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The world is now in chaos but It could have been worse. The poison is not really poison and it is not fatal. It only alters animal flesh. Every meat or dairy product that comes from farms or even hunted in the wild, is no longer edible. The phenomenon stirred up quite a few riots and it took time for the world to realise that it was not the end of everything. Plants are still good and fungi too. People started to adapt, and I did too.

Not many animal farmers are still in business but those that are, focus on producing quality leather or pet food. People still kill, scientists still look for ways to "cure" whatever the white dust did to all animals. Pets are still pets and humanity goes on.

Aliens are out there and people know it. It is becoming evident that they had the capacity to extinguish us entirely. Is this our second chance?

My experiences on the alien ship seemed not to differ much from what others went through. Photos come out on media streams of hovering spheres located where people were taken. The surface dead skin, hair and nails float in patches and reassemble when the person reappears. Tampering with the skin shells proved to be relatively harmless, if not embarrassing for the returning person.

A number of them have lasted for over a month and many speculate that those individuals don't plan on coming back.

It's a different world. We survived this and the few of us that had the trip down the doomed hill tend to stick together. We changed just like everyone else did but we would have changed regardless of whether the animal products were still available to us. We learn more about living without cruelty every day and it becomes easier as the rest of the world stops complaining and starts innovating again.

In the end, I am grateful for having been abducted.

The End