Chapter 12: Magic Mishap
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CW: Magical assault, mildly sexual situations

Friday morning rolls around like the rest of the week; Mama makes me bacon and eggs for breakfast, then I put on a black pleated skirt and white v-neck t-shirt before heading off to school. History is intriguing once again, as we continue to study the strife of the pre-Lilith era.

Then it’s off to Magic class, where I would once again sit and study my classmates’ spellcasting techniques. Since we’re hardly a week in, the focus is still on Mana Shot, but Miss Blackwell is helping the other students refine their techniques to use less mana.

After she takes roll call, the other students descend to the training field, and Heather shoots me an unabashed, evil smirk on her way past.

Seriously, does she think I’m actually blind or something?

I watch them practice for a while, but then I zone out. You can only watch the same thing so many times before it starts to grow boring.

I wonder what my affinity is? How is that determined? The way you visualize it, maybe? If that’s it, Heather sure has a flexible imagination for being able to control all the elements. How many are there again? Let’s see, water, earth, fire, air, ice, lightning, light, and darkness. So, eight. Eight elements.

“Watch out!”

I raise my head to see a large ball of pure white headed my direction, a split second before it hits me. There isn’t even enough time to attempt to dodge; instead, I sit there dumbfounded.

The moment it hits me, I’m overcome by a slew of sensations. My skin is hot, yet cold, like after a heavy workout. Electricity runs down my spine, out to my limbs and through my tail. Something unfamiliar blooms in my abdomen. All these sensations at once leave me addled and incoherent.

“Oh my gods I am so sorry! That totally wasn’t meant to be a Homing Shot!” a familiar voice cries out.

Bullshit, Heather. You’ve been sizing me up since day one, haven’t you?

“Wha~… huh? Homing Shot… Bull… ssshit… target… ing… me…”

As the sensations become too much, I notice the ground seems a lot closer than usual. Then someone catches me, and I turn my head to look up.

“Missss… Blackwell?”

Her attention isn’t on me at this particular moment, though.

“Umbra, go get the nurse then the headmistress. You have my permission to fly, if it saves you time.” Turning back to me, she smiles and says, “Don’t worry, we’ll help you get through this.”

After a minute of waiting, with heat coursing through my body, who I assume are the school nurse and the headmistress arrive, along with the Alice that I only vaguely remember flying out of the classroom.

The Baphomet that arrived says, “Miss Blackwell, please go ahead and carry on your lesson. Miss Sage and I will take it from here.” She then turns to address the Witch that is presumably the school nurse. “You carry her torso, I’ll get her tail.”

“But, Mistress Ilene!” Miss Sage, the Witch, says.

“Are you doubting my strength?” the Baphomet says.

“No, Mistress Ilene.”

“Then I’ll carry her tail. Let’s go,” the headmistress says.

“Yes, Mistress Ilene.”

With that settled, they lift me onto a stretcher that I didn’t notice them bring in, then carry me to the infirmary. Once there, they transfer me to a bed.

“I’ll leave you to your duties, Sage. I’m off to contact her parents and let them know what happened.”

“Yes, Mistress Ilene,” Miss Sage says before turning to me. She puts a hand to my forehead. “Slightly elevated temperature, nothing that will cause harm. Good, good, and it sounds like you got hit by a pretty potent omni-elemental Mana Shot. I’m surprised it isn’t worse. May I lift up your skirt?” she asks, in the way only doctors could.

“Uhh, yess? But why does that matter?”

“To see the effects of the water mana,” she answers as she casually exposes my crotch. The action sends another jolt up my body, despite the clinical nature. “Sopping wet, as I expected.”

She lets my skirt fall and faces me again. “Is this your first heat?”

“Wait, I’m in heat? Is that what’ss happening? Why I feel ssoo… tingly?”

“Yes, you’re in a magically induced heat. Have you been in heat before?” she asks again.

“Uh, no. Thiss is the firsst time,” I answer.

“In that case, it’s best to let your family help you through it. I believe Mistress Ilene is contacting your parents now.”

“Already done, your mom is on her way to pick you up right now,” the headmistress says as she enters the room. 

“Now, about the incident. I understand it was Heather from your class who caused this?”

“Yess, she ssaid it wass a homing shot. She ssaid it was an acssident, but I don’t believe that.”

“Well, regardless of if it was an accident or not, Homing Shots must be cast with a target in mind, so this qualifies as assault. As such, Heather will be suspended for three days, starting Monday. She will also have to attend a disciplinary hearing.”


“Please, just call me Ilene. I’m hardly over a hundred. Now, what was your question?”

“Iss there a reason it’s three dayss, and not more?”

“Yes. It’s because Heather is a first-time offender. If it had happened before, it would be a full school week of four days and another week of detention.”

“Will I have to attend the hearing too?”

“As the victim in the incident, it’s best if you attend, but it’s not required. Miss Blackwell will also be there.”

There is a brief lull as I run out of questions, then Miss Ilene speaks.

“I heard young Miss Heather claims the Homing Shot was an accident. What do you think?”

“I don’t think it wass. she’ss been ssmkirking at me ssinsse day two,” I state. “Should I ssay that at the hearing?”

“That would be best,” Miss Sage interjected. “But right now you need rest, not to mention sexual relief. Nobody thinks very clearly in a state like that.”

“Well, I need to get back to work. Call me if any problems come up,” Miss Ilene says on her way out of the room.

Shortly after that, the mental stress of the events finally catching up to me, I fall asleep.

So I just realized that since it’s a six-day week, weekday names can’t carry over. So I’ve decided we have Firsday, Senday, Thirday, Forday, Friday, and Sithday. The school week is four days long, from Senday to Friday.