Chapter 10 – The Relic of a Lost Age
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The demi-plane that my father used to house the Allurian relic was gone. In its stead was an endless, dark void that was filled with naught but a small, precarious platform. It was here that I found myself standing upon the ancient and worn bricks that made up this platform. Around the edges of this platform, several of those bricks were crumbling and cracking, as if they were threatening to fall into the nothingness of the void below at any moment.

The part of the platform that I was standing on was a thin walkway that led to a slightly wider landing a few metres away. A strange, out-of-place bed with ornately carved wooden posters and silky soft sheets was the only thing that resided on this landing. In the bed, a figure lay completely buried under the covers, and from the look of it, that person was somehow glowing with a faint golden light.

Unsure of what the hell was going on, I took a few steps closer to the bed and walked onto the landing. As I did this, I passed a small line that was carved across the stones below, purposefully marking something of note, but I had no clue of whatever purpose it could have served. The moment I stepped over this mark, there was a flash of movement from the bed.

I really need to be more careful. This is the third time I’ve been this careless in only a few minutes. I sighed to myself, which was all I could really do in the split second before the figure in the bed was upon me.

The slender, sharp-nailed hand of an insanely strong woman gripped my neck and easily lifted my entire body into the air. As her nails dug into my skin, drawing a few drops of blood from my skin, her fingers were so tight around my throat that I couldn’t even gasp for air. As concerning as my situation should have been, all I could really do was stare at the woman with wide eyes.

The woman was a beauty unlike any I had seen before, but even that didn’t do her justice. Her beauty was almost ethereal, beyond anything I would've ever thought possible. Her skin was a smooth, dark chocolate colour, which offered great contrast against the glowing golden hair that freely fell from her head all the way down to her backside. Her hair wasn’t the only thing glowing or golden either, as her iris, lips, nipples, and even pussy matched the colour and glow of her hair.

As for how I could see the woman’s nipples and pussy, well, that was because she was completely naked. Not even a single piece of clothing covered her overly generous curves, which were even more generous than my mother’s, not that I planned to tell Mum that fact if I somehow made it back to her without getting my neck snapped. However, my wide-eyed stare directed at this woman wasn’t because of her beauty or nudity, but because something about her felt familiar. She reminded me of something from my mother’s stories. The question was, could I remember what that was before the woman decided to end my life on a whim?

"After centuries of solitude, the Amonvars have finally decided to pay me a visit again, and what did they send, but a pup." The woman scowled at me with an intense hatred burning in her eyes. "Have their opinions of me fallen so low that they think a mere… 2nd level arcanist could really best me here? Not to mention, one that is stupid enough to get too close to me. That was a rookie mistake, pup.”

While the woman talked more to herself than to me, I desperately tried to claw at her hand and free myself, but it was futile. "Your kind has always had an ego. You may call yourselves arcanists, but that’s just a fancy word for a mage. The only thing that separates you from the rest is what your leader stole from the world. FROM ME!"

When the woman finished her last sentence, it finally dawned on me just who she may have been. Although it seemed far-fetched to me that she could really be someone that was thought dead for nearly a millennium, I had no choice but to assume this was the case if I wanted to survive. As such, I decided to try a different approach and stopped attempting to free her hand from my throat. Instead, I used my hand to point to my mouth and made a speaking gesture with them.

"So, you want to say something, do you? Very well, but know that if you try anything, it will only take me a fraction of a second to snap your neck." The golden-haired woman lessened her grip on my neck as she said this, but only just enough so that I could breathe and speak.

Immediately, I gasped for air, but since I didn’t want to wear her patience out, I began to speak as soon as I could. However, the words that came from my mouth weren’t in the common language but in the tongue of the ancient Allurian people, which my mother had passed on to me, just as her parents had to her and theirs before them. "I live to serve the Goddess of Lust."

Once those few words had left my lips, the woman suddenly dropped me and recoiled away, stepping all the way back to the bed. From there, she just stared at me with an expression that was hard to read in its entirety, but she was definitely surprised. Freed from her grip, I didn’t stand back up but knelt in a subservient position.

"I don’t know how this is possible, I thought, no, the world thought you were dead, but your will is my command, Goddess Allure, Mother of Love and Mistress of Lust." I recited the titles of my family's patron goddess in perfect ancient Allurian.

From my kneeling position with my head bowed down, I couldn’t see my Goddess’ face as she reacted to this, but I could feel a wave of palpable anger emanating from her as she shouted out. "This is a trick! You won’t fool me, Amonvar pup! I can smell the traces of my stolen divinity in your mana from here."

"…" I couldn’t respond to her, no matter how much I wanted to. Her claims had taken me by surprise because I had no idea of what it was that she was speaking of. The founder of Caellas and the families that supported him stole the Gods’ divine cores to lift their city into the air. Why would traces of her divinity be in my mana?

The sound of anger-fueled footsteps stomping closer forced me to act again before it was too late. As such, I ran my hand over the sides of my neck, where the Goddess’ sharp nails had caused me to bleed, and I held up my blood-stained fingers in an offering to her as I said. "I will not deny the fact that I am of the Amonvar bloodline, but I am the last Amonvar, just as I am the last male heir of the Allur bloodline. If you don’t believe me, then you can see for yourself. As you well know, the Allur bloodline is blessed with great power from the blood you shared with us at our conception, power that you should still be able to taste in the drops of my blood, as diluted as it has become over the years."

My words caused Allure’s angry steps to falter for moments before I felt her fingers gently dab at the drops of blood on my own. "Y… your claim is true… But why would an Allur and an Amonvar have a child together when they have been sworn enemies of each other for dozens of generations?"

"Much has happened since the Godsfall, my Goddess" I continued to remain kneeling on the ground as I responded, waiting for her to give me permission to rise again. "The Amonvars grew idle and greedy, seeking new power while forgetting where it was that the power they had came from. Meanwhile, my mother sought the last of them out for this very purpose. Although the stories didn’t mention that you were still alive within this relic, my mother manipulated and charmed her way into having a child with that last Amonvar so that I could reclaim the Crown of Lust that was stolen from our people."

"I’m not alive, not truly." Allure’s voice was tinged with sadness as she stepped away from me and walked back to her bed, where she lay down. "You can stand…"

"I apologise, my Goddess, but I don’t understand what you mean. How are you not alive? I’m talking to you and you could have easily killed me." I asked as I stood back up and took a few tentative steps closer to her bed.

"The life of a god is not a simple thing." She began to explain. "We are, in essence, our divine core, that which we put our soul into when we ascended into godhood. My divine core, like all the other gods’, was ripped from me by the betrayer, instantly killing me. I am only able to speak and interact with you here because I left the tiniest sliver of my core’s power in the crown when I forged it for your ancestors. I am just an echo of the Goddess that once was, not truly alive and bound forever to the vessel that is this crown."

Hearing the sadness in the woman’s voice, I couldn’t stop myself from walking forward to take a seat on the bed next to where she was lying. As I reached out to comfort her with a hand on her arm, the fact that she was completely naked and more beautiful than anyone I had ever seen before didn’t cross my mind for even a second.

"Surely, there has to be something that we can do?" I asked. "Now that the crown is back in the hands of those it belongs to, we can take time to explore and experiment with it. There has to be a solution to this problem that we can find together."

"No, there isn’t." Allure let out a sigh as she turned over in her bed, turning her back to me. "You should just forget about me trapped in here and use the crown for yourself. With the blood of the Allur and the traces of the divinity stolen by the Amonvar, the crown will be-"

The Goddess paused mid-sentence as she sat back up in her bed and stared at me with those radiant golden eyes of hers. "Actually, there is one thing I could do. I would no longer be trapped here, but it would come with responsibilities and burdens greater than you could ever know."

"Whatever it takes, whatever is required of me, I am willing to serve you, Allure, and make amends for the crimes my arcanist forefathers committed."

The Goddess just smiled at me as she responded with the question. "Then how would you like to become a god?"

For all those that have read my story this far, you have my thanks. If you have the time I would really appreciate hearing what you think of the story so far, but you don't have to if you don't want to. Just knowing people are reading my story is filling me with excitement to keep on writing.

For those of you interested in an update on my Patreon I've just recently posted the first bonus chapter, which details what Hannah got up to when she returned home from Alek's penthouse apartment. None of the bonus chapters I post there on Patreon for those that want to support me will be plot-centric, so you won't be missing out on anything. It's just a little extra bit of lewd content. Speaking of which, my Patreon now has five artworks posted there, with more to come soon.