Chapter 1: Strange New World ~ Pathway Illuminated by the Moonlight
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I had tried my best. Still, I'm not a professional author so please excuse me if some parts you read come off as awkward. I will go back and edit the chapter when I have the time.

This chapter is shorter than the prologue because this part was kind of hard to write for me, I will make the next chapter longer if possible.

Thank you, I hope you enjoy reading my story.


“Ah, this is so nice…” Said Cirno as she was lying on her back sprawled across a floor made out of ice.

It had been a day since she found herself inside of that hole in this new world. Cirno thought this place was quite strange, yet familiar, in a way. The different features of the lake suggested to her that this one wasn’t the Misty Lake. There was an island in the middle of the lake, but no red ominous mansion built on it. More importantly, her fairy and youkai friends were gone!

Normally, she would come and bother Daiyousei every morning, or the reverse, and then they would go to play with the various friends that she had made like the Fairies of Light or some of the lesser youkais in Gensokyo. They usually played pranks on the humans together and it was really fun, although quite a lot of time the pranks didn’t end well, and they would get an angry shrine maiden on their backs. But the shrine maiden wasn’t entirely bad, in her opinion. They often celebrated all kinds of festivals and parties on the shrine’s ground, and she didn’t really mind youkai intruding, or was she? Anyway, the shrine maiden was an extremely powerful person, and the ice fairy promised to herself that one day she would be the one to defeat her.

Still, she could feel the same magic in the air, if weaker than how she enjoyed it. The lake was pretty much covered in a mist the entire time she had been here, which made the area quite cool, a feature she had always come to like about the Misty Lake. Cirno could see that those were mist puffing out from a forest nearby and then flowed here to the lake, curious, she thought she might investigate that forest later.

Cirno got up from the ice floor and went outside to look at her new house. “It’s finally done! I will call it Ice House the 2nd!” For now, though, she was happy that her efforts for some three hours had come to fruits.

If she were to build this house like her first one, it would have taken just an hour to finish. “But I spent triple the time this time, so triple the cool!” She smiled, satisfied with her result which was an igloo-like house with the exact same appearance as the first one she built, albeit slightly larger.

“Now that I think about it, I will be calling you Misty Lake the 2nd! For you also have the cool mist that I like!” Cirno declared loudly as she was sitting by the shore of the lake just beside the water.

A frog suddenly jumped right by her vision, but before it could even touch the ground, it was already covered in ice. “Hah! Another one! But you can’t escape me no matter how hard you try!”

Cirno threw the ice cube containing the frog she just made moments earlier into a spot beside her, which had many more frozen frogs lying around. “Though I have to admit that I did freeze quite a lot of frogs, he he… But! My control got better! And nobody was hurt this time, so all is okay, right?”

The ice fairy looked around once again, realizing that she had been talking to nobody but the frozen frogs for a time. “I wonder where is everyone... hmm... well, let's not think too hard about it. I will just go to sleep now, and Daiyousei will probably show up by the the time I wake up, like she always had!"

With that optimistic thought, Cirno went back inside her new house and took a long sweet nap...



The goblin is commonly regarded as a type of savage monster. In groups, they posed a real threat to undefended settlements and small teams of combatants. However, individually, they did not make that impressive of a fight. Small frame, weak physical strength, the only thing they had as an advantage was speed. The strongest enemy they could take on their own was probably a normal man, but only by surprise attack.

That was exactly the case here.

A lone goblin could be seen running through a dirt path in the dead of the night. It hadn’t been alone all the time, though. Just a few minutes ago, it was going together with its team and some more towards a small village. The plan was to infiltrate the place at the midnight, while everyone was asleep, raid as many houses as possible before the alarm was sounded and then quickly retreat. All of them were promised good loot tonight.

Some people were under the impression that the goblins would just burn the entire village down, kill the villagers and take everything, but they were not like that, well, not the ones in the present. Lately, the goblins were more like looters, they would prefer to steal from small villages or outskirts of towns and then silently back away. Only when they had an overwhelming number do they attack a settlement, but they didn’t have that luxury, not anymore. With the summons happening, small fry monsters like them were specifically hunted to train the heroes’ experience, and if they didn’t get killed by the hands of the heroes, they would get conscripted into the demon’s army. What was left of the goblins on the land was forced to adapt, constantly moving from place to place while avoiding the countries’ militaries and the suspicious demon recruiters.

But all that was not important anymore.

That moment, right when everything seemed to go so smoothly. They had finished their raid and were on their way out of the village then suddenly, that person appeared.

That person attacked with such speed and strength that all the goblins were mercilessly annihilated without a chance to fight back.

It was only alive now because it acted quickly and ran away while its teammates fell one after another. It was running on the dirt path, running for its dear life, ignoring all the fatigue and the muscle pain that got more and more unbearable with the seconds.

However, all those efforts went down the river when that person appeared again, this time apparently landing on the ground from above. “Now, you can’t be thinking that I will let you go, can you?” Came a cold voice that made the goblin shudder.

It took a step back, planning to run in the opposite direction, but couldn’t do so. The goblin just let out a terrified shriek as it felt that its body was locked in place by a force so great it couldn’t hope to escape from in its current state.

“You, right now, have three sins.” The person continued. “First, you have killed innocent people. I don’t care what you say, but several lives were lost in the raid you pulled off earlier. Second, even if you didn’t take any blood, the fact remains that you are a monster, and therefore has to be cleansed from this world. Third, and the most serious of all, is that you dare disturb my sleep!” The voice was seethed with anger in the last sentence as if the sky would fall at any moment.

Before the poor monster even heard the last word, the person’s figure disappeared, and its head was already sliding down from the neck. Its field of vision kept lowering and then a thud, it was looking in a position from the ground up and behind its still standing body. At that moment, even though coherent thoughts couldn’t be made anymore, the final images of the back of the person still haunted its mind before total blackness.

“Ah… Can’t believe I used all those skills only to deal with small fries… Just when can I get an actual rest…” The person spoke again, this time sounding more annoyed if anything else.

They followed through the dirt path leading back to the village. “It’s the Ruten Kingdom this time, huh? I swear all of those fools don’t know how wrong things can go… Welp, I can just intervene if something actually happened.”



“Good work, our heroes! How has your day been?” Princess Emily greeted the heroes in the hallway leading out of the training area.

“I supposed it’s good, your highness. You have been very kind as to let us stay in the castle and provide us with all the things we needed. I’m curious, though, why would a person like you go out all the way here to meet us? Do you need something?” One of the heroes stepped up and spoke politely.

The Princess started walking along the hallway, gesturing for the heroes to come with her. “I told you that you don’t have to talk to me in such a way, haven’t I? Anyway, from what we have observed today, your proficiency at fighting seemed to increase at a fast pace. I have requested the General to have you go through the basic training in the fear of you being unprepared. But if things keep progressing like this, I’m sure that we can take you on actual monster hunting really soon!”

“Eh… Is that a thing to get excited over, your highness?”

“Yes, of course! Imagine how cool it is for humans to slay a gigantic orc, or even a dragon! Oh, I can’t wait to see it with my own eyes! Especially the part where the final blow is dealt!”

“Sorry, but I don’t think that’s going to happen any time soon…” The hero then thought of another topic to distract the overexcited Princess in her fantasy daydream. “Now that it crossed my mind. Do you have any clues on the whereabouts of the missing member in my team?”

“Yea, I also wanted to ask. What if they were one of our friends?” Another person in the hero group also spoke up.

It was known that all of them were students and came from the same class in their previous world, so they had a close relationship with each other. When they received news that the light delivering the fifth hero was unexpectedly intercepted and fell somewhere unknown. A theory arise that the fifth hero might be one of their classmates, and it got them worried about that.

“We are still trying our best since yesterday. You will be always updated about the situation.”

“Yes, I understand.”

They could only hope that the other person landed somewhere safe, if not then at least the demons won’t attack before the kingdom can come.