Episode 011: The Feast And Elma’s Claimed Fainn
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We were lying in her bed. I had recovered and was still clothed, but she had slipped under a blanket and snuggled up next to me.

"Hmm," she said, her lips pursed.

"What's up?"

"Hold me more, sir."

Her hand flew out from beneath the cover and yanked my left hand until I was on my side with my arm wrapped around her.

"There," Elma said as she snuggled up against me and hid her head beneath my chin.

My heart was so full of warm fuzzy feelings that I felt like I could pass away on the spot. I had to pinch myself. Was I dreaming? Nope, definitely wasn't.

"Sorry for my behavior, Fainn."

"Huh? Why are you bringing that up?"

"Because I'm sobering up, and I can see how silly and awkward I'm being. I just didn't know how to go about doing this..."

"I admire your courage... Don't worry about it." I started stirring her hair, and she came closer in response.

"So warm... I promise I don't seek to have you all to myself. I wouldn't dare do that to Madam Goddess."

"Svilran? She doesn't have anything to do with what you and I do."

"You may say that, but I do not think the two of you are in a relationship so simple. Nevertheless, I don't require all of you. I'm happy with just some of the god who watches over me."

"If you say so..."

"Stroke my back a little, please."

"Like this?"

"Ahh..." I heard her voice break. "This touch... only one thing in my life could be so comparable..." Elma's pressed her cheeks against me more and her voice dropped. "Fainn, undead—they have a chilly touch to them. Ice cold, really."

I shut up fast. Elma was about to talk about some heavy stuff. I was ready to soothe her heart whenever needed.

"It was like ice cubes on my skin. They would grab me like I was a loaf of bread they could sink their nails into. It was like they were chasing my warmth. I hated being touched by them so much."

"I'm sorry. I hate to know that happened to you."

"Well, hate it some more because it happens to many more than me." She timidly kissed my neck and held my hand with her detached one. "This warmth, though—I love it. The last time I felt a warmth like this was right before I was ripped from my mother's teat."

"That... makes it sound like you remember when you were a baby—"

"I do. It's my first memory. My mother—she was in the dark confines of a breeding farm. I remember her screaming and reaching for me as the masters took me away... I remember her screams more than my own... That memory saved me. Whenever I was too cold, I would invoke that memory..."

I held her tighter.

She giggled as she pulled her head out of her hiding spot. With a smile, she caressed my chin. "May I?"

"Of course."

She came closer and kissed me again.

"Okay, I don't mean to keep you sequestered here," she said. "Please. Feel free to leave whenever you wish to."

"No, don't worry. I'm not leaving you tonight."

"You don't want to go home?"

"Nah. Besides, beautiful women are good for me. Nice ladies like you help me sleep better when they're around."

"Oh? Then I would be happy to ease your sleep."

"Please do...be my goddess of sweet dreams for the night..."

"I could never be something so pleasant..." she whispered.




"And so that was that. The girls were way stronger than I gave them credit for." I chuckled as I shook my head. "Honestly, I thought things would go down the way they did in my nightmare. I'm so stupid!"

"Now, now. Don't castigate yourself too hard. That gift of yours—that power. It blurs the line between the reality you perceive and dreams, does it not? In a sense, are you not more prone to believing the reality you imagine is real due to the nature of the power?"

"Hmm... I guess so."

"I would wager that it would not be so easy to shake your fears when you can so easily make them manifest. On the other hand, you now know you must be more vigilant and readily able to distinguish between the two realities you inhabit."

"Yeah... I do need to be more careful... I don't want to look like such a fool again. Getting worked up doesn't help anyone."

"Rest easy; those women do not hold anything against you, though I would recommend you not forget to give the other two tender attention. Both Dorthaunzee and Svilran are deserving of it... Though, as much as I adore Dorthaunzee, I would recommend ensuring that Svilran's needs are being met."

"Svilran? She's probably fine..."

"Very well... Might I ask a question, Mister Fainn?"

"Sure, I don't see why not."

"That door over there..."

I looked over my shoulder.

"Who is behind that door?"

That door—a black and ornate metal door—was at the end of the verdant field.

I gulped. "I... I've never seen that door before in my life."

"Yes, but you know what it is, do you not?"

I narrowed my eyes at the door. Against the blue sky and the picturesque plains—it was as foreboding as it was out of place. Wait. Blue sky? Hold on.

"The last time I saw blue sky..."

I looked at the person I was speaking with—really looked. Even though I did, I couldn't process what exactly I was seeing. Even so...

"Who are you?"

The other person chuckled.

"Oh my... I suppose you don't want to indulge me any further."

"Nope. I don't."

Hey everyone! Here's another chapter. Apologies for the delays. This week was crazy for me and I'm only now getting to do what i wanted to do throughout the week.

Anyway, the next few chapters are going to be shorter than usual, but we'll be back to normal after a few.

In other news, I want to unveil something I started working on when I realized this series and its format would take too long to introduce Monster Girls.

Monster Girl Archivist!

This is the second of three webnovels I have planned. This new series is way more smut focused and refines and improves on some of the things I wanted to accomplish with Heroines. As Heroines becomes it's own thing Archivist will be the more episodic series with a focus on laying monster girls. This series will also have art though it will be produced at a slower rate, most likely.

Anyway, I like the main character for that series a lot. If you're interested in Monster Girl sexy times, check it out. The Monster Girls for Archivist, like Heroines, will be based on real world mythology and original races.