The Haystack
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"I heard something that time!" Grif yells.

"You didn't hear anything." Simmons says.

"There! Did you hear that?"

"Yes, I heard water dripping."

"Sounds like bats!" Grif yells.

"Bats aren't made of liquid." Simmons says.

"Bat colonies can contain anywhere from 100 to several thousand individuals." Ash says.

Simmons turns to Ash. "You're not helping." He turns back to Grif. "There are no bats!"

"You don't know!" Grif says. "What if you're wrong?"

"OK, idiot. Let's assume I'm wrong. Let's assume there are bats. So what? You're wearing state of the art Biomechanical body armor. It's designed to deflect bullets and absorb explosions, what can a 5 ounce flying rodent possible do?"

Grif stares at Simmons for a few seconds. "So basically you're saying that you think there's bats."

"Sure. Why not?"

"I'm getting getting the fuck out of here!"

"No, you're not, Grif! We're standing right here. I told Sarge we wouldn't move and we're not moving!"


"At least let's go stand by the light!" Grif says.

"No, that would be moving and thus would violate our strict 'no moving' policy." Simmons says.

"But the light..."


"...would help us see the bats..."


"...and their fangs!"


"Hey, you know what else might be in the cave, Simmons? Snakes."

"You're an asshole Grif." Simmons says. "Why would you bring up snakes?"

"I'm just saying, I know you don't like snakes and snakes do live in caves, and we are in a cave and snakes like to crawl right up next to people in caves, and then they..."

"Alright, screw it, I'm going to go stand by the light." Simmons runs.

"You guys are wusses." Ash says.

"SHUT UP!" Grif and Simmons yell at Ash.








"Sarge should be able to see us here, right?" Simmons asks.



"Yeah, who cares?" Grif says. "Hey Simmons? I was thinking if we're in a cave. Why are there lights down here?"

"What the hell?" Ash says.

Simmons speaks but his voice gets deeper as he goes. "That's a pretty good point, Grif." 

"What the....? Are you okay?" Grif asks.

"Yeah, why do you ask?" Simmons says in a deep voice.


"Huh, you got a pink thing on you." Grif says.

"Wha....?" Simmons says in confusion. "Like a snake...?"

"It's kinda pretty." Ash says.

Simmons falls to the ground.


"Simmons? Simmons?" Grif asks.

Ash and Grif turn to the side. "Huh?"


"Ow!" Grif shouts. 


"OW!" Grif yells.

"You look really cool." Ash says.

A needle hits Grif in the crotch. 

Grif falls to the ground.

Ash looks to Grif and Simmons. "Guys this isn't the time to be sleeping." Ash hears footsteps and he looks up. "Oh, no."

