Chapter 16 – Harmonics
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"Did she explain what Harmonics are?"

"She did explain the origin of it"

"What Harmonics measurements of each race are?

"I already stand up to go here when she start talking about that"

"I see.... Well let me explain it then"

Did he really just start talking after what i did to him? Well no loses for me. He then start to explain how dangerous a creature is based on their Harmonics, they add that new features into Kadara Tablet that used at many place related to combat, like adventurer, mercenary guild and military facilities.

These add on show us a number from 1 to 100 for that creature's Harmonics, while for humanoid races, human, and beastman usually have 100 - 80, dwarves and elf at 80 - 60, fairies 60 - 40, giant and dragonewt 40 - 20. The older the race is the lower their Harmonics are. I see.. so it's like percentage of how much needed to be converted.

"We dragonewt can lower our Harmonics temporarily close to 5, like what you've seen before"

"I see...."

"How come you didn't know any of that? These findings have been published long ago....?!"

They know what the cause of the white hair is, so i just lower my hood, no one beside us in the room after all. He startled a little when seeing my hair.

"I forgot"

"Make sense, if you're still alive until now, maybe the you before you're forgot, exchange your memories to adapt your mind with the conversion. That was one of the possibility... With you as the result now"

"So what's the REAL reason i got called here?"

"I just want to make sure that you're sane enough, after talking with you, i reaches that conclusion before i even talk though"

"Just because i said 'fed up'?"

"Because they show no emotional response only, always with violence, maybe because what they thought became reality right after. While you sounds normal for a zero, when we test one of the Ancient Dragon with the Kadara tablet it shine bright then show us Harmonics level at 5, she's the oldest and wisest dragon ever exist, she always give us dragonewt advise when we troubled"

"Okay! I understand now! Enough with The Dragon"

"..... Even the survivors show a number from 10 to 5, whatever their race is, except us, we already know what a dragonewt capable of and the giant"

"Wait.. what's my number again?"

"You're a Zero, Cain, a Zero! You have the exact same Harmonics at the world's mana!"

"You're saying that like the world are alive..."

"Of course they are, how do you think we survives with the monsters ramparts around this world!?"

"Stop that talk, I'll just read it nextdoor"

"Good idea, it will be lengthy"

Then he ask me, how i control my power, i just say with practicing, like normal people, while experimenting with some creature i found in the forest. I only have two weeks of memories when he ask me how much i remember, then stop asking about it.

He then continue ask about the bandit, well that important too. I just explain what really happened. When he stop asking for thinking a while, he then stand up.

"Looks like you're not that insane. We'll accept your registration to the Adventurer guild. I'm the Grand Master of the East Branch, Grahanch, so i have enough power to appease what other branches worry about you"

"Uhhh thanks..."

I then shakes his hand that he offered.

"Take your Tag from Minne, i already tell her to proceed with your registration, take that before you go to the Archives, you can't enter without it"

"I see... thanks.."

I said that while get out from the room, already put my hood back on. What I found after i open the door are four dragonewt fully equipped. After they've seen me, one of them started to smoking. Then Grahanch shout at them.

"Stop it! he's harmless..for now"

"But Master! if what Minne said is true?!"

"You won't stand a chance if you challenge him, even I'm matchless with him"


They all step back a little, they're not even arguing with Grahanch, well.. maybe they already knew what a dragon can do, so what a five-more-lower can do are at their insight. 

"Can i pass through then?"

"Hell! You can talk!?"

"We thought you'll be something like a mindless monster!"

"If Master said you're harmless, then we have nothing to say"

"Yeah! Like the Great Myrtyr!"

I'll find out about that last one. Looks like Grahanch are trusted enough to change their opinions of me with just his words. They let me pass through them, then start asking questions to Grahanch. I just go straight to the counters downstairs.

When i find the girl who take care of my registration before. I said that i wanna retrieve my tag and sells some monsters carcass. But she's stuttering so much than i don't even understand what she's trying to say. Just curious, i ask her this.

"Did you tell anyone beside those four about me?"

Looks like she's only tell those four because they're Grahanch pupils. From what i heard only that what i understand, maybe she's complaining about something, i don't really catch what she said with that stutter while on the edge of tears too.

When i received my tag but still waiting for her to told me where to put the carcass, a sharp eyed cat...tiger lady, replace Minne, tell her that it's her time off now.

"Sorry, she's still new here"

"Well, I'm new too"

Then she's start to glare at me then confusedly look up and down of me. I ask, again, to her this time, where to sell the carcass....materials, she chided. She told me to go back of the building through the corridor between the staircase and the bulletin board. She's told me to remember those terms because that's what people in the Adventurer guild use.

I just nod to what she said and did what she told me. The corridor not that cramped, four people can walk side by side through here and the ceiling are high enough for a dragonewt that passes me. There's many doors each side of it, for the staff maybe. When i reach the end of it, i found myself in a warehouse like place.