38. Part 2 intro
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" This time, There would be 3 main quest and 7 Hidden Quest. The first and second quest could be ignored. But, The person who don't complete the third main quest would be disqualificated."

Ms. Lexy explain that the first quest was 30 days fortress surviving. The second quest was 500 the kills.  The third was skills hunting. 

The 30 days fortress surviving forced us to built a small fortress, completed with a minimum of 4 bed rooms, and 1 hall. An additional survival reward such as food supply would be given then. 

The 500 kills explanation were already clear. As for the skills hunting, Ms. Lexy said that it could be gained from at least Lv. 2 unique monster that would appear at 34 th day. It also meant that we had to be able to survive for a month Before the 3rd main quest could be done.

Then, Lexy said that a skill book would appeared from the monster remain.

It contain all game skill we understand the most and the skills that we saw for real with our own eyes.

" There is no rules this time. Ah... and special For you, Lady Cantik,  You had to complete at least 2 main quest because you had been failed in part 1. "

There was no HP bar for Cantik.

She would be hurt for real if something happened. 

" Don't forget, You would be logged out of you dead okay? So, enjoy your time "

And so, our stage 2 Part 2 begun...