Chapter 3
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As I woke up,I felt hungry so I walk into to the forest for some food. I hear something moving in the bush so I Walk closer to it, and I see its bunny with some type of horn. It comes at me from the left so I quickly counter it by using shadow claw on it. And I could see it was trying to get back up so i quickly bit it neck so it wouldn't try to run away.The rabbit thing died shortly after. 

[Congratulations for leveling up host] 

What the hell was that,I look around cautiously

[It was I host]

Who are you and why are you here.

[I was sent here to help you on your journey host]

To help me on my journey and why didn't they say anything when I first came here. Why didn't you say anything then

[I was simply rebooting and adjusting our languages for this world]

Now that you mentioned it I have been thinking in in a different language this whole time. And how will you help me .

[I can answer many questions about where you are and the raves and the different countries] 

Can you tell me about the the countries and where I'm at.

[ Okay host, you're in the country of Achesonia and it is the country were most humans live with different species. Anyone can live there as long that they aren't wanted and have and I.d the can confirm there idinity. There are guilds that people can join to earn a living or they can have a normal job. Achesonia has 3 major countries surrounding it the country of elves Levine, The country of beastmen, trivana The country of dwarves,  gnomemania these countries surrounds Achesonia.]

Thank you for the information on the different countries

[your welcome host]

How far away am I from the nearest border

[You are currently 70 miles from the nearest border]

Thank you. As I think of what do when I get to the border I suddenly hear some thing out of the blue. I suddenly became on guard check and looking for anything that Maybe out a f place. I see a pack of wolves. I felt anxious because they all have higher levels than me.

"W-What is it you want I have nothing valuable." I said timidly

"What are you doing in our forest." The biggest one said which I assume is the leader.

I also heard I couple of whispers stuff like " why is his fur like that." "What dark fur he has." And "Why does he look like that."

I quickly come up with something cause I can't just say I was born yesterday so I quickly say" I was born here." After I said that the leader looks at me weirdly. I think finally noticing my fur color he looks at me in surprise, his breath shaking murmuring something i couldn't quite figure out. Then he lowers his head and bows, The others look surprised at his Bowing but the also starts to bow. As I am surprised I tell them to stand.

"Why are you bowing to me." I said I. Still surprised voice 

The large one starts to speak he said "because your are the one from the ***!!!$$##%.









Sorry for the cliffhanger I am aware that this is not.the best so please give me feed back.