Chapter 34
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4 minutes later. A bunch of mages, with different classes and different specializations tries to destroy scarecrows, or at least damage it to the point that it will help them. This is kinda the second test, so if you can do this, you're officially allowed to actually enter in the academy, it is kinda surprising that 60% of the people I have seen so far are failing…

–That Scarecrow also had all elemental resist. It basically lessens damage taken from all magic that can damage it by 30%...

That's a big enchantment to give to a scarecrow.

"Next participant, number 34: Leus."

As I was called, I stood up and got in front of the many scarecrows… *sigh*... Let's see… to get a passing score, you just need to destroy it in any way possible. So all I have to do is…

"Great fireball."

I made 40 Great Fireballs and aimed them all at the scarecrow, it immediately went towards the scarecrow at a quick speed, hitting it 40 times and it burned off.

"Wait… the participant destroyed it? With fireballs?... I thought that the scarecrow was especially strong against fire though…"

A slight murmur I heard… eh?... But there's one that destroyed it with a laser… but that's normal?

–Apparently, A white beam or any colored beam counts as elementless magic, making it so that it bypasses the enchantment nya.

Oh… huh, didn't knew that nya. Cause most of the time, the easiest way to make lasers is actually using a fire element… that's how I assume it is since most guns uses a Fire element stones.

–... Huh, that makes sense.

"Next p-"

I didn't care for the things they're saying anymore and just summoned an empty book, opened it, and acted like I was reading it… in reality, I can't read "nothing".

An hour passed.

"... Hmm… I guess all of the students here will be… this person, this person-"

I ignored what they are saying as I was intensely fake reading.

–... [Don't question it. Magic is the reason and it all makes sense, me.]

{... I been waiting for 1 hour…}

2 hours of boring dialogues later.

"And since the first day of the academy is also today, it seems to be that you can enter the place and fam-"

I lightly stepped on the ground and my presence vanished. I walked to where the map is and using that, I guessed as to where the library is and got there quickly.

"... No people here?... *Sigh*, great."

I stopped making my presence vanished and looked around for a book I need… the Legend of Zheldha, no I don't think that's what I need…

I looked around for any signs… but there doesn't seem to be one…

"... This library sucks. Why is there so many copi… repeating books?"

–... This is a library, that shouldn't be the case right?

I grabbed a book and immediately found another copy of it… why are they everywhere?... This place needs some organization.

I looked around and as I seen another copy of the same book, I grabbed it…

*3 hours later*

Phew… I'm done. This place is now cleaned.

"Hahahaha… yep. It looks better now, considering this library sucks as a li-"

Suddenly, a slightl rumble is heard by me as a bookshelf moved, to show a staircase downwards… who is it that decides to have multiple of the same books? Not even volumes of the same book, just the same book…

–... For a gimmick like this of course. This isn't even the library. It's probably just here to hide the real library, which is there. Downstairs… is this supposed to taught after living for a year here? If so, they're stupid.

They are.

I casually walked down the stairs and after a while, reached down… oh yep. There's the real books I need. 

I grabbed a book that was on a shelf nearby me. I looked at the title of the book, "Legendary weapons".

–... Are you sure it's here?

I don't know, maybe it's here.


Legendary weapon of the Beast kingdom:

Yxus: A sword made… from an unknown time. Probably ancient, but I don't know when. Also a gun. (I-sus. All of this are how to pronounce it.)

Crizyus: A sword used by a legendary hero, probably. I don't know, I'm not back in ancient times. (Kri-si-yus)

Obliteius: A dark colored sword made by a legendary forgotten blacksmith. Misconcepted as one sword, but in technically it's just half a sword. (Ob-li-te-yus)

Oatheus: The other half of Obliteius. It's a Light colored sword also made by the same blacksmith that made Obliteius, forgotten. Combining both of them will give you the sword called "Obliteius Oath". The name is probably inspired as "Oblivion Oath", and it probably will make more sense. (Oat-te-yus)

Obliteius Oath: A sword that is powerful. Although it is made by two, it's actually one that is split in two. Anyway, the sword has both the Dark and light color on parallels on each side, other than that, I don't have any information about it. Find it yourself, Reader. (Ob-li-te-yus Oath)

Lagendarius: Only mentioned in Legend… no one knows how to get this, or how it looks, so I can't really tell much. (La-jen-dar-yus. Also if you're seeing a pattern of "us" at the end of the legendary beast weapon names, that's intentional.)

Legendary weapons called Ang-


–[Oblivion… oath… keeper?... Oblivion and Oathkeeper?...]

… So I have 2 swords and a half sword…

I summoned both of the swords I don't really have clear ownership of and… just said their names.

"Crizyus… and Obliteius."

Both of the weapon glowed faintly before returning to their initial look. Crizyus is a Gray colored weapon, looks like a normal sword, except for it's hilt and handle, which has pretty exquisite materials such as "Dark crystals+"... Who actually made this? Doesn't matter.

Obliteius is a Dark colored sword, like the book says. It has a keychain on the bottom of the handle and it's at the end of the keychain is a black crown, symbolizing Darkness perhaps.

I slashed it once and the sword made a trail of darkness, I quickly touched the trailing darkness and found out that it is a lingering "attack trail"… stays there for 0.5 seconds, and is actually good as it hurts everyone, except me, if they touch it. If you touch it, it's the same as getting slashed by me.

"... These are some good swords, if you think about it…"

I muttered while putting back Obliteius into it's ring.

I slashed Crizyus once and… nothing happened… well what if… I coated the sword with a thin layer of mana and slashed it again, this time, flame projectiles appeared on the sword, and I immediately made a barrier to make sure it doesn't damage the library. I put it back into it's ring as I did a stretch…

–... So are we done with testing and leaving this place?

… Well I need to read every book here…

I looked around the hidden library. Sighed for a bit…

"But I don't think I can read all of this in a day. At least, a month is needed."

I quietly muttered before stepping lightly on the ground and making my presence vanished.


"Who could have entered the library in the first day? Must have been real intuitive, and has actually enough effort to do it as quick as 3 hours after that event… like the missing book on the bookshelf near me…"

A book… Ah, it still is in my hand…

–... That's a big mistake you did. I should've warn you, huh?

Let's not worry about how many mistakes I have did, but for now… how to hid my existence?

"Not appearing? I'm not sensing a presence using magic, but I'm sure you're still here… after all, it's only been 2 minutes since the entrance has been opened."

Tch, this woman really concerns me, what do I do?... She probably could sense me teleporting, so she would teleport to me in response to that, and I don't think I have enough time to actually hide my presence again if I do it…

–For now… let's wait, shall we. [Panicking would be a bad idea, after all.]

Hmm… good idea.

I silently walked away from her to distance myself as I looked around, trying to see if I could find a way to escape here… {there should be something I can use to escape here… even a possibility is better than nothing.}

"Hmm, let me guess… Do you think you can escape here? Unfortunately, the only way to go outside is through here, unfortunate for you, that is."

–She's smiling… no, she's smirking. I can't tell if she is bluffing or not… [And I can't help much…]

I see… there is another way through here… even a window could work, but…

I turned around while I was on top of a bookshelf and saw a window. Unfortunately, it's placed quite highly. I can reach that, fortunately, might also be useful for a distraction if she knows what I'm planning.

"... Not leaving? Sure we can have… ah, no. You found the window, didn't you? But that means that as long as you tried to leave there, I would have known it would open…"

–Use wind magic. She caught the bait, and she's 100% sure you are here, so doing magic is fine.

Wind magic, "Rora"... I used it and positioned it in the window, opening it. But after I did that, it automatically closed…

–It could be used as a distraction, at least.

"Didn't believe me, huh?"

I heard a chuckle coming from her as I casually opened the window again, I then made 5 Great Fireballs to focus on her.

As I used the 0.5 seconds she tried to block the fireballs, I quickly ran towards the window, but she teleported in which I didn't expect…


I immediately teleported to the entrance in which she abandoned, and made my presence disappear again as running earlier made my presence appear again for under a second. I casually walked the stairs and she just teleported to the entrance, not sure if I already left or not. 

"... *Sigh*... Students are hard to deal with. Come tomorrow at this academy if you want to get caught, cat beastman."

{Eh?!...} I stopped climbing the stairs.

"Oh, I felt that you got shocked. It's simple, I knew your race from the moment that you showed your presence. Cats are actually quite good at hiding their presence, but you're an exception, who would have thought that students that are quite special would appear here. Don't worry, you aren't punished if you get caught by me, that is, if you get caught."

I started to climb on the stairs, as she left the library… I should be cautious…

There should be a dorm, and those are free… thankfully, as otherwise, I wouldn't have a way to hide… is this a tracker?

I dusted my clothes as it seemed that she put a tracker onto me… I'm an Enchanter, do you think I couldn't see that?... Hahahaha.

–... I see.

I quickly entered my dorm room. It just took me a 38 minute walk, if I'm not hiding my presence, it would only be a 4 minutes run for me… if I actually want to run that is.

I opened the door using my badge and opened the door. It's supposed to be two people per room, so I have a roommate. Good thing is that they're not here at the moment… I wish they're female, cause they won't question me then.

–your bed… is it the left, or right?

Left. I don't care for the right, but there's two beds, so there's no way she or he would actually sleep on my bed. There aren't even bags here, so it means that they aren't here. And… a uniform huh… I'll take a look into it… tomorrow!


I lied on the bed and closed my eyes… I slept.

Next morning…

I opened my eyes, and found that I can't move… or rather something is stopping me from moving…


I looked to my left, there's a beautiful girl. I looked into… another one…

–... Not an illusion.

Then I won't question it either.

I carefully teleported so I can leave the girls, probably age 16, hugging me… why is there two girls here? Why is there?

Suddenly, a bit of noise is made as one of them wakes up… she looked at me for a quick second before asking…

"Hey, Girl… why are you wearing a boy's uniform?"

Hmm… who made me wear it?

–... I used telekinesis. I'm upgraded remember? And fortunately, they gifted you a male uniform instead of a girls one… strangely enough, there's a girl uniform right next to it, with a note that says, "I don't know your gender, so you can use both. There ain't any school laws that bans people from wearing both anyway here."...

Strangely, this academy is not so strict… but I don't even know it's name, just like everything I see… hehe.

–... Well I don't even know either, so it's mutual.