken, it's weird because i felt shaken from that but calm after finding myself in this unknown place, well a plains.

With nothing to do while walking i try to think what i want very specifically, a bed, from material  what exist around me, soil and grass, well i must be dreaming, because a bed from earth manifest right before my eye with grass and some plants that make it looks comfy to lie down.

Now I'm sure that have some kind of power in this world, i try to experiment with it, one by one balls of elements manifest when i wish it or more like when i think how it would appear.

Fire, water, earth, wind, i can see clearly the compressed air form as a ball, scorching fire like sun ball, compressed water deep blue ball, hard black rock ball.

Ice, electricity, lava, a wood ball??, Solid white ice ball, shining bright lightning ball, molten bumbling lava ball and a wooden ball so smooth looks like it grown naturally.

There 2 balls that different from others, a dark black ball like black hole and blinding light ball, i assume a ball cause i can't even see it, it's too bright.

I can make each of them to any shape, arrow, spear, sword, even shield while the solid one stop anything that hit it, the others don't, like water, fire, wind and electricity.

Lava one actually absorbed the stone spear that i will it to fly straight to the shield, while the light and the black hole do nothing. Maybe I'm not really comprehend what these 2 are in this world. Maybe they have different concept with what i know about light and darkness elements.

While still walking that kind of experiment continues. Because i have nothing to do i just do it to calm my mind, after all I'm stranded with my sleepwear, no food, at least i have water, no.... Hmmm what i don't have again.

I can make a place to rest like home with the earth. Water manifest easily, well food it is then. But i find no animal, no edible plants, just grass and some trees with no fruit.

Well a human will live for three days without food and water they said, because i have water i can survive at least a week, probably, if loneliness don't try to kill me.

Sun starting to set facing me while I'm dazzled with how this world's sun set is because aurora exist above it, orange light below with rainbow above, what a scene. At this point I'm sure I'm in another world because the moon, they, yes THEY, this world, at least this planet have 7 of it, like rainbow, red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, violet.

Here i am lying down with my wooden made bed complete with plants on top of it for comfort. Even the stars constellation are different, well of course, this is different world after all.

While lying down I'm thinking what I'm gonna do from now on, at least i have power to live my life easily in term of convenient, because i have full control of those eight elements, maybe more because that's what i understand what elements is, except those two. Well I'll try anything else for those two tomorrow. For now let's sleep.