Biting the Hand
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"Hmm, what's all this business?" Sarge asks.


"Looks like a bunch of computer equipment, sir." Simmons says.

"Excellent analysis, Simmons." Sarge says.


"And it's attached to some kind of TV thing." Donut states.

"So it is. Astute deduction, Donut." Sarge says.

"It's green." Ash says. "I don't much like green."

"Great apprehension, Ash."

"It shows all different parts of the canyon." Grif states. "Look. There's our base."

"Ah, yes. Another incredible observation from the Stating The Obvious Department." Sarge says. "Thanks for nothing, numbnuts."

Grif sighs.

"Simmons, Donut, Ash, you three stay here." Sarge orders. "Grif's gonna continue looking for Andy."

Grif walks off. "Fine." He sighs. "I hate my job."


Donut walks over to the screen. "Look! There's my room!" The screen changes. "And the Locker Room!"

The screen changes.

"There's my room." Ash says. 

There are bottles and cases of chemicals everywhere and weapon parts all over the ground. Black marks along the walls. The bed is blown up. The grenade trio are sitting on a table.

The screen changes.

"And there's the Showers!" Donut states. "Man! So many good memories!"

"I hope this thing isn't connected to the internet." Simmons says.

"The Blues must have set this up." Sarge says. "Crafty devils. Spying on us all along."


"What's all that?" Sarge asks.

"That looks like Blue Base." Simmons says.

"Why would the Blues spy on themselves?"

"Maybe the Blues didn't set this up. Someone else might have."

"Well, maybe the Blues are so incredibly arrogant, they just want to see themselves on TV. Or I bet they have those stupid liberal equal time laws. Commie Blue Bastards." Sarge finishes his rant.

"What if all this technology is just left over from an ancient civilization that was way more advanced than us?" Simmons says.

Donut speaks up. "Wait a minute, how can an ANCIENT civilization be MORE advanced? If they were so advanced, where did they go?"

"They could have mysteriously disappeared, only leaving behind a legacy of enigmatic technology."

It's silent for a few moments till Donut speaks up. "That's gay."

"Oh, let's finish this fight later."


Simmons gasps. "That looks like Sister's armor."

"Oh, no!" Donut yells. "What happened to her?"

"Clearly, She's been disintegrated." Sarge says.

"I was slowly starting to like her." Ash says.

"Why would they do that?!" Simmons yells. "We can't tell Grif. He'd be devastated."


"Tell me what?" Grif asks.

The four turn to Grif.

"Tell you that your sister has been vaporized by the Blues." Sarge explains.

"WHAT?" Grif yells.

"Sarge!" Simmons yells.

"Heh heh, It's just like ripping off a band-aid." Sarge says as Simmons walks over to Grif. "Quick and incredibly painful."


"We just talked about this!" Simmons says. "We agreed not to tell him!"

"What?" Grif says again.

Donut looks to Sarge. "You really need to start thinking about other people's feelings, Sarge."

"Son, the only thing I need to do is stay red and die." Sarge replies.

"So much wisdom." Ash says in admiration. 

"What?!" Grif asks again.

"I'm really sorry, Grif." Simmons says. "She's dead."

"How could this have happened?" Grif asks. "Aw, man. That was my little sister. I mean, I know we don't always see eye to eye, but I still loved her."

"This has to be hard, Grif. I don't know what to say."

"I just..." Grif starts "I had no idea the last time I saw her would be the last time ever. I'd give anything to see her again and just talk to her one last time. And I'm never gonna get that chance. It's the most empty feeling in the whole world."

Donut looks to the computer screen again. "Oh, hey! She's not dead! She's just naked!"

"What?!" Grif yells. "That little slut! I'm gonna kill her!"

"Take a Screenshot! Take a Screenshot!" Simmons yells.

A click is heard from Ash's helmet and he turns to Grif. "Hey, Grif, your sister's kinda hot. Can I-?"

"NO!" Grif yells as Ash.

