After the End C22
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Although Stevo was pleased with his progress as a healer, he knew that his time of quietly leveling up was growing short, hence he decided to take a mission. He'd actually gained a couple of levels through healing people since his last mission, so he was interested to see what was on offer.

Option 1.  South Otten has been attacked several times in the last few days by undead warriors.  Join a group of locals and defend the village.  Danger: moderate, Reward, 50xp, 3 silver. 

Option 2.   Defeat the skeletal warriors who desecrate the shrine at West Otten with their presence.  Danger: high.  Reward: 60xp +1 mystery item.

Option 3. Escort and assist a group of wounded South Otten citizens escape to Drebun.  Danger: below average.  Reward: 30xp +1 mystery item.

Although Stevo wanted to get as much experience as possible, he really wasn't much of a fighter.  Sure he could fight, and was pretty useful in a scrap, but he preferred to build rather than destroy.  The thought of the mystery items intrigued him also.  He couldn't imagine that whatever they were, they wouldn't be useful somehow.  Stevo could also grab some experience healing the refugees, making option three a far more appealing choice.

He was falling.

Stevo found himself standing next to two carts, each with two sizable black horses harnessed.  A short, greying figure, with a nervous face and ill-fitting armor addressed him. 

"Most of those going with you are women, or have only minor injuries, they will be in the first cart.  The second cart will be for yourself, Haarold the guard, and two wounded.  Peeter has a broken leg, and Steeven took a nasty blow to the head.  Although he is breathing, he hasn't woken since he fell, and that was last night. I fear if he doesn't come too soon, he never will.  If you can do anything to help them during the trip, it will be appreciated.  Steeven's wife is carrying a little one.  I can't bear the thought of telling her he didn't make it."

"I'll do my best, and I know they will be well cared for in Drebun until they can return."  Stevo replied solemnly.

Soon they were underway.  Haarold, the muscular guard, was keeping an eye out for trouble, so Stevo decided to work on his patients.  He crouched next to the prone figure of Steeven, and carefully checked his head. On a moving cart this was far from easy, but to the best of Stevo's limited knowledge the only damage was a lump the size of half an egg on the man's forehead.  He'd obviously taken quite a whack. 

Stevo decided the best course of action was to cast a heal and see if it helped.  The good news was that as they were in close proximity, Peeter's broken leg would also benefit.  He subvocalised his healing spell, Peeter almost immediately looked shocked! 

"My leg, the ache has gone!" He gasped, astonished.

"It's not completely healed, but I will cast another heal in a few minutes and that should do the job."  Stevo replied.

"We should go back, help the others fight!"

"Your job is to keep the others safe in Drebun now.  They will be worried, and unsure of their surroundings. In a day or two you will be doing this journey in reverse, the village secure I'll wager." 

Stevo tried to reassure Peeter, and deliberately didn't mention the orange glow he'd seen on the horizon from the direction of South Otten a few minutes before. 

Steeven still hadn't awoken, although he had started moving around a little, restless.  Time to try a second cast, again Steevo subvocalised his spell. 

"I would imagine your leg will be fine in a minute or two." Although addressing Peeter, Stevo was focused on Steeven, whose eyelids started to flicker, before opening.  The man started to sit up, before Stevo got him to relax. 

"Take it easy, friend, you've been out for a while.  You took a big blow to your head!" 

Stevo saw that he'd been awarded 8xp for the two heals he'd cast, 3xp for Peeter's leg, and 5xp for Steeven. 

The carts continued their journey, and Peeter brought Steeven up to date.  After another twenty minutes they stopped and took a break.  The passengers in the other cart both amazed, and thankful, to see the two badly wounded men up and moving about as the group stretched their legs mingled, and one or two attended to a "call of nature". 

Stevo took the opportunity to gather the rest of those with minor wounds and ailments around him and cast another heal.  These people were all "walking wounded", and were feeling better in moments.  Stevo gained another 4xp.  As they were now closer to Drebun than South Otten, they decided they would spend the night there, purchase supplies in the morning and return home to see what awaited them.  They were anxious, but in better spirits. 

Stevo climbed back into the cart, wedged himself into a corner, and was asleep in moments, not even awakening when they resumed their journey.  Peeter and Steeven talked quietly, and shared a grin as Stevo started snoring.  They didn't begrudge him his rest after what he'd done for them, his mana was low which had made him sleepy. 

Finally they had to wake Stevo as the carts slowed to a stop in Drebun.  Gregoor was talking with the cart drivers, when Stevo took charge.  It was quickly decided to put a few of the travellers up at the inn for the night, two more would sleep at Gregoor's cottage, and Peeter and Steeven would go with Stevo and sleep in his cabin in the woods. 

Steevo was falling. 

Mission Complete!

30xp awarded!  Mystery Item Awarded! 

Stevo was back at the farm, laying on an old sofa in the living room.  He could hear Kahlil and Debbie talking in the kitchen, and the drone of the TV in the background.  He was starving, and thought he could smell sausages cooking, but before he went to investigate, what was the mystery item? 

"Ring of Enlightenment.  A single use item, that allows a person to access missions, levels, items and skills provided by the system." 

"Holy Shit!!" Stevo exclaimed aloud.  He heard footsteps, and Kahlil and Debbie were quickly in the doorway. 

"Holy shit what, Stevo?" Asked Deb. 

Take a look, I just got this as a mission reward.  He handed Deb the item to examine. 

"Wait, you can give this to someone and they become one of us?" She asked. 

"Let me see!" Deb passed it to Kahlil. 

"This is amazing!  Now we know this exists, I wonder if they ever pop up in the shops?   We should talk to the spooks, I bet they would be interested in this, if they don't already know.". Kahlil passed the ring back to Stevo.   

"I'm going to make contact." He said, heading back to the kitchen. 

"Dish up the sausages while you are there!" Deb called after him.   Stevo chuckled.  The world might be on the edge of collapse, but he had friends. 

Just over an hour later, the three were sitting in the kitchen, discussing their plans for the following day, when they heard a car crunching across the gravel outside.  Debbie had the best view of the window. 

"It's Mister White!" She got up to open the door. 

"That was quick!" Kahlil remarked. 

Moments later Mr. White and his "shadow" were seated in the kitchen, tea offered and accepted.  Milk, no sugar.  Stevo hadn't met the spooks at the gym, so brief introductions were done. 

Mr. White started the conversation. 

"So Kahlil, you called us, sounded important, what can you tell me?" 

Kahlil turned to Stevo, and indicated it was his story to tell. 

"This morning I did a mission, trying to get as much experience as possible whilst there is time.  The mission was fairly straightforward.  I am a healer, the mission was to accompany a group of wounded people as they evacuated their village, and heal them if possible.   I have a good healing spell, and plenty of potions, so I thought it would be easy.  But the main reason I took the mission was that it would give a mystery item when completed."

The two spooks were listening intently, the mention of the mystery item only added to their interest.  Stevo continued. 

"There were only two seriously wounded, a man with a broken leg, and another who had taken a blow to the head and been unconcious ever since.  My spells were able to fix them up pretty quickly, and I was able to heal the minor injuries as well.  The mission didn't give much experience, although I got some from the heals.  The mystery item is the key here."

He handed the ring to Mr White to examine.  In moments his face became one of shock. 

"My God!  This is incredible!  What are you going to do with it?" 

"I have a friend, a guard in Drebun.  My first thought was to give it to him. Then I thought some more, and I thought His Magesty's government might want to buy it?"  Stevo winked at Mr. White. 

"Of course! At the moment we have very few agents capable of leveling, so this would be of great benefit!  How much do you want?  I brought a few gold coins to give you anyway, perhaps you will accept them as a down payment?" 

"How about you give us the coins, like you were going to anyway, plus I'd like any artifact you might have that boosts either mana storage or regeneration.  I was knackered after casting a few heals.  I need more mana to be really useful."

"Very generous, I will check to see what we have in storage, but I am pretty sure we have a couple of items that might help you."

Mr. White exchanged a pouch containing another five gold coins for the ring, before Kahlil spoke up. 

"Stevo getting this ring as a reward tells us that they exist.  That being the case, it is possible they will pop up in the shops.  If they do, and we buy them, will you be able to reimburse us?" 

Mr. White thought for a second. 

"Obviously, it depends on the price.  Being able to recruit people is a massive benefit though.  I am sure we can afford at least a dozen, unless they are very expensive.  In the mean time, I'm going to make sure our agents keep scouring missions for those that give mystery rewards, maybe they will get lucky!   I suggest you all do the same!"

With that, the two spooks stood, there were handshakes all round, and they left.

Stevo divvied up the coins, taking one for himself, and passing two each to Kahlil and Debbie. 

"No arguments, Mr. White is going to give me some bling, so you guys get the bulk of the gold." 

Kahlil spoke up, "but it was your ring Stevo." 

"We are a team, it was our ring." Stevo said firmly. 

"Thanks Stevo!"

"If you are sure?  Thanks." 

"Right, I am going to take a nap for a couple of hours, then I am going to try and get another one!  I do want to give one to Gregoor, I think it would be handy if he could come here."

Debbie spoke up, 

"I'd like to get one for my sister, although I don't know how she would do in combat." 

"Honestly, the implications of this are massive!  We need to try to get as many of these as we can.  Some for our family and friends, any left over, go to Mr. White." Kahlil said, rising from his chair. 

"Stevo's got the right idea, I'm going to take a nap too, then I am going to run missions back to back until I am too tired!" 

"Yeah, sounds good!" said Deb.