{{Chapter ~ 00006}}
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Angeline's phone rang loudly, breaking the silence of the morning. She groggily reached for her phone and saw the name of her fiancé, Kayle, flashing on the screen. She answered, expecting a worried inquiry about her whereabouts.

"Angeline, where have you been? I've been trying to reach you all night! You just disappeared without a word," Kayle's voice was frantic.

"I needed some time to think, Kayle. I went out for a walk and stayed at a friend's place," Angeline replied coolly, despite her heart racing with guilt.

"Think? About what?" Kayle demanded.

"About us, Kayle. About our future together," Angeline said, her voice wavering.

"What's there to think about? We love each other, Angeline. We're meant to be together," Kayle's voice softened, trying to appeal to her emotions.

"Love? You talk about love, but how could you do this to me? How could you betray me like this?" Angeline's voice was filled with rage, as she finally revealed what she had discovered the night before.

"What are you talking about, Angeline?" Kayle's voice was confused.

"I know about your affair, Kayle. And her too," Angeline said, her voice shaking with anger and hurt.

There was a long silence on the other end of the line.

"Angeline, it's not what you think. I can explain," Kayle finally spoke up, his voice filled with desperation.

"No, Kayle. You don't get to explain. I'm done with you. I can't believe I ever loved someone like you," Angeline's voice was cold, as she hung up the phone, tears streaming down her face.

Angeline collapsed onto the bed, feeling a mix of anger and heartbreak. She had trusted Kayle completely, only to discover that he had been unfaithful to her. She couldn't bear to even look at him now.

As she lay there, she suddenly remembered a documentary she had seen on TV about the ruins of an ancient civilization called Arathia. It had piqued her interest at the time, but she had never given it much thought. Now, as she lay there, feeling lost and betrayed, she realized that perhaps exploring the mysteries of magic in Arathia could be the distraction she needed to help her move on from the pain of her broken engagement.

"I need to do something to take my mind off this," she thought to herself. "Maybe exploring the ruins of Arathia will give me the answers I'm looking for."

With a newfound determination, Angeline began to research everything she could about the ancient civilization of Arathia, determined to uncover the secrets of their magic and history.

Angeline spent the next few weeks scouring the internet and the libraries for any information she could find on Arathia, its history, and its magic. But she soon realized that there was very little information available, and what little there was, was often contradictory or shrouded in mystery.

Frustrated with her lack of progress, Angeline decided to reach out to people who might have more knowledge about Arathia