Episode 24: Playing With The Boss ♥
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"I can't believe Dorthaunzee hugged you so tightly..." Svilran said with a pout.

We were packing up her notes and fixing up the study. Dorthaunzee had decided to go back to the <Observatory> now that we were done.

"Oh, don't be that way. She's a very loving person."

"And you just love that, don't you?"

"I love all of our nice Heroes." I shrugged and chuckled. "Who doesn't love nice people... By the way, Svilran..."


"You look good."

She lit up, and I saw balls of light flying from her. "You think so?" She giggled. "It's just a little old thing I put together."

"Yeah, I remember you saying that..."

We were alone... If I propositioned her right now... she might say yes... But, then again, we have business to handle.

"Svilran, I've got questions for you."

She cocked her head as she put her papers together. "What can I help you with?"

"You were pretty focused on your consultations that you didn't notice some things." I pulled the item Elma brought back and held it in my palm for Svilran to take. "Elma brought this back from the last Mission. She got it from a monster's remains. It feels weird."

Svilran cocked her head at it as she squinted. "I'll say... How did I miss this?" She picked it up from my hand, and not even a second passed before she yelped and dropped it.

"Svilran?! Are you okay?"

She was pale. "I--I am..." She timidly picked the gem up again and held it up. "This feels... I remember this."


"This feels like Earth..."

"No way. Don't tell me--"

"This feels like Earth's evil." Svilran looked at me. "I watched them fight the big monster. Was this inside of it?"

"Elma said it was the only solid remain."

As Svilran kept investigating, I released the two new buildings to our shared unlocked buildings list. She didn't seem to notice it.

"Okay... Think... That monster didn't look explicitly demonic... But, I can't sense natures through the <Observatory>..." Svilran muttered. "A piece of Earth's evil reached a random monster... Was it as random as a meteorite falling in a random world, or was it an orchestrated effort?"

"Speaking of evil, Svilran. Another question."

She responded with her brows furrowed. "Yes?"

"Why didn't you tell Kanae about what our <Observatory> noted? The thing about the 'Wicked Archetype?'"

Svilran sighed. "I didn't want to mention anything because I myself didn't know anything. All I know is what the <Observatory> told us. And if the <Observatory> itself doesn't know why she has demonic features, then what can we do?"

"Do you know where the <Observatory's> information comes from? It really seems like a person wrote it."

"They probably did," Svilran replied. "The <Observatory> might be accessing someone else's information. Remember, there are powers that are comparable to us and higher than us out there. If there's someone-- or many someones--out there that know the nature of the Imaginal Realm, our Hub might be interfacing with them similarly to how we interface with the worlds."

"Okay... Thanks for the explanation... I'm just trying to make sense of everything too."

"I know..." Svilran captured the gem in a floating golden bubble and walked to the other side of the desk to stand next to me. She then leaned against the table and pinched the space between her eyes... She really looked like an overworked executive.

"I really wasn't prepared to encounter Earth's evil so quickly. And now it's appeared in two places."

I sat on the table and patted the space between my legs. Svilran smiled and sat on the table's edge, between my legs. I placed my hands on her shoulder and started kneading them.

"Take it one day at a time, Svilran."

She nodded and leaned back as I slid my hands down to her hips, then under the hem of her skirt. The skirt was short, but I didn't mind; I just enjoyed the feeling of her bare skin and the sound of her panting.

"You want to do this?"

Svilran nodded, biting her lip slightly. "Yes."




I ran my hand along her thigh, and she let out an appreciative moan when I slipped my fingers beneath her skirt. I felt her pussy through her lace panties. She felt so wet, and so smooth.

"Don't tease me for too long, Fainn... It's not kind.

I pushed the fabric away from her clit and opening and slid two fingers inside.

Svilran closed her eyes, "That's a lot," she whispered. She bit her lip as I started moving my fingers in and out. She shifted against me, squirming in time with my movements.

"You're so wet, Svilran," I said, continuing to work her into a frenzy.

Svilran nodded and arched her back."This isn't fair."

My fingers moved faster, harder.

"You aren't fair."

I could feel the heat of her pussy around them. That heat was doing weird things to my head.I placed my other hand on that tit that was taunting me. I squeezed it like it was an orange and the juice was that deific euphoria she could induce.

My eye twitched as pulses entered me.

Meanwhile, Svilran cried out and gripped the edge of the table, digging her fingers into the wood. "Oh goodness," she whispered. "Hah, yes... That's good."

She was so close. I wanted to see it.

"Svilran," I said as I shifted her shirt and revealed her neck. I bit her.

"Fainn," she gasped, stretching her neck every time I released it like she was saying "bite here."

I wanted to be the one to make her cum in this outfit. I slipped my hand beneath her blouse and groped her bare skin. Svilran's breathing grew faster. 

"Squeeze me however you would like, Fainn."

The way she was gripping the edges of the table, the way she was trembling... I wanted to lay her bare. I bit her neck againand she let out a high pitch whine. She had never been this vocal before. I felt proud, and she was loving it.

I squeezed her tit and worked my fingers faster.

"Don't stop," she gasped. She said that, but then squeezed my hand between her thighs. I persevered and pinched her nipple as something gushed down below.

When her orgasm finally came, I watched as her body spasmed. Her whole torso tensed up and her entire body trembled. I loved the sounds she was making. I pulled my fingers out of her and instead, pulled her jacket halfway down. I could feel her breast jump. But I wanted more. I gripped her blouse and contemplated pulling and ripping the buttons apart.

"Fainn?" she asked, anticipation in her voice.

I wanted to see her tits exposed. I wanted to feel them bounce.



"Do you want me to play with you more?"

She glanced over her shoulder. "What do you expect me to say, Mister Fainn?"



After a fun round of play--


I took a seat on the couch beside her and placed my arm around her shoulder. Svilran giggled and leaned into my touch. She was comfortable. And I liked that. There was a feeling of safety and comfort I hadn't felt in a long time.

We sat together for a while, listening to the faint sounds of the house. We didn't need to say much. We could just be.

After a few minutes, she spoke up. "Fainn... You and I... we could go all the way, you know?" Her cheeks were glowing as she spoke. "I'm happy to do that much..."

I chuckled. "I know... But, let's savor these moments and get there slowly... Maybe this is a bit weird of me, but I want it to be a special thing. Give me some time to figure out how to make it special for you."

Svilran looked surprised for a second, but then she grinned from ear to ear. "Okay!"


So we're all pretty sure we know what Dorthaunzee is into. What kink, if any, do you think fits for Svilran? Any thoughts/guesses?

New Chapter tomorrow. I think everyone will enjoy Elma's mini arc.

Oh, right. This chapter would have images, but the artist is catching up on other jobs right now. It's sad times, but I write faster than the artist can draw.