Episode 020: The World of Jova; Unexpected Crisis Part 4
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Mere feet from where Dorthaunzee's head collided with a tree stood a majestic white stag, one three times bigger than the norm and with red berries growing off its antlers. It spoke, its voice sifting through the air, despite its mouth never moving.

"A parent must not do everything for his child, but sometimes, a nudge may be appropriate." Gwenybell's light was reflected in the stag's eye, the faint traces of pride apparent on the creature's face.

Dorthaunzee popped up out of the shrub and swung her head toward the majestic stag. She heard everything the stag had said. Said stag had turned away from the battle and began walking back into the forest.

"So, take this nudge and soar, my child--RAAGH!"

A swift pinch and tug to the ear had made the beast holler in pain. He shook his head free of his assailant and looked behind him.

"YOU!" He fell silent as he tried to make sense of who had 'attacked' him. "You?"

The beast looked at the nun, unsure of what had occurred.

"You can see me? Despite my illusions?" he asked.

Dorthaunzee nodded quickly and pointed back at Gwenybell and the fight. He stared at her blankly, then she stamped her feet and shook her finger at the fight.

{Go help your child!} Dorthaunzee hoped the beast would understand.

"I cannot," the beast replied. "I am the Ancient Lord, as the people call me--"

Dorthaunzee shook her staff and shook her finger at the Lord.

{That is even more reason to join the fight!}

"No, I cannot, young lady. I am still weak. Had I the strength, the present dilemma would not have occurred. The most I could do now was to help my daughter along." The Lord's gaze locked on to Gwenybell. "It is in her hands now."

The Ancient Lord started to walk away again but was stopped; he was completely unable to move forward. He looked back and saw Dorthaunzee standing behind him, unamused, with a grip on his fluffy white tail.

{You're not leaving, Mister,} Dorthaunzee conveyed.

"A mortal would not only dare direct me but would also take hold of me by my posterior?"

Dorthaunzee was resolute. {Would a father dare not even witness his child's ordeal?}


Meanwhile, at the battle, the beam 'struggle' continued.

"You will be expelled from this land," Gwenybell said, her voice as pleasant as a cool breeze. "No longer will you drain and pervert its resources."

Gwenybell closed her eyes and thought of the people who bravely tried to protect the village and its people. There was no hope for the brave few who laid down their lives, but she hoped the beam had only hit an empty portion of the village.

She opened her eyes, and her laser's strength doubled.

"I will not allow you."

She raised her second hand and fired a second laser at the creature's body. This laser curved and tore into the malefic tortoise's shell from the side. Amidst the sounds of shell shattering and a creature groaning, the black snake writhed and coiled itself. The curving laser broke out of the turtle's underside and curved until it entered through another portion. The creature's cries intensified, and the laser tore out again. It repeated the process many times until it looked like the malefic tortoise had been tied up with a green ribbon.

The first laser then overcame the snake's flames. The moment that first laser struck the snake, the laser curved and twisted around the snake until both the snake portion and turtle portion were adequately tied up. The energetic lasers became solid, tightening their grip on the malefic tortoise, and then, in time with Gwenybell forcefully closing her hands, the binds tightened until the creature popped into an explosion of light and water.

"If there is any part of you that can help this land, please do so," Gwenybell said as drops of green light rained down around her.

The trio looked on, still not fully believing that the battle was over.

"Heh. Were we even needed?" Elma finally asked.

"Of course. If it weren't for us, the lass wouldn't have had the time she needed to bloom. Every contribution, no matter how small, was worthwhile."

Elma had a feeling the old man's words were ones that he had learned to tell himself over the years... She decided he was correct, however.

"Yeah... Glad we were able to hold out long enough then..." Elma looked toward the forest. "Dorthaunzee?" Elma asked, utterly surprised by what she came out of the forest with.

"Good Lord!" Goff yelled. "Another one?!"

Nixim gasped, the blood draining from her face."Oh my... The actual Ancient Lord! It has a corporeal form!"

Yes, Dorthaunzee had come out of the forest, a little scratched up, but holding a mildly traumatized Ancient Lord by his ear. If the creature could sweat, it would have been drenched.

The others were too awestruck to see it, but Elma was sure the poor creature had seen something unspeakable.

Gwenybell, still in her new form, looked on at the stag, a strange feeling of nostalgia and longing gripping her heart. She was happy, and with every step the stag took, she grew expectant and hopeful.

Dorthaunzee marched the Ancient Lord up to the four as many of the survivors began inching closer to the scene.

The main group was silent. The trio of Gwenybell, Goff, and Nixim stared at the stag, the stag was looking at the ground before Gwenybell's feet, and Elma was looking at Dorthaunzee, impressed.

Dorthaunzee, meanwhile, was happily swaying from side to side, but then she noticed that the 'deadbeat father' next to her wasn't saying anything, so she nudged his side.

"Ahh--erm, yes, of course..." The Ancient Lord's gaze met Gwenybell's own. Upon meeting, she lowered her gaze slightly, feeling a little embarrassed. "You... You did well, Gwenybell. Thank you for acting in my stead..."

She raised her head. "Y-You know my name, sir? Or, should I say Mister? Or Mister Ancient Lord?"

The Lord jumped. "N-No! Do not trouble yourself over formalities! Please, this meeting should not be hampered by such things... Please accept my thanks..."

As the awkward father was frantically trying to keep a certain air between him and Gwenybell, Elma walked over to Dorthaunzee. "I'm going to check out the remains," she whispered.

Dorthaunzee nodded and walked off with Elma. The pair heard something-- one last, awkwardly enunciated statement--

"Gwenybell, as your father, there are no words to describe how proud I am of you."

Elma, a faint smile curling her lips, crouched and investigated the puddles of liquid as a clamor started over by the Ancient Lord. "That creature was strange... I wonder if there's anything we could take from here... I'm interested in its nature..."

Dorthaunzee tapped on Elma's shoulder. When Elma turned, Dorthaunzee showed her a gem she had plucked out from one of the puddles. It was some sort of black and spiky diamond--a familiar one.

"I think I saw this before!" Elma exclaimed. "It was on that tortoise's head!" She picked it up from Dorthaunzee's hand and examined it closely.

"Something about this thing feels... wrong. What do you think, Zee?"

I agree.

"Yeah..." Elma quickly scanned the puddle and then looked back at the group crowding around the Ancient Lord.

"I think we've finished up here, wouldn't you agree, Zee?"

Dorthaunzee nodded happily.

Over by the Ancient Lord, Gwenybell was overjoyed. She had so many questions she wanted to ask, and so much she wanted to learn. The others, too--if they could get even one question answered, they would declare this an amazing reward.

It was then that Gwenybell noticed that Elma and Dorthaunzee were not nearby. She looked past the Ancient Lord, and past the crowd to look toward the forest.

"Is something the matter, Gwenybell?" the Ancient Lord asked, the people quieting down.

"Those two--our allies that did so much. Where are they? I can't sense them."

The Ancient Lord breathed a sigh of relief--finally, the nightmarish nun he could do naught against had disappeared. He walked up to Gwenybell and, making sure to thoroughly mask his fear, spoke.

"Your allies--I am sure they are continuing their own journey... I would not worry about them."

Gwenybell became a little downtrodden.

"Daughter? What is the matter?"

"I just wanted to say thank you..." She looked up at him with a devious smile. "You weren't going to say anything, were you? You only came out because that nun twisted your arm, right?"

The Ancient Lord chuckled nervously. "That way of speaking to me--I suppose you are your mother's child..."

And so, Gwenybell's heroic journey started in earnest here. Meanwhile, the Hero Hub's Elma and Dorthaunzee continued their own journey. Next, they would return to the place they called home, and rest... They also hoped to be praised by their dearest person.

Okay. Background notes. I still hope someone is able to figure out the two stories that inspired this scenario. Anyway, Gwenybell represents the types of Heroes who become the heroes of their stories because of divine parentage. In this case, this stag is her father. In the heirarchy of gods, he's a minor deity, very close to a spirit of the land.

In case anyone is wondering how he did the deed with Gwenybell's mother... Well... When someone gets lost in the forest during mating season...



... they are very likely to get hurt by all the horny wildlife. She got saved by the stag who decided to take his once-in-a-hundred years human form, and they just kind of did it a lot in his cabin in the woods. After a week of intense... intense action, Gwenybell's mom woke up on moss, the cabin having disappeared. Yes, the stag left halfway through the night.

Gwen's mom was chill about it though. Never told her daughter anything about her father other than "he was too busy for us."