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“How long have you been here?” I ask, putting my paw to my forehead as my tail stops moving and droops.

“Well, considering I ran after you, the whole time,” she replies with a hint of disgust in her voice.

I turn around to face her, and see her grim expression. I can’t help it, I begin to just…tear up. As she sees my face, her expression changes to confusion. “You really…oh my god. I…need to go.”

“Wait, Lina!” I cry.

She didn’t seem as angry as distraught, but I didn’t want to run after her. What I put her through was obviously a big shock, even if it was just…me being me. I let my shoulders slump and leaned against the wall of the loading dock, sliding down pathetically just a little. I wipe my tears off my face with my arm.

“Christ, dude,” I hear Tom say behind me, “I know this is kind of a weird moment, but, you probably need a ride home, huh?”

“...Yeah,” I reply, “if you could do that, that would be nice.”

He motions for me to follow, and we silently walk through the clear night skies until we reach his car. I hop in the passenger side, as I’ve done so many times before, adjusting the seat forwards. We wordlessly drive through the night for a few minutes.

“Could you, um, drive me around the block a few times? I can pay for gas if that’s an issue,” I ask him.

“Don’t worry about it,” he says, “you got a lot on your mind, Wolf. Or, sorry, you had a new name?”

“Teresa,” I reply, “Tess for short.”

“Right, Tess,” he says, “feel free to let loose.”

“So, I guess, she showed up at the restaurant last night, and I had transformed, and…she asked me out. Because she didn’t recognize me,” I begin, “so then I said yes, because I figured she was pretty cute. I got to school and that’s when that whole fight happened, so yeah.”

“Jeez, that’s a lot to unpack,” he replies, “I mean, you know how girls are.”

“I don’t, really,” I reply, “these feelings are so new and I just didn’t want to hurt her or put either of us in danger.”

He snorts. “You were worried about hurting your bully’s feelings?”

“I mean, yeah,” I reply, “she’s not a perfect person, but I saw how sweet she can be. I know she’s been pretty shitty to me, but…”

“Tess, that’s like, Copenhagen syndrome, or something,” he replies.

Stockholm syndrome,” I reply, “and no. I know, she’s prone to violence, prone to being like that to me as a guy, but…I mean, you saw what happened.”

“She ran away from you, yeah, seems like a pretty crystal clear message to me,” he says as he takes the first turn around the block.

“Right, but my point is, she didn’t attack me. She ran away, like she was responding to the hurt with genuine emotions other than anger,” I reply.

“I guess,” he replies, “you wanna spend some time at my place? Sounds like we’re gonna need more than a few trips around the block.”

“Sure,” I reply, wiping my eyes off with a napkin he has from a McDonald’s bag. His place is only a few minutes away via car, and we quickly arrive. We both hop out, and walk in. His mom is sleeping in the other room already, as she does after work. I text Mama quickly about where I am, and let her know I’ll call her later. She sends me a string of texts that amount to “I’m worried about you”, which I respond to with a heart and say I’ll chat soon.

Tom brings me a glass of cola, which I sip gently as I sit down on the couch next to him. As soon as I do, I feel the tears welling up again. He brings a box of tissue from the kitchen, and I thank him as I wipe the tears off my face.

“You love her a lot, dontcha Tess?” he asks, his brow fraught with worry.

“I…I do, she’s been so kind to me, and even, before you went over, I mean, she explained why she hates guy-me so much. And it makes sense, even if it hurts,” I reply between sniffles.

“It’s because she liked you, yeah?”

“How’d you know?”

“God, Tess, you’re so fucking oblivious sometimes,” he says, chuckling a little.

“I am not,” I reply with a growl.

“You are. By the way, that tone of voice you get is kind of adorable. I could get used to having a best friend who’s a wolf,” he says, reaching his hand up to pet my ears.

“I mean, you expected this would happen, didn’t you?” I reply as I gently place his hand

“Yeah, but I thought you would be, y’now, a seven foot jock. Don’t get me wrong, I’m your buddy any way you look, but you seem happier like this,” he says.

“I…I am, yeah,” I reply, “even if this is gonna make things harder with pretty much everyone I know.”

“I mean, you’ve got me, worst comes to worst,” he replies, “and I know you’ll have whatever fantastic friends you’ll make at whatever school you choose to go to.”

“Thanks,” I say as I smile at him, and give him a hug.

“I’m not used to the hugs,” he coughs, “you are very strong.”

“Oh, uh, sorry!” I reply as I release him.

“You’re fine!” he says, “I just think maybe you should uh, strength test a little so you know your limits.”

“That’s fair,” I reply, “I’m bored, do you wanna play some vidya?”


We play a variety of games in his collection, him beating me on most of the fighting games (which isn’t fair, because I’m still learning how to use my paws!). Eventually, the night winds down, and I notice the time.

“I should probably get going,” I say.

“You want me to drive you?” he asks.

“Probably, yeah, normally I’d just walk but Mama’s been weird about me being out at night. Let me just text her to let her know,” I reply.

“Will your dad be home at all?” he asks.

“Nah, you know, business and all this time of month,” I reply.

“That’s fair.”

We pile into his car, and we’re at my place in no time. I get out of the passenger door, waving to him, and begin my trek upstairs. As I unlock the door, I see Mama is waiting for me, anxiously staring at me.

“Teresa,” she says, “you really had me worried!”

“Mama, I told you I was okay, and I was at Tom’s place! I was safe, promise,” I reply.

“I know, but you didn’t want to call and weren’t speaking much! I just worry about my little girl,” she replies as she walks up to me and embraces me.

“Mama, I’ve only been your little girl for like a month! I can handle myself!”  I insist.

“Hmph, maybe you can, but I’m still going to worry, it’s what mothers do,” she replies, “now come, tell Mama what happened.”

I explain the story to her, with her rubbing my shoulder and hugging me at various times during the story. It’s hard to read her expression, but I can tell she’s got a lot of mixed feelings as the story goes on. As I reach the end, she gives me a big hug.

“I’m so proud of you for coming to me with that, Teresa,” she says.

“How would you have handled it, Mama?” I ask.

“To tell you the truth, Teresa, I wouldn’t have said yes to the date in the first place. I didn’t want to say anything because I saw how giddy you were for your cute little date, but this always had the potential to happen, especially with your history together. You would’ve had to have told her regardless,” she replies.

“Yeah, I know, Mama,” I reply as I sigh disappointedly, “you’re right, I just…it felt so right with her, like we just connected. I hoped things would be alright when I did tell her.”

“You know, Teresa,” she says, “if it makes you feel better, I think you handled the rest of it well. She’s going to need a lot of time to herself, so I’m glad you let her have that space, and I’m very proud of you for opening yourself up to Tom.”

My eyes well up with tears again as I stammer out, “ you think she’s going to still want me?”

“I don’t know, honey, I don’t know,” Mama replies, “but I know that a beautiful, intelligent young lady like you will find someone who loves her for every part of who she is.”

“Okay, Mama,” I reply as I hug her tighter, letting the sobs flow out of me. She strokes my back gently, and as we release from it, she gives me a smile as she wipes the tears off my face with a tissue from her pocket.

“You should go to sleep, you’re going to have a long day tomorrow,” she replies, “might even have you skip school to help me prepare things for dinner, especially with how early your changes have been.”

“Okay, Mama,” I call as I shuffle off to bed, “good night!”

“Good night, Teresa!”