36. Stage 2 Part 2
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Ugh, how nostalgic. 

It was my third Times in this dark room. 

I slowly walked to the light. 

Over There, people had been gathered.

Ms. Lexy immedietly threw something to each of us. 

" That books contain your life experience so far "

She then explained that our teammate was not real and changed to those evil dryad to test us. 

Pride Dryad for Cantik

Sloth Dryad for Kitty

Warth Dryad for Otta

And Lust Dryad for me. 

To compensate all missunderstanding, we were given this book of memories to be showed each other. 

In addition, this second part of stage were the exact 'same' place, but, all of us would go together. 

"  Let's congratulate Otta and Lakon. They have find the way to complete the hidden quest "

Lexy said that the first hidden quest required us to be aware that our team mate was not the real person, then defeat them as soon as the 7 days survival time ended.

The second hidden quest required us to live with the fake team mate for at least a month. Only after that, the physical disguise would be turned off slowly, followed with the unstable mental of the evil Dryad. The quest would complete when the Dryad tried to attack us. 

" You get a Lust, No wonder you can stay with her for that long "

Otta wishpered me while glancing at the Cantik

" That's not like what you have imagined "

" Let me see you memory book later okay? " 

" Hear me! "

Okay, so that's not the real Cantik.

That make sense, remembering how she suddently changed to the form of Maiden in love. Or should I said, a drunk Maiden?

" You should be dissapointed "

This time, Kitty teased me 

" I said, I did nothing to her "

" Then, show us your memory book later "

" Fine "

I Saw Cantik was throwing her head aside and didn't want to see my face. 

" Could we start the stage now? "

Ms.Lexy said 

" Wait, lemme choose my reward "