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Emerging from the deep, having seen all there was to see, I felt my body rolling down the side of the hill. I could also hear the toddler rolling down just behind me.

We slowed to a stop and the lack of sensation confused me for a long moment. I was myself again, just me and my thoughts and the feeling of the ground under my naked skin. The moment ended and when I rose up, I saw the girl convulsing beside me. Her eyes were rolled over and I could see the cords of her neck standing out as she clenched her jaw tightly. She barely made a sound as the spasms continued.

I tried to keep her still but my head was in the wrong place. Still so relieved that the visions ended, I could not fathom the urgency needed to truly help her.

Green ropes wrapped around my torso and pulled me away from the child. I wanted to struggle, I really did. The older girls were screaming from somewhere. It all felt far away.
I wanted to fight but I calmly started to understand that the ones I wanted to fight were not present. The aliens had nothing to do with it so I let them take me away.

I watched them open up an absorb the toddler but I wasn't concerned. I knew they wouldn't harm her. I think that

the visions came with a sense of understanding of the flits too. They are here to judge us. They came to watch our good deeds and witness our faults. Maybe I was just projecting my deductions onto them. I was pretty sure that all visitors like myself, got to have a roll down this hill. I guess the passengers get to judge as well before the flight is over. What next though? Will they let me go, or will they find sins and punish me?

One of them gently carried me and three others flashed around us. We made a wide pass around the worker prisms and glided on the field of skinless structures.

It could have been a train ride because the rhythmic rocking of my foam-filled metallic carriage lulled me to true sleep.