2. Smile
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I often see the world as white and black. 

It look bad, so it's bad.

It look good, so it's good. 

Well... When that happen, I am sure that my brain is turned off. 

In other side, I just don't want to think deeply about that matters. 

Let imagine. 

Smilling is good, isn't it? 

Generally, Yes.

All people will be happy when someone else sharing their smile. 

Smilling is often bringing a happiness.

But, sometimes, in other case, it's not

Just imagine, 

Would you be happy if the one you hate the most unreasonablely smiled at you?

if your enemy smilled at you, would it be a good sign?

If a bully gave you a smile, would you reply them by giving the same smile? 

Would you like it if a devil was smilling to you? Hey! let me remind you that they are the human true enemies.

Just imagine, and think a bit. 

Turn on your brain from now on. 

A Nun smile at people, they look cute. And give a warmth for the whole world.

A Sl#t, Wh*re, Pr*stitute, and s*ccubus smile at your Mate. It's a sign of disaster. Would you like to see your mate to smile then?


Smilling... Can be good and Bad. 

That's Deppend on the Time, Place, situation, condition, and ETC...

Just "What for" and "How" are you smilling? That will determine if that was evil smile or Good smile.