Chapter 5
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Once she got to the barn she recognised Alex who else she thought. The man was standing, showing his back to her,  leaning to the side of the barn. He was talking with Sam, and one of their employees who had been with the family way before she was born. Uncle Sam, as she called him, was a lean, well-built, man with a little Indian-blood. Hayle always remembered how he was playing with Carrie and her in the barn when they were little. He was more like  a family member and she very much liked to talk to him except not in Alex's presence.

-   What's up Alex? Is everything ok? You seem so gloomy.

-   Yes, I'm fine. I was just thinking about Hayle - Alex said, staring into the distance. Hayle grimaced.

-   Yeah she arrived home today, but that ungrateful girl has not been here since she stepped foot into the estate - Hayle felt a little anger in Sam's voice and she felt some shame.

-   She must have been all worn out from her practical jokes -  said Alex sarcastically.

-   What practical jokes?

-   I went out to the bus station to pick her up and I couldn't find her, picked up a hitchhiker not long after and drove her all the way out to the farm, you could imagine my surprise, when i got here and introduced the women as Julen just to find it was Hayle the whole time. Unfortunately, they forgot to tell me that Hayle changed a little…she grew up -  said Alex still feeling puzzled by the whole situation.

Hayle couldn't wait any longer and let Alex stain the whole story. They had probably heard her steps on the wooden floors and they both turned around. Alex looked at her and raised his eyebrows slightly once his eyes stopped at her piercing, then smiled and looked into her eyes. The woman did not return the smile but she did have a hard time. She forgot how the man's smile most likely made other people smile too. However, she flashed a huge grin towards Sam and then threw herself into his arms. She was happy to see the old man, she missed the time they spent together on the farm, the time when it was easier. She took a glance into Alex's direction but he must have thought he gave them a moment because he wasn't there anymore. Sam bombarded her with questions. About her life, her work and whether she had returned home for good. She just answered all the questions with a smile and then added that she is only staying until the wedding.

-   We'll see - Sam said, his eyes gleaming with joy. Hayle just laughed to herself and then walked into the barn where she hurried to Blackwind to her favourite horse.

-   Hello darling, long time no see - she whispered, pushed her hand into his direction at first he just licked then he had leaned his head into her hand. Hayle airily stroked the animal while harnessing him for the ride all the while still talking to him. -  You're in great shape, though my friend. Who were you training with while I was away?

-   With me - she heard Alex's voice from behind her. She flashed a mocking smile at him.

-   Well at least you made yourself useful, but now that I'm here if you don't mind I would like to take him out - she said while stepping out of the barn with Blackwind next to here ready for the ride.

-   No not at all even better I'll go with you - the man said, he wasn't asking. Hayle didn't want to argue with Alex, so she just nodded, then jumped into the saddle and went for a practice round around the barn. Within a few minutes, the man was already outside with another horse; he jumped into the saddle and pointed his head toward a field.

-   What do you say? -  he grinned at her. Hayle knew what he meant by their old competitions, which were won by the man most of the time. Again, she just nodded and then started to gallop with Blackwind underneath her.

She enjoyed the way the wind blew her hair or how it was tugging on the knot under her waist. She forgot how good it felt to sit on a horse's back, free from anything. She missed being free, the fresh air, her family and… Alex. Yes, she missed the man and a lot of things have bind her to him. They grew up together, she knew all of his secrets. There was no place in the city where the two of them hadn't been. That's one of the reasons she left eight years ago. She couldn't have lived here anymore and just existed as the man's neighbour. It hurt her every time her mother mentioned him on the phone during their conversation. Hayle asked her mother not to bring Alex up anymore, but she only understood when she specifically asked her not to talk about the man anymore. After that the news stopped coming. Hayle was happy that it did, but somewhere deep down she always wanted to know what had happened to the man after she left. Was he upset? Did Alex tell her parents that she sneaked out the house? She didn't know. Her mother never talked about it. I think it will be time to find that out, she thought, and she saw the said field from a far. In  the middle of the field there was a lake which spread through with a lot of trees hanging above it. They had spent a lot of time here back then. When she was small, they would bring a blanket and picnic with them, and in the summer they spent all day lounging in the water or just sunbathing.

Hayle lagged behind the man, but with barely a nose length. They stopped and Hayle descended from the saddle to the ground. She drew some water into her palm from the lake and wet her neck. The water dripped  all the way, soaking the thin material of the shirt down to her hip. She didn't have to turn around to know that the man was standing behind her. She could just  sense it. She turned, and met Alex's gazing eyes. They were only separated by a couple of inch. Alex was about to take a step closer to Hayle but she raised her hand to stop him and then took two steps back.

Thanks for reading. I hope that you have enjoyed this next chapter. If you can, please continue to support me so I can keep writing it for you guys. If you want to check out my patreon on the link below it would be much appreciated.


I'll see you guys later :)

K. J. Sulliven