A Faceless Goon
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Description: In a world full of superheroes and supervillains where epic battles ensue. One has to wonder what happens to all the nameless goons and minions?  Where they're sandwiched between heroes willing to ravage through their numbers and their ruthless bosses willing to end their life at the slightest mishap. What's their lifestory, their hardships? After all, every life has a story to them.

And I thought this would be a good job.

I sighed before taking another swig at the alcohol bottle. A good insurance policy, good pay, professional training, good benefits, and a flexible schedule. It had everything a guy wanted. And now I'm stuck guarding a low tier evil organization base. I was bored, bored beyond relief yet I couldn't leave. I had nowhere to go after all, working for a villain organization does tend to leave a mark on your record. Making going to public likely lead to troubles with the local government. There was not much work to do though which was great though the... questionable quality of the workforce and administrating staff was worrying to say the least. I took a sip from the alcohol bottle.

"Hey rookie!" Yelled a lackey. Ah it was him, Poison. I swear who ever gave our code names need to get a talking.

"Will you get me beer?!" Poison asked with a bit venom.

"No." I responded, knowing it would piss him off. He was a bit... toxic probably from the fact that he was-

"Are you disrespecting me?" Poison yelled out. -exposed to the booster drug our mad scientist gave him. Honestly he used to be so nice, I don't know what the hell the drug did to him.

"Rookie I will rip out your tongue if you don't do it I will-" Poison paused for a second before giving out a high pitched yelp as a looked down only to see-

My foot between his legs.

He quickly fell down in pain, I finally got a sense of relief. I look back to the place I was guarding. It was in the middle of nowhere in the city. It was a disguised building meant to look like a main office building to some small unknown business. I saw a few wires poking out as I peeked through the windows. Honestly, this place is so empty and devoid of anything. I sighed wondering how I was going to explain this to my... quirky boss. I looked out the window, wondering what will happen.

Please find any grammar mistakes and put them in the comments.

Looking back on this after spending some time (more than I'll admit) writing it, it's... very cringy. Especially the dialogue, oh god the dialogue holy shit.