Chapter 29
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After resting for two hours… I stood and I was planning to go back-


I got teleported to her Lab… saves me the trouble… I should ask her about that Beast weapon I call, I can't use it's 20% Regen if I don't know it's name… that's how legendary weapons work, you need to be fit that you know the weapon's name to be able to use it, otherwise they're just equivalent of a sword that is as sharp as a wooden sword… well depends on the whole idea of a wooden sword, but some wooden swords are sharp.

–... [Is it just me or am I able to tell that… Atleus has a fairly high chance of liking wooden swords or something?]

"Hey Lea, I need some…"

Before I get to say anything else, I got teleported to an area I had no memories of.


I summoned Cheating machinations and made the gear that is orbiting around me to be on a fixed X pattern behind me while I kept the sword to myself. This is kinda nice to do, although quite inefficient.

–Who says we're doing it for efficiency? We're doing it for the cool.

Of course… but this place is really cold, isn't it? There should be at least a legendary weapon here, hopefully. It's a 50/50 and hopefully, I get the good 50 in me.

I looked around me in this cold place… it's raining snow… although I don't really experience what snow is, I do know that some places do have it… nice for them, cause I have to wear light clothes to bear the goddamn heat of this world… *sigh*... Little rant out…


I muttered while closing my eyes… after closing them for a second, I entered the state of semi hyper focus and opened my eyes.

–You've been entering this state easier than before… are you fine now?

{Yes, that surely must be the case. I truly forgotten it huh…}

I felt a bit sad, but for some reason, I can't feel it, nor can I feel the gloominess of the awkward conversation… I should let loose my focus…


I'm focusing too much, it might cause me to lose my emotions at point, and that may also be permanent loss.

–... Ah, you're halfway into hyper focus huh…

I stopped deeply focusing and just gaze around the place normally. This place… it feels too deserted, with only one strong being in here… well, Guess that's my target.


A loud roar of an unknown monster was heard by me, before I got hit behind me… good thing those gears helped me actually almost tank it… hmm… one broken bone… eh, that's fine. I can heal it later.


I summoned Death bringer… I should be able to kill it instantly right?...

I dashed to a presence I felt and did a quick and strong horizontal slash, causing blood to spew into my view as the presence suddenly vanished… misdirection…

I switched Death bringer to Devil bringer… die…

I covered the sword with 10% concentration, filling it with dark energy and the dark energy immediately made the sword technically a 200 meter sword…

Sorry for the collateral damage I will deal here…

I did a spin slash all around me and did a dash, before doing another spin slash…

I felt that a tail was about to hit me so I instinctively grabbed it and threw it, as well as the thing it is connected to… to the floor. I stabbed Devil bringer to the ground as well as the tail, making a deep, but narrow hole under this monster…

I then summoned Death bringer once again.

"How many concentration is needed now?... Oh great."

–20%... It's 80% close to dying after all.

I covered the sword in a light amount of concentration and as the monster tried to attack me while it's tied down by Devil bringer, I did a horizontal slash while taking a step.


I said quite normally while the monster died, with its head cut off, by me.

I… I didn't really use Cheating machinations huh… well… diversity that's all.

–... You forgotten it cause you thought to kill this snake by death bringer, right?

… Yes.

I sliced it into multiple pieces using the gears and Cheating machinations, while I can see again as the annoying snow that was hindering my vision was gone…

I looked around again, and noticed a door that is slowly opening… this big snake is a guardian? They better pick a… oh, the snake has that inside it?

I collected a blue ore that is shaped like a diamond (this "<>" but, turn it 90°) and put it into my side bag for now… I should enchant that bag, but maybe later.

I summoned Time slower and put the blue ore and put it into the mold… it fits perfectly. Well… this one has…

I flowed concentration into the sword, but it didn't do anything but freeze my hand, and make touching the sword very cold… I already have Emelas which has four elements: Fire, Wind, Thunder, Ice… so I don't really think I need this, and considering I'm in a cold place, I probably should consider that a cold weapon won't help, probably.

_Give me that stone._

The ore that is in the mold of Time slower instantly vanished in my vision… eh, sure, help yourself.

–Let's go.

I started to enter and see what's beyond this big stone door.

The moment I entered, a trap behind me activated, but the gears of Cheating machinations dealt with them… where's the blade and the handle?... It's spinning behind me, slightly closer to me than the gears.

"... Wicked bastards."

I said while continuing to walk in this dark, but also calming dungeon, or a basement?... I can't really know.

While walking for a while, I slipped and fell down…

As I was feeling that I was reaching the ground, I teleported to not feel the pain of falling.

"... Why are there stairs in this dark place?"

I summoned Emelas and tried to use it to become engulfed in fire to light this place up, but for some reason, it wasn't doing anything… tch… that's worrisome, that means I can't use Emelas…

As I started to walk again, the place lit up, showing a Very big snake, Blue in color in front of me, targeting me immediately, as if my life was a sacrifice… ah…

"... Ah…"


I immediately teleported away before getting hit by a probably venomous bite from a big snake.

"Kuh… wait, that still hit me?..."

I looked at my right arm, there is an injury there that I didn't have before… how?

–The snake is probably using cheat codes. Here we are, using our advance classes advantage to win, and here he is, being a cheater, hitting us, while we already teleported. Probably using an always hit hacks.

That's some very strange words you're saying there, but I do understand it.

I grabbed the sword of Cheating machinations and threw it in the Cheating Snake, it hit the snake, causing it to immediately vanish… what the hell is with the snakes here and misdirection?

I made 30 fireballs all around me, and fire them off, seeing if they hit the goddamn snake. Tch, I can still use magic and teleportation, but I'm limited to the weakest one… yes teleportation is known as the most weakest magic, cause it doesn't do damage, weird that utility doesn't matter, but damage does… people are weird.

–Well… it's a ranking based on the old times, and in the old times… teleporting takes too many seconds as they didn't really learn how to skip chanting.

?... Teleportation magic is taught this days without chanting, even though most books has the chant, many of them still teaches you as f how not to do it with chants… although that doesn't stop some idiots taking years to read a thick book that should only take 3 weeks to read. I won't blame them a lot though as… okay one of the fireballs hit something.

I looked around and as I seen a glimmer of something blue, I made Cheating machinations go back to me and I slashed it up twice, before teleporting away so that I won't get hit by a retaliating tail sweep, I then used the gears behind me to keep it somewhat in place…

Snakes should die, just like the damage they did to my right arm… nggn…

I used Cheating machinations to quickly stab it 6 times, before doing a strong horizontal slash as the finisher of my combo… well, it's not like I can continue it any longer as after the horizontal slash, my eyes will be filled with blood…

*Blood spluttering sound*

As expected… I can't see. My eyes are in pain.

–If you know, make a barrier. You only used 10% concentration in this, probably cause we didn't even make a lot of fireballs.

I sliced the bloody snake with the gears of Cheating machinations and stole a stone in a shape of a diamond. I put it into my side bag before anyone noticed it.

"Oh right…"

I used 40% concentration to add a simple enchantment to the side bag… now it's 100 times bigger inside. That means I can actually use it like a normal bag, to store thngs and not just put money and my useless potions in. I should probably also add weightless in it…

… And done. My concentration should be…

–45%. That's how much your concentration is left. For now. Let's go to the reason as to why were here anyway.

I looked around me and before I knew it, I fainty seen a stone get teleported… so that's the target? Well I have another target here…

I used the gears of Cheating machinations to destroy a wall… yep, it's here.

Angel weapon: Cold Light… this weapon is basically useless because I have Emelas anyway. But it's definitely much stronger in terms of being colder than Emelas, if only I actually think that ice magic is useful… fire magic for me is used as a situational setplays and hitscans, but ice magic is basically just homing projectiles, this is kinda good for most people as that means they don't need to aim, but for me… I kinda know that Icyles, the most basic of ice magic, still uses more concentration than Fireball.

–Fireball is just better in terms that you can use it anyway you like… and that's because it doesn't do anything, unless you think it can do that. If you want it to automatically home at targets, you shouldn't do this, then you can make it home… And mages do have some specialization too….


I used heal to cure myself of the damages my right arm took…

"... Great heal…"

Just to make sure I actually heal myself… forget the fact that I can't see, I can just…

"The most useless magic ever… clean."

I said the magic spell and my body got cleaned… but not my clothes, no matter, it didn't really get damaged anyway, just became a bit dirty because of the blood that got it my clothes.

I then reversed my tracks to go back to where I started to enter this dungeon, the door.

"*Sigh*... I did my job, Lea… make sure to give me at least a 2 hour rest…"

I said before closing my eyes… I tried to enter the place of my consciousness again…


And it worked. I'm here…

"... Leon… where is this?"

I looked around my room… or what's supposedly my room, and it's filled with a lot of luxurious and black colored antiques and items…

"... I know that black is cool and all… but I can't see when everything here is dark you know?"

Yep, this room is originally black, so there's a reason why I didn't bother actually going for black items, cause it will make it hard to see here…

"... Eh, there's a sure way to fix that…"

Suddenly the room become a light gray, making it so that I can see all the items much more clearly now… why is there a black wand? Wands are useless.

"Oh, I see."

I sat on the throne I am always used to sit on and made some tea… why is it that I'm remembering those moments now when I try to drink this tea?...


I immediately stood up silently while disregarding the tea I just made. It wouldn't taste good if I just keep thinking of sad things anyway.

"Make sure to say hello… make sure to call Ivvone and also say hi to them for me."

Them?... This is why I get gender confused…

"Ah… sure…"

I tried to teleport to her place, but somehow, I was blocked…


I left my room and just got to her room normally, by phasing through the wall and by counting how many seconds I took while walking, before turning either left or right…

After a while…

"I'm here."

I said while opening the door to Ivvone's place.

"... I didn't really think you would get here by the traditional means… how did you get here?"

She asked a question like that and I honestly answered her by saying this…

"I have a map of the entire place in my mind. Of course I would notice that there's a pathway that is there on the wall, and a name called Ivvone's room for a weird reason you know?"

"Okay, that's just convenience at this point. Anyway, what are you doing here?"

She asked me this question while looking annoyed at me. I summoned a wand while pointing it at her.

"What I want is… basically, uh… to say hello for me, and Leon. Anyway, I'm just here to…"

My head suddenly started to feel pain… another one?