Chapter 19
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"Rise and shine. Atleus, at your service nya…"

I said to myself while leaving the bed. Hmm… ah yeah, why am I in my room again?

–... Cause someone carried you?

Make sense.

{Now… I do am starting to realize that maybe… I should ask for Lea to make my room slow down in time… that way I won't waste as much time training…}

*Tzzt, tzzt.*

_Hello? Ah yeah, this is Lea. And the answer is no. Also come here, I need your help._

I got teleported immediately… Do I have an opinion for this?… guess not.

–Well… I'm sure it will be fine… probably.

For now… I made a glove similar to the one in my left hand using 10% concentration. I then just need to…

I closed my eyes and tried to enter my room of consciousness.

*Fwoosh* (this is an edited sound effect, there wasn't a sound originally, but people complained that if there isn't a sound, then we have to add one ourselves cause it's important or something… this is a joke.)

I entered my room of consciousness, and after doing that, I opened the door to go in the place called, living room.

"Hey, Alter, are you here?"

I asked while glancing around, noticing that he's hiding somewhere I don't currently know, I just imagined him teleporting to me, and he did.

"... What is it?"

He asked to me in a confused tone.

"Suelta can't enchant. I can't enchant, but since I do have some abilty to analyze enchanted items… I kinda thought you are the one who can enchant things in the three of us."

I said bluntly, without trying to lie…

(Plot hole… ignore it.)

"Hmm… and what do I gain?"

Nothing. Basically nothing, you will just help this miserabl-

"Fine! I don't like to hear you and your self hatred anyway."

Alter just said before leaving…

{Now gotta wait.}

I thought as I summoned a chair, a table and tea. I sat on the chair like a normal person, I drank my tea lightly, before putting it in the table.

"Ah… this is nice."

I said so before I summoned a book that I already read before, but that doesn't stop me from reading it again.

(Change pov.)

"Nggn… yep, moving is painful…"

–... A different way of saying that… who are you?

Alter. Don't ask more information than that.

I looked around me, there is a glove on my left hand and another one on my right, althoughr I don't have analyze like Atleus does, from my unconscious experience of enchanting, it seems to be that the one on the left is enchanted, while the one on the right isn't…

–He wanted you to copy the enchantment on the right, to the left. Since they use identical vessels, and copying something requires less concentration than making it from scratch, I'm sure you can do this.

... I should just use my own concentration for this then.


I looked at the left glove… and immediately copied it's effect to the right glove. And done… nggn…

I shouldn't have done this. Why is my head so painful…

–Critical level of concentration. That's why.

… Anyway…

I closed my eyes and imagined myself going back to the place where Atleus was…


I teleported on a table… causing it to shake a little , and something spilled towards my legs… what's this… it's strangely hot…


I looked at Atleus, his eyes are 100% angry. Oh… oh no…

I spilled his tea, didn't I? I jumped off the table and looked at the color of the liquid I spilled… it was fancy orange?… which is strange as how can I see it without light, but… I definitely spilled it.

I unconditionally take a step back, but he was already in front of me, with a wooden sword in his hand… oh no…

"That… that was my tea nya!!!"

He shouted angrily at me as he tripped me by something invisible before slashing 30 times while I was still not done falling… he then grabbed me before making… my head feel painful……

(Change pov.)

"... That's what you get for spilling my tea nya!!"

I said in anger before teleporting him to a bed in his room.

"Tch… this place isn't nice."

I imagined myself leaving, and I already was not here.


I moved my hands a little… oh yep, I'm definitely faster than before.

–Someone named Alter… yeah, you already knew, anyway, what to do?

"... First things first…"

I summoned Cheating machinations and did a spin slash. Hmm… from my metal sensor, there's a legendary sword close…

*Creak, Creak*

I turned around… and immediately seeing something I should've not seen, I immediately turn again and started to run.

"Oh god nya! What's that nya?!"

I asked, perplexed as to why there is something scary and unknown that I haven't known yet… Lea…

 _Forgotten to mention this, but this strange scary monster that is specifically like 3 ranks stronger than you has stolen a sword from me… so uh…_

So… help me?

A portal appeared in front of me in a sudden manner, being careful, I did a sidestep to dodge it, but I got hit in the side as I underestimated how fast the monster is… I got pushed away, and I teleported to the ground just so that I can save myself from being pushed away too far, causing me to lose sight of the unknown monster…

{It's not really strong, it looks like a very… very… very scary slime with lots of death in it. It probably is scary as hell and touching it which probably erode my body if done long enough, hooray to… wait… this once can just summon portals, but not teleport right?}

_Teleporting seems to be impossible for this thing._

–... Hmm… I see…

I changed myself to an Angel and immediately started to accelerate in the air… I just need 13 seconds…

I dodged some portals that fires arms in front of me by doing a really risky air roll… after that, I accelerated even faster, if I touch something stationary while moving at this speed… I will probably destroy many walls in a straight line…

I did a quick turn around before making Cheating machinations be in the air, pointing in front of me while I summoned Angel and I just aimed it somehow diagonally…

I dashed through the monster.

"And… did I hit the core?"

I asked while switching Cheating machinations to a bow. I focused my sight to a quickly regenerating monster… hoof…

–for now… aimed slightly more to the left…

Got it… I made a magic arrow while correcting my aim… I pulled the string…

"... And hit nya."

I said in corresponding to me letting go of the string, causing a magical arrow to quickly fly and hit a spot that is very not clear to see.

Slowly, the monster started to evaporate, as if it doesn't exist anymore… after it became basically nothing, I walked towards it while changing into my cat form.


A sword, I looked into it. It looks like a very sharp sword with a missing object in the hilt, it's as if the object was removed… I grabbed it…

–... Hmm… this is… Angel Sword: Time Slower.

I tried to put concentration in it, but it didn't do anything noticeable.

_I'm still here… anyway that sword is just a normal sword… definitely._

–I don't think something that is considered "a legendary sword", to be a normal object. And it has 20% general regen up, something that every Legendary Swords has by technically.

_Maybe someone enchanted that? Anyway, I teleport you here, so bring the sword back to me please?_

–Your decision, Atleus.

{An object removed… a sword called Time Slower… Lea has it, but lost it… what is it that Lea has that makes it so that she lost it, but didn't care about it?... Wait, doesn't she have a time stone? Regarding it shape, it is shape like a 4 sided diamond you see on cards… hmm…}

I looked back at the shape of the hole that is on the sword…

{It looks to be a 4 sided object is missing here… I see… she lost it, but for some reason, kept the Stone herself?}


–Atleus? Atleus?

{But then… why is that… ah I see. She probably stole the stone as a last resort as she couldn't keep the sword itself… so by this, what I concluded was… that the sword itself isn't gonna do it's real purpose when someone remove a material from it.}

–Atleus… can you hear me?

… Ah, yeah?

–Great. You've been silent for a while now, I thought you stopped moving…

No? Anyway, sure. I kinda want to go to the lab again. Been a while since I have been there. Also I have a quick question… how many seconds did it took before the sword got stolen, Lea?

_Hmm… 2 seconds?_

Oh. Make sense considering that thing, huh.

*Fwoosh* (added sound effect due to the fact that everyone likes that teleports should have sound, when in reality, it makes them too predictable where they're coming if they do have sounds, so by this, they shouldn't have sound.)

"Hello and welcome now-"

Without looking at anything else, I immediately put the time stone into the sword I have on my hand. Yep, perfect fit. I immediately put some concentration into it to slow down her time and move away from her.

"... Yep, it works as intended now."

I then removed the time stone from the sword. Well… I kinda realized that maybe, just maybe that I can use this sword with other stones…

–I felt like you just forgotten what you did earlier…

"... Hey!! Are you insane!! What would you think would happen when-... Where is he?"

Misdirection. Due to the fact that I have another 40% up, it makes it so that with both of them, I have 80% up in speed. So basically… I only need 0.2 seconds to do this trick now. Who would have thought that a 40% speed up is too big of an increase.

–If your gloves got destroyed… won't that mean the enchantment will be destroyed too?

Guess so, but I don't think that will happen… probably. In the worst case scenario, I make sure that I don't get hit in the hands then…

{Which item to… ah…}

I collapsed… my head?... Again?


"Trying to escape, huh? Don't worry, I will slow down time for a month here, consider it a payment for bringing me this sword back."

I put the sword on one of my rings before……

–Hehe… that's what you get. Anyway the sword itself is useless anyway, so give it to him.

"I guess… that's kinda true."

She just said before turning around and leaving the Atleus lying on the floor to be suddenly teleported on a room.

"For now… I kinda don't have any new materials to analyze…"

A faint murmur to herself could be heard before she closed the door to her personal lab.

"Uggh nya… waking up is always painful…"

I let out a complaint while stretching my arms… for now…

I used 20% of my concentration to switch my dirtied clothes with new ones… this time… a black jacket, with shorts… technically the only thing I changed was the shorts… they're much more comfortable than trousers, that's for sure.

–Good morning… why shorts though?

Cause… comfortable?

–[... Your jacket is too big to be showing the shorts, you also look like a girl due to your long hair and short figure… people would probably question why you are wearing such questionable clothes.]

Did you just think of me as short?

–[Did you just read my mind?]... Yes. And let's be real, you kinda are short….below average for your age. Average height for a girl, I give you that much…

Tch… anyway, no. I won't change my clothes. Never.

I switched my shoes to a much more comfortable one, with knee high socks in cause… comfortable.

–you wasted 20% concentration… great, you only have 60% concentration left. [Worth it, 100% worth it. I get to see my unfulfilled dreams, so it's worth it.]

{... I see… noted.}

A sliding door opened and I looked at the one who opened it. Lea… well, that was expected.

"Hey, Atleus… What are you wearing? Why do you look like a cute girl?"

Lea asked while looking at me with a confused look, she seems to be positive about it however…

"... Clothes?"

I said on a confused tone. She blinked twice before faking a cough…

"Ahem... Anyway, I have some errands for you, I need you to get me some rare material here…"

{If you know where the material is, why bother asking me?}

I thought to myself.

"Well… you know the fact that you can know every metal 50 meters around you right? I need that."

She abruptly said before teleporting me to the location…

A desert-like place, a place I don't really know well… There's some ore lying underground, but they don't seem to be the target.

"Hmm… mission start."

I muttered to myself while looking around… some metal objects moving underground… I see, this place has many monsters that digs underground, huh.

–Guess so…

I summoned Cheating machinations and immediately ran in front of me, trying to outrun the enemies below, and suddenly, a subtle noise below me was heard… I did a backflip while covering myself with gears, just so that I can protect myself while I get hit in the air.

–Of course, some monsters underground doesn't have metal on them.

I looked around as I soon reached the ground. Projectiles coming towards me in every direction while I stood in place, guarding myself from the danger…

One monster tried to go below me, so the first thing I did was basically just stab the desert-like ground with my sword. Hey, I don't have a choice either.

*Tzzt, tzzt*

_Lea here. The material needed is from a monster that is leading monsters underground… it should be close to you, probably._

That's some scary things to say to me, but sure… it's already close by, after all.

{Let's see… 46 meters under me, it's the next one who would try to kill me by going under me…}

Which magic is… no, I don't think I can do a magic spell that is able to kill this one…

I teleported 30 meters upwards, and also 1 meter in front of me while in the air. I stood with reverse gravity in the invisible platform I made using concentration… I switched Cheating machinations to a bow while I shot the blade of Cheating machinations to the spot I stood before… immediately creating a mana string for the bow, I made one magic arrow using 7% concentration…

–27% concentration left.

More than enough.

I pulled the string and a subtle noise was heard as a big worm slowly started to appear on the ground, it is however not able to reach me in this distance I created… I then let go of the string and the arrow quickly flew towards the big worm, and as it completely emerges…

"And hit nya."

I said at the exact time it got hit. And, did it… probably…

–20% concentration left… I knew reversing gravity would be bad… but I didn't think… ah…


My head…

I soon fell to the ground, feeling too much pain in my head to safely land… this is why reversing gravity sucks… why did I do it?

–To kill it faster? If you are standing on the air with normal gravity on, you have to shoot downwards, which is unfortunately, something that isn't really possible to do unless you want to hurt yourself in the process since the gears of Cheating machinations will touch you and your arm might get scraped… maybe.

{No… nggn … I totally did it to look cool…}


I fell on the sandy ground. I tried to stand, but I can't even due to the fact that my head is in large amount of mental pain…


As I was about to get hit, Lea teleported and stopped the attack by just slowing down the time…

"Hmm… Well, I can't really deal with that monster myself due to the fact that I don't have an offensive ability, but… thanks."

She just said as I felt like my vision is quickly darkening……

–... Fainting again… *sigh* at this point, that's your only weakness.

"And the weakness, he shall always have."

Lea chimed in while collecting some rare materials from the monsters Atleus slain… which are like, unexpectedly 4.

"Yep… 3 got caught on the crossfire, huh."

She murmured to herself while quickly teleporting herself and Atleus back to her base.

"Concentration is based on one's mental capacity, but for some reason, his concentration is somehow quite lacking even though he is pretty much not normal in intellect… this proves that…"

She paused, and just teleported Atleus to a room before turning around. She then quietly said…

"Weak willed. An unfortunate thing to happen, a permanent debuff that lowers ones concentration by 2000%... It's so rare that it shouldn't even happen, but it did…"

She grabbed the rare material she so desired and put it in a tube of some sorts…

"But, I don't really care about that. Hehehehe… let's look into this metal then!"

She laughed maniacally before starting to analyze it…

–Who is narrating you ask?... No one knows. I'm still in the lab, however.