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Eredin Bréacc Glas, also dubbed Sparrowhawk by the unicorns, was an Aen Elle elf and commander of an elven cavalry known as the Wild Hunt. As its leader, he was known to most as the King of the Wild Hunt. Eredin was a high ranking general in his world until he killed the king and became his successor.


The charging unicorns and centaurs then slammed to the scattered lines of the wild hunt, demolishing the hounds, while the riders fought back. Even though the centaurs only used a bow and arrow, and a couple of sticks, they were devastating. Their kicks can crush the rider’s armour easily, and not to mention the lesser unicorns; their horns penetrate the armour of the riders as well, especially when they charge first.

Ed then conjured statues of knights that he conjured last year. He never tried it again after the fight, but knows it could be of use again. While the centaurs and unicorns were fighting, Ed then charmed the statues, making them look like soldiers, and they also charged.

“This is mad.” Ed whispered to himself, “I wonder how the wizarding world will react to this.”

Ed was already dead tired from the knights summoning, but he persisted. He looked directly at the furious Eredin, and threw an ice sword at him. Eredin, in fury, grabbed the sword mid-air and tried to throw it back at Ed, but instead he was greeted by a grinning Ed, who had switched places with the sword. Ed then placed his palm on Eredin’s breastplate, and it started to heat up; he had melted the breastplate of Eredin, exposing his chest.

Eredin then pushed Ed using magic wind, throwing him away from him.

“I admit I underestimated you baeg'dh'oine! But it will be the last of it.” Eredin then slammed his sword to the ground, and a bunch of portals suddenly opened behind him, bringing in reinforcements. 

“Shit.” Ed simply said as the newly summoned Riders quickly tried to trample him, but Ed quickly blinked away from the place, avoiding the riders.

Ed then quickly moved to the side of the Riders; then, he pressured their horses, making them abruptly stop, falling forward. And on the ground where the riders were falling, Ed summoned a bunch of ice spikes, impaling the riders dead on them as they fell. But it wasn’t enough, it simply was too much, the Riders kept coming, he had to find someone who was responsible for the reinforcements. He scanned around, looking for spatial fluctuations, and he found it, an armoured man with a staff.

He then quickly blinked to the man, and as Ed guessed now, the man had anticipated it as he too was quite adept at sensing space. He tried to slam Ed using his staff, but Ed quickly dodged it.

“Interesting ability you have baeg'dh'oine.” The man said.

“So I’ve been told.” Ed said coldly, summoning an ice sword to fight in melee. Ed then launched at the man, but the man had a lot of experience unlike Ed, and the boy quickly got pushed back using magic.

Ed used his space magic to stop the man from moving, but the man quickly casted the magic wind spell again, breaking Ed’s concentration. So he tried some new tactics; he quickly thought of something, and planned.

Ed then moved again, dashing towards the man.

“It’s useless baeg'dh'oine! You’re too inexperienced for a battle!” He shouted.

Ed didn’t mind it as he threw the sword at the man, weirding the man out. The man quickly grabbed the sword, and threw it back at Ed. The man thought he was successful in hitting Ed, but he turned out to be wrong. Ed had switched places with him, so he was the one who got hit, straight to the heart at that, mocking himself as to how his throw was too accurate.

“Well, it looks like I ’ve won.” Ed smiled weakly; it seemed that his magic powers were starting to run out.

The man then dropped down, as his body disappeared, cancelling the projection; his armour was still holding his staff. Ed then quickly walked to the man and tried to destroy the staff, but was soon interrupted by a big man, holding a giant mace.

Baeg'dh'oine! You attacked our navigator!” He shouted.

Ed just looked at him coldly, ‘Big guy, so he’s slow.’ Ed thought. He then summoned another ice sword. He blinked behind the man, but the man was too slow, so Ed quickly stabbed him, making him grumble in pain.

“How dare you!” He shouted.

“Too slow you baboon!” Ed mocked the man; he then blinked on top of his head, pulling his helmet. Ed then grabbed his head, and shot electricity at it, shocking the man as he felt his brain fry, but he didn’t die, as he was just a projection.

“Y-You!” The man shouted weakly; his projection was getting weaker and weaker, and eventually disappeared.

Ed was now exhausted; he could feel that he could collapse at any moment, but he kept fighting. He then felt a brute force hitting him from the back, making him thrown out onto a tree, breaking it in the process.

“You’re a dangerous bug, Silver-Eyes.” Eredin growled. “Defeating our two best men, and you’re still a baeg'dh'oine…”

Ed chuckled tiredly at this. “Like I said, you’re just a gang of outlaws.”

Eredin didn’t say anything; instead, he took the staff, and used it for himself.

Then slammed the staff to the ground, opening a portal. “Let’s go find Zireael.”

“Shit!” Ed said as he stretched his arm, trying to close the portal, but he was kicked again by Eredin, who was grinning madly at the exhausted Ed.

“Just like that and you’re exhausted? You’re truly just a baeg'dh'oine…”

“What the fuck is a ‘baeg'dh'oine’!” Ed then pushed them again using his space magic, throwing them away from Ed, while also breaking Eredin’s concentration.

From the blast, more trees got destroyed, and Ed was on the edge of collapsing.

“You’re like a cockroach baeg'dh'oine… hard to die…” Eredin said as he spat out blood. “But look at you now. So pathetic. So miserable.” He sneered, looking at the exhausted Ed.

Ed laughed weakly, “Says the guy who has a hole in his breastplate.”

Eredin growled and prepared to do a finishing blow on Ed, he took a stance, and he wanted to enjoy the expression of fear that Ed made, but he didn’t fear anything, instead he grinned, which made Eredin more pissed, so he lunged his sword at him, aiming for his heart, but once he felt that he had stabbed something, he also felt something passed through his chest. And when he realised it, Ed had switched places with Eredin, Eredin’s sword had pierced into Eredin’s projection heart, making Eredin’s projection slowly weakening.

“Y-You!” Eredin growled as he clenched the sword in his heart.

“How does it feel? To be beaten by a mere boy?” Ed smirked, although his body could fall at any minute.

“I will come for you baeg'dh'oine! After Zireael has been found I will search for you!” Eredin shouted as loud as he could, he realised that he has been underestimating the boy all along, he realised that he was just like Ciri, but he had better control over his power, better knowledge, and right now, he can’t beat him, even though he’ll march his entire world against him, he will always find a way, as Space was his domain.

“What? not going to find me after this?” Ed smirked weakly. “Scared? I only mastered this magic recently, you know… who knows how strong I will be in the next 5 years or so… after I get my family’s revenge, I will come for you Eredin…”

Eredin gritted his teeth, and his projection disappeared, and as soon as the rest of them knew that Eredin had been beaten, they quickly ran towards the rest of the available portal, running for their lives.

Ed then couldn’t hold it anymore, as he collapsed, but he quickly was supported by a centaur. “Hold on, young Aldrich, your Headmaster is coming.” Said the centaur, placing Ed against a tree.

“Moon Eyes, I’ve got to go. I am thankful for your help, may we meet again. And Star Eyes will help you in your journey, she promised.” Ed heard in his mind, it was definitely the unicorn.

Then, like the centaur said, Dumbledore appeared, walking towards Ed, inspecting the surroundings, “How is he Firenze?”

“Surprisingly good Dumbledore.” Firenze said, “He overused his magic.”

Dumbledore hummed, “Let’s get you out of here, Ed.”

Ed chuckled weakly at this, “Where were you Dumbledore? I almost died almost three times now…” he said. “Once again, you’ve proven yourself to be an oath-breaker Dumbledore…”

That sentence made Dumbledore frown, but then Ed, who was barely holding out, whispered, “Just make sure that Hermione wouldn’t kill me in my sleep, would you?”, then he had finally passed out from exhaustion.

Dumbledore sighed as he saw the boy who was lying against the tree. “Can you please bring him to the school Firenze? He needs to rest right now…”

“Will do Dumbledore.” Firenze picked Ed up, carrying him bridal style, “I will bring him to Hagrid.”

Dumbledore nodded weakly as he looked at the battlefield, trees fallen. snow scattered. dirt, everywhere. unicorn bodies, centaur bodies, but no enemy bodies, only dust. “Tell him what happened here, but also tell him don’t tell anyone else. Tell him to prevent anyone that wants to get close to the forbidden forest.”

Firenze nodded, and he quickly galloped through the snowy forest. Dumbledore stayed, still, surveying the battlefield. “What happened…”

Then, an old centaur approached Dumbledore; he was injured; his horse's body had a lot of cuts and bruises. “Dumbledore.” The centaur greeted the old man, limping to him.

“Magorian.” Dumbledore happened. “Are there any casualties?”

“Thankfully, there’s not much.” Magorian said, “The young foal that Firenze was now bringing to the school quickly finished the battle. It’s unbelievable that a young foal like him could withhold the trespasser army for so long until we arrived.”

“What really happened?” Dumbledore asked.

“We don’t know.” Magorian shook his head. “The unicorns of the forest suddenly approached the colony, asking for help. They’re saying that a dangerous group has entered the forest. We, as it is our home, of course, stood up to protect it. But what I found strange was that even Mars didn’t even tell us about this event… When we arrived here, we saw strange hounds emanating coldness, wraiths with red cloaks on black horses; a unicorn foal, and a human foal fighting them.”

“Wraiths… hounds… black horses… coldness…” Dumbledore thought out loud, and he figured it out quickly. “You know the tales of the Wild Hunt Magorian?”

Herlaþing? Are those real?” Magorian was surprised.

“At first I thought it was just a myth, like muggles said wizards and witches are myths… but now… I can see that they’re real…” Dumbledore said weakly.

Magorian looked at the battlefield. “Then the colony and the families of the fallen will be proud that their families fought off the demons who hunt souls.”

Dumbledore hummed, “But the question is… why did they come here?”

“That is a question that even the planets can’t answer.” Magorian said.

Another centaur then walked up to them, greeting them politely. “Magorian, Dumbledore.”

“Bane.” Magorian nodded, “Have you sent the unicorns off?”

“We have.” Bane said, “We have also buried the fallen of the unicorns, so humans won’t deprecate their bodies.”

Dumbledore nodded, “Is there anything I can do for your colony Magorian? I can’t help but feel guilty about this.”

“Just tell the young foals not to investigate this Dumbledore.” Magorian said, “We don’t want them wandering this place, especially if the Herlaþing come back.”

“I’m already planning to stop them, as well as the ministry…” Dumbledore said, and he heard Bane snort. “But other than the trivial things, do you want anything?”

“We are proud creatures, Dumbledore.” Magorian said, “We don’t want any help from humans.”

Dumbledore nodded weakly. “Very well… I trust you can take care of your colony and the forest Magorian. I will leave then.”

Magorian nodded, and Dumbledore went back to school, using the apparition, appearing back to his office. And in his office, two professors were waiting for him, ready to ask him questions.

“What happened Albus? I heard explosions twice from the forest, and Granger said that something had happened in the forest..” McGonagall asked in worry.

“Where’s Miss Granger now Minerva?” Dumbledore asked her calmly.

“I’ve escorted her to the Gryffindor tower.”

Dumbledore nodded weakly, “She’s the one who alerted me on this matter.” He said, “There has been a battle between the creatures of the forest and unknown trespassers.”


“An unknown army.” Dumbledore continued, “I believe that it was the Wild Hunt.”

“The wild hunt?” Snape frowned, “Forgive me Dumbledore, but are those just-”

“Myths?” Dumbledore questioned, “The centaurs saw them, Severus, the forest is frozen right now, the grounds were littered with centaurs and unicorn blood.”

McGonagall gasped, “But what has that got to do with Miss Granger? How does she know about the battle?”

“Because I believe one of her friends participated in the battle.” Dumbledore said calmly. “I’ve recovered him, his safe in the hospital wing, exhausted, but safe.”

“Is it Aldrich?” Snape asked once again.

“Yes Severus, it is young Ed.” Dumbledore said, causing McGonagall to be surprised. “But please, don’t tell anyone about what had really happened in the forest, even if the minister himself came to you.”

“Then how are you going to hide the news?” Severus said, “Surely everyone in the castle had heard the explosions.”

“I will deal with it.” Dumbledore simply said.

“Hold on! Why are you two not surprised that Mr. Aldrich is involved in this!? He got injured too, as you said!” McGonagall said in disbelief.

“You know what his father is capable of Minerva.” Dumbledore said calmly. “I wouldn’t be surprised if those Riders had shown themselves to the world again because of his family.”

McGonagall was gobsmacked, “And you’re not going to do something to prevent it or- or find out more about it?! Unbelievable!”

“There’s some mysteries that even us wizards and witches do not know the answer to Minerva.” Said the old man wisely. “And a friend of mine once said that if there’s a mystery you cannot solve, then it’s probably unsolved for a reason.”

“Why is the boy in the middle of the forest, anyway?” Snape interrupted. “It is simply a bizarre case.”

“That is the question, isn’t it?” Dumbledore said, “But I’m afraid that that question won’t be answered until the boy wakes up.”

Dumbledore then looked at the two. “Do I believe that I can trust you to calm down the students? We need to contain the situation as soon as possible.”

“We already have Fillius and Pomona handle it.” McGonagall nodded.

“Good then.” Dumbledore then looked at McGonagall, “Minerva, I believe it’s best of you to escort Miss Granger to young Ed right now; oh, before he passed out, he gave me a task to, and I quote, ‘make sure that Hermione wouldn’t kill me in my sleep’.”

McGonagall shook her head in amusement, and snorted. “Very well, but you’re the one who needed to explain to the ministry about this.” The woman then left the room rather quickly, leaving Dumbledore and Snape alone.

“Do you think that this ‘Wild Hunt’ would be a threat bigger than the dark lord?” Snape asked warily.

“No…” Dumbledore whispered, “No, I do not think so, Severus… but we must be careful, can you find out more information about it?”

Severus nodded weakly, “Very well… then I will go.” The man then exited the room, too, leaving Dumbledore alone. He then sat in his chair, his calm face now gone, replaced with an anxious and tired one.

“I’ve failed you again, Edwyn…” Dumbledore whispered, “I truly am an oath-breaker… first Arianna, Grindelwald, Arisanna, and now this…”