Chapter 3: Gems used
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"Madam, are you there?" Asks Rachnie. At the dead of night, the cold breeze makes his hair stand on end. The faint orange glow and warmth radiating from Thaenabelle's large tent give him an indescribable feeling of dread.

These heightened senses! Rachnie curses in his mind. His kind has many senses enhanced along with other capabilities.

Come on in, Rachnie. It's the medical documents from Yrufold from a few months back, right? "

"On the dot." Rachnie responds, feeling like he is staring at the tent of the devil, with only a thin white cloth to separate them.

Rachnie's hand refuses to part the entrance, shaking at the thought of opening it, and only slides the documents in between the tent. He feels the firm grasp of Thaenabelle's hand on the stacks of paper.

"Thank you"


"Aha! Here it is! " Says Uraim, excitedly walking into the entrance of the cave with the sound of loudly ringing metal gadgets in his bag echoing in the cave.

"Uraim. Won't you alert the creatures of our presence? " Saja is concerned about being immediately swarmed.

"Don't worry about it. All of these sounds are just handy technology and rocks that will be useful."

"We do know what we're going against, right?" asks Ilyis.

"We will figure it out once we get in there. It shouldn't be that big of an issue. Rachnie gave us all a stone containing a bit of his unique teleportation powers. We should be able to get out of trouble. " Uraim already has the stone given to him by Rachnie embedded in a custom gauntlet he made at the last minute.

"Just keep walking. Uraim says the path splits up ahead. I think we should try to clear the left side before coming back to check the right side. " I tell the others to keep on walking.

Rachnie could tag along with us for a bit to use his impressive magic capabilities, but he'd be exhausted after even using low-tier spells.

How good must low-tier spells be in order to cause fatigue? And isn't his species gifted in mana regeneration?

We continue going deeper into the cave, always going to the left-most option if the path splits. For a good while, we kept advancing without encountering anything noteworthy, until the solid and jagged rock walls turned a hue of red.

"Urghk!" Yells Ilyis. An insect about the size of a head leaps out from the dark and onto Ilyis' chest, catching him by surprise.

Ilyis' right arm quickly turned metallic and a layer of sharp barbed crystals grew. His chest prepares for his own attack and forms several layers of quality steel, partially encasing the insect in metal.

The impact of his own arm on his chest splatters the insect, causing an echo that lasts for several seconds to ring down the tunnel.

"Don't you think that was overkill?" Says Saja, with her head turned back to see a wrangled mess of a creature on Ilyis.

"That caught me by surprise. We shouldn't lower our guard here anyhow. " Ilyis says, immediately returning to his calm manner. "After all, it's a new planet." 

Uraim, who was taking the lead, suddenly stops.

"Uraim, anything there?" I ask him, already having many scenarios playing in my head about every possible threat.

"The path stops here, but there's probably something behind this." Says Uraim, as he presses his ear to the wall.

"What do you think is behind there?" I ask Uraim.

"No idea." Uraim sits on the floor, still facing the wall.

"But didn't you look around this cave with your robots?" Asks Thaenabelle.

"The probe is blind. I only knew how many species there were from the unique frequencies they have and how many nests there were from the density of these frequencies. The bot wasn't made to see things. Putting a camera on that thing would make it heavier than necessary. " 

"So what do we do now?" Asks Saja

"I could try to bust through the wall with a shaped charge."

"Alright then, the stage is yours." I say to Uraim, as I signal to other members to step back and watch.

He puts his hand down in his pocket, feeling it for a bit before pulling out five brilliant red gems.

Pressing these gems onto the wall, Uraim widens his stance and begins to call out his magic.

Several small magic circles surround him. A yellow glow emanates from these circles, and the room gets a bit warmer and windier.

"Ere Klassimayne Fokuso!" 

The five gems all turn into yellow glowing orbs, all concentrating into one orb and firing itself point blank into the wall as a long and sharp spear of energy. 

Dust flies around the tunnel, and the wind created by the blast causes the wall to crumble entirely.

We wait for the dust and debris to settle.

"Oh god." Uraim says this as he looks down a large circular room on the other side.

"This is a nest, isn't it?" asks Uraim as he turns around to us awkwardly.

The sound of various creatures scuttling towards the wide opening forces everyone to turn around and run.

Uraim is overrun by various insects, but knowing him, he is probably excitedly using the teleportation gem given by Rachnie to escape his situation.

Thaenabelle casts a barrier spell on the opening made by Uraim, blocking the flow of the horde of bugs and immediately slicing any unfortunate creature in the path of the barrier in half. But some were able to make it towards me before the barrier was put up.

Uraim teleports away, and the insects all change their focus on me.

The bugs outrun me, and hordes of them cling to my back, causing me to trip.

The weight of the bugs presses on the teleportation gem given to me by Rachnie cracks in my pocket, while for Uraim, his gem was safely protected in a gauntlet.

The suddem sound of the gem cracking causes the others to stop running and turn back to assist me.

The bugs are already starting to make me bleed with their incessant biting!

Ilyis runs into the horde, stomping and slamming them into bits, while Thaenabelle casts a healing aura that effects any party member in a specific location.

Saja spins her staff, adorned with a green orb at the top, and points it at the mound of insects on top of me. "Azu Klassiscomma Pus!"

All of these creatures are all lifted and launched into the barrier at a high speed, causing them all to mush into a condensed, wrangled mass of dead insects, saving my back.

"Thank you, Saja..." I thank her as I stand up coughing.

Thaenabelle rushes over to my side and heals me without questioning, while Saja stands there and looks at me with an annoyed face.

"Be careful next time!" She scolds me.

"Alright, I will, I will."

If only I had the strength of my other party members; all I have is work ethic!