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Frustrated with your own inability to make any progress, after a couple of hours you decide to take a break and go and get a drink.

The office has a small kitchen area, where you bump into Richard, holding a cup of coffee. One of the rising stars in the company, he became your rival from the very moment that you got your present job. He is a rather well-built man of mixed origin, who likes to wear his long wavy brown hair tied in a pony tail. He is tall and has broad shoulders, regularly exercising at the gym.

Naturally, it seems that you both gravitate toward the same type of work, and this has caused its fair share of friction in the past. "Nice of you to turn up so early today! You don't look your best today, do you? Having said that, I wouldn't either if I knew that the boss was after my neck! But, you only have yourself to blame…."