Chapter 36: What Comes After (Vaemond)
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Four Months Later

Council Chambers of the Aegonfort



The war was over.

Four months had passed since the battle at King's Landing and things had only gotten worse for the Lannisters since then.

Shortly after the battle, the combined Dornish and Arbor force would finally force Casterly Rock into capitulation, and Loren Lannister's son and daughter, along with several nieces and nephews would be captured.

Shortly after, Lords Sumner Crakehall, and Lorent Lefford would lead 10,000 survivors of the battle at Kings Landing west in a last ditch effort to retake Casterly Rock, but they would be met by a similarly sized force of Stormlanders led by Boros Baratheon, the King's cousin, accompanied by 3000 hardened Tully levies.

The last significant host of the Westerlands would be crushed outside of Drox Castle which would be stormed in the coming days, and Lord Lorent Lefford of the Golden Tooth, whose own father had been killed at the Battle of Nunn's Deep, would be slain in the battle along with 2500 of his men.

Loren Lannister, for all his mistakes in the war was anything but a fool, and knew that with Casterly Rock fallen, his hosts scattered or destroyed and his vassals in the south capitulating or bending the knee there was no hope for victory and so after almost three years of bloody war that had left tens of thousands dead and much of the southern Westerlands ravaged, Loren Lannister surrendered, and was currently being confined within a tower cell within the Aegonfort, along with Lord Darklyn of Duskendale, Ronnel Arryn, Lord Paramount of the Vale had also been moved from Riverrun to the capitol.

The war may have been over but the work in restoring the realm had just begun for the King, thousands were dead, the southern flatlands of the Westerlands had been pillaged, the fate of the treasonous rebels had to be determined and the lords that remained loyal to the crown must be rewarded.

All these thoughts and more were swimming amongst Vaemonds mind as he took his seat at the wooden council chamber in the Aegonfort, where Vickon Greyjoy, Samwell Tully, Deria Martell, Boros Baratheon and Deria Martell awaited him, along with Matarys and Nyel.

The first order of business was to determine what was to be done with Loren Lannister, Rolland Darklyn and Ronnel Arryn.

Vickon Greyjoy was not hesitant to share his thoughts on the matter ‘’Their heads should already be on spikes……but not before taking Loren Lannisters hands and feet, I for one want to know if he really does shit gold before the end.’’

Boros Baratheon, comfortably reclined in his chair gave a bored nod of approval ‘’I concur.’’

Vaemond was not amused ‘’I value your contributions to the war Lord Greyjoy….but do not presume to ever mention such barbarity in my presence again…..whatever enmity you have against the Lannisters you more than paid it at Lannisport with your massacre….an act that went far beyond what was necessary.’’

‘’I of course do not advocate for such measures…but it is clear Loren Lannister must be punished, thousands of my people were killed fighting in the Westerlands….you would be hard pressed to find any of my people, from knight to fisherman who has not been touched by the death this war has brought.’’ Samwell Tully interjected, who despite being known as ‘’the Hotspur’’ cut a calm figure.

Deria Martell nodded slowly, the death of her son had clearly hit her hard and dark circles under her eyes were present.

‘’Loren Lannister, though a traitor is my own father in law and grandfather to my son Aumary, whatever his crimes he is the lord of a great house, not some brigand that can be strung up to the nearest tree…as great lords we are afforded certain privileges.’’ Theo Tyrell, who had been silent for much of the meeting replied.

Vaemond nodded slowly, studying the faces of his loyal Lord Paramounts.

They will not like this Vaemond thought to himself, looking at Samwell Tully, Boros Baratheon, and Deria Martell.

The King cleared his throat and rose to his feet ‘’My lords…..I thank you for your council….but I have made up my mind, Loren Lannister and Rolland Darklyn shall be stripped of all lands and titles….and will be sent to the Night's Watch to take the black.’’

His words caused an uproar as he had expected.

Boros Baratheon looked at his cousin coldly ‘’I never cared much for my father but he died fighting these rebels, as did Derias' son…and you mean for them to keep their heads after everything they are responsible for.’’

‘’There has been enough death cousin…..killing two old men won't bring back our dead…..I will not usher in the beginning of the peace with more killing.’’ Vaemond responded.

‘’My lord….my brother speaks truly, Lords Darklyn and Lannister are nobly born…and with their birth comes certain rights, to kill them would be poorly done, traitors or no.’’ Nyel said in a calming tone.

‘’Your decision to spare Loren Lannister notwithstanding, the Lannisters as a whole should pay for their treason, fines, loss of power, there is a saying that the Lannisters always pay their debts and you can be sure they will not forget this.’’ Samwell Tully cautioned.

In truth Vaemond had been considering removing the Lannisters as Lord Paramounts of the Westerlands and naming Robert Farman the new Warden of the West, but after the Lord of Fair Isles death during the war there were no other lords that had proven to be deserving of the honor, Lord Serrett had bent the knee of course but that had been done out of personal preservation and with no risk.

The King shook his head ‘’I will not fear the Lannisters, Loren's son and heir Damon is a witless fat fool, and craven if half of what I have heard….not the type of man to cause trouble…..and I will not destabilize the West by naming a new lord paramount when our efforts should be spent rebuilding the southern flatlands.’’

‘’It appears that we have determined what is to be done with Lannister and Darklyn, but I have heard no mention of Ronnel Arryn….he is just as much a traitor as the rest of them.’’ Deria Martell pointed out.

Vaemond looked towards Matarys.

‘’I have….formally petitioned my brother to spare Lord Arryn…I grew up under his roof and it would deeply grieve me to see him harshly punished….he is a good man.’’ Matarys responded.

Vaemond was inclined to agree, the previous day, Matarys had come into his chambers nearly on the verge of tears to beg for mercy for his old friend and Vaemond had agreed to speak with Lord Arryn.

The two had conversed for well over an hour in his tower cell, and Vaemond had come away from the meeting feeling almost sorry for the Lord of the Vale, who clearly had been misled and strongarmed by his warmongering vassals, what's more the man clearly had regret for his decision and Vaemond thought a year in captivity in Riverrun was more than sufficient punishment for the man, who the King had already begun to form a rather bizarre friendship with in their short meeting.

‘’Lord Arryn will be given a full pardon and welcomed back into the crown's peace….furthermore I have decided that he shall serve as Master of Coin.’’ Vaemond said.

Unlike with Loren Lannister, the Kings leniency towards House Arryn was not poorly received, in truth the Vale, despite raising 10s of thousands of men had made virtually no impact in the war, with their only military contribution being a small expeditionary force participating in the rebel victory at Peckledon and the destruction of Nestor Royces levies, though there were disturbing reports of a massacre of Nestor Royces smallfolk at the hand of some rebels.

‘’My lords, with the fate of Lords Lannister, Darklyn, and Arryn settled, it is time for your loyalty to be rewarded…..Lady Deria….you have suffered more as a result of this war than anyone present, I cannot give you back your son or repay the debt your family has paid…..but I will honor his sacrifice by naming you Princess of Dorne, and give your descendents the right to style themselves as prince and princess, I have made preparations for the crown that was once yours and your grandmothers to be returned to you as well.’’ Vaemond said.

‘’You honor my family, your Grace.’’ Deria said, a sad smile drawn on her tired face.

‘’In addition you shall be given a gift of some 270 gold dragons, and I swear that the Dornish shall always have a place in my court….my Kingsguard is in need of new knights and your lands shall be honored with a representative.’’ Vaemond continued.

Vaemond rewarded his cousin Boros Baratheon with a gift exceeding 500 gold dragons, he had won much glory in the southern Westerlands by storming castles and defeating Lord Leffords host, and in recognition of that the King offered the young lord the position of Marshal of the realm since Nestor Royce planned to retire after his uninspiring campaign, though Boros refused and stated his place was in Storms End, not training garrison levies.

Theo Tyrell, whose entrance into the war had well and truly changed the momentum, was given a position on the small council and the promise that in the future, House Tyrell and the Crown would be bonded through marriage.

Vaemond then turned to Samwell Tully ‘’My lord, no realm has suffered half so much as your own….and I have found your council today to be both wise and fair….I would name you Hand of the King.’’


‘’There is much work to be done….and it will be no easy task to rebuild the realm…but I accept, as is my duty.’’ Lord Tully said solemnly.

Vaemond then turned to Vickon Greyjoy ‘’Lord Greyjoy…..I am not blind to the losses the Iron Islands suffered during the beginning of the war….in honor of their sacrifice I am prepared to offer you 750 gold dragons as well as the right to style yourself as King of the Isles and don the driftwood crown.’’

‘’Your Grace….it is true the Ironborn suffered grievous losses against Loren Lannister, but their actions at Lannisport…’’ The new hand of the King Samwell Tully began but Vaemond raised his hands.

‘’Do not believe for a moment this means I approve of your butchery at Lannisport Lord Greyjoy….I mean for this to be the last time in my reign that your warriors are employed against my Kingdom….but two times my family has called upon your lands and both times they have answered…..I hope you make good use of the gold before you descend into whatever fiery hell you believe in….and make certain there is no confusion amongst your vassals as to the order of things… that despite your crown you are apart of the Kingdoms’’ The King said with ill veiled contempt.

Lord Greyjoy gave a nasty grin at that ‘’Aye….the natural order of things…you make no complaint about my men during the war but as soon as your crown is secure you greenlanders return to viewing us with contempt….I shall suffer your hate for a crown though….aye…a crown and gold.’’

Vaemond found himself with nothing to say to that and waved a hand in a brusque dismissal, the meeting was over.

In the coming days other minor appointments would be made.

Ser Lucas Blackwood, a riverman who had served with distinction at the defeat at Nunns Deep was made Commander of Kings Landing and the gold cloaks, while the stormlander Jon Penrose, Lord of Parchments, who had been Orys Baratheons right hand general and distinguished himself in the war by slaying Ser Daven Swyft in single combat was made Marshal of the realm.

The realm had achieved an uneasy peace, for how long only the gods could say, but as is often the case, peacetime is often the most fertile field for the seeds of war to be sown, and the only thing that could destroy the House of the Dragon was itself.