87. The Calm before the Storm (Part 6)
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Sin wanted to know everything. While it was all well and good learning that she had 2 sisters, and that one of them was basically Sin’s mother for her whole life, she still wanted to know what exactly kept them from her this whole time.

Lilly tried to be as understanding as she could be, but this wasn't something that she felt like she had the right to talk about.

“M-... Sin. You deserve to hear the full story but... I... think it’s something the Ma-... Dad... should tell you.”

Sin nodded thoughtfully. She closed her eyes and pondered.

“Then let’s go back down and ask him!” She huffed and puffed triumphantly as if she’d come up with a genius plan.

“I’m afraid that’s not entirely possible right now.”

“What? Why?”

“He’s already left the building. I can always feel his presence when he’s here... but his absence burns far deeper than that.” Lilly shot her sister a sympathetic smile.

“That’s... too bad.” Sin's plans were in shatters. However, after a moment, she huffed and puffed again, “Then I’ll beat the answers out of him!” Sin shadowboxed.

Lilly covered her mouth and giggled. Rai laughed alongside her.


Lilly pointed to the door that opened, “This is my stop. Me and Naam are here most of the time if... you ever... you know.”

Sin hugged her, “Thank you, eldest. I'll see you around.”

Lilly welcomed the embrace before leaving. She waved as the lift door closed.

Through the door she heard happy noises from her sister until the lift went up again.

Lilly smiled to herself as she went into her and Naam’s shared apartment.

The layout was similar to the penthouse, since it was just the next floor down.

She started walking to her bedroom as she pondered about life until now. It was a big thing to Lilly, revealing to Sin that she was her sister this whole time. Lilly thought back to life in the Castle. Sin was just a child, and she had so much to worry about. Dealing with all of the nobles, politics, and noise within the whole ecosystem of upper-class life was too much for her. Lilly didn't like Rai much at first, but after a while she began to learn how much Rai had influenced Sin in a positive way. Sin seemed to have mellowed out in a way that Lilly was proud of.

It didn't change that she'd continue to watch over her youngest sister. Their mother had provided Lilly with a means to do so.

Pocket dimension magic.

Maintaining pocket dimension magic was difficult for Lilly when she was younger, but it became much easier with time. Nowadays, she could maintain it all day without any problems. It was something that her mother had passed down to her, and something that she wanted to pass down to Sin. When she was ready, of course.

Lilly always thought that finding an object to attach an anchor to was the difficult part. But, fortunately for Lilly, their mother Milly left behind a ring that Sin never takes off. It acted as the perfect anchor.

But Lilly found pride in her own ingenuity. Using the pocket dimension as a wormhole was her own idea. She’d managed to set 3 anchors. Sin’s ring, Devil’s Secret, and the Underworld Castle.

Lilly put on a smug face as she entered her room. Heh. Even Ma-... Fuck. I need to get used to that. Lilly scrunched her eyes and tapped her head twice. She allowed herself to continue thinking. Even DAD... yes, dad. Dad would be amazed at that.

As Lilly walked through her bedroom doorway, she noticed that Naam’s room was very different to hers. Lilly very much valued efficiency over much else. Her room was simple. There were only a few sentimental objects that she kept in here on top of a bedside table, and a wardrobe that had all of her clothes that she brought to the Secret when Sin moved in.

Lilly snapped her fingers – a trait that she picked up from her father – and instantly undressed. She got into bed and went for a nap. However, before she tried to fall asleep, Lilly flailed around on her bed with a wide smile on her face.

Then, given her partiality to efficiency, she fell asleep instantly.




The doors closed.

Sin jumped about and squealed with joy. She hugged Rai a bunch with the biggest smile on her face.

Rai was amazed that she even had this much energy. Aren’t I supposed to be the lightning freak? Her energy is far more electric than mine ever is.

“Rai! Rai! Rai! Rai! I HAVE TWO SISTERS!”

She did a little tappy dance as she clenched her arms and hands and shook them.

“I’ve never seen you this excited before. It's... really nice to see.” He watched her with a kind of second-hand happiness that he hadn’t really felt on this level before.

Sin wrapped her arms around his neck. She pecked him a bunch with kisses as she squeezed him tight.


Mr. Guard raised an eyebrow at the sight of the two of them, but as per the job requirements, he didn’t say a word.

Sin didn’t realise that the doors had opened, so she continued to kiss rai all over his face.

Rai blushed a touch, “Uh... Sin?”

Sin stopped pecking him and looked into his eyes expectantly. She blushed. “What is it Rai? You can tell me anything!” Is he going to say that he loves me?! I mean it's not like I don't-

Rai interrupted her thoughts by pointing at something behind her, “In that case... turn around.”

Sin turned around.

She was mortified.

“OH FUCK! MR. GUARD I’M SORRY!!” She blushed heavily. Sin bowed a lot and kept saying sorry.

Rai laughed, which made her more embarrassed.

Mr. Guard frowned at her, “Princess. Someone of your stature shouldn't bow to a guard.”

She somehow blushed even more. Sin’s apologies just sped up.

Rai dragged Sin from her constant bowing to the room. He closed the door behind them.

Mr. Guard sighed as he held his post.

Rai dragged the emotional mess into the room and sat her on the sofa. Sin was still very embarrassed, and Rai felt bad for laughing at her since she had just gone through multiple life changing moments over the last 2 days. Sin was bound to be just a little sensitive by now, at least.

“I’m sorry for laughing at you, are you alright Sin?”

“I’m f-fine. I just c-can’t believe I d-did that!” She grabbed a cushion and stuffed her face into it.

Rai sat beside her and patted her head while messing with her hair.

Sin closed her eyes and leaned into Rai’s hand.

By the time 5 minutes passed, Rai was feeling numb in his hand. But Sin clearly had no intention of letting him leave.

Sin frowned as she saw the confusion on Rai’s face. Is he still going because he thinks I want him to? Gosh you doofus.

“You don’t have to keep going, you know? Just stop whenever you want to and don't be shy about it.”

“Right. Thanks.” He shot her a warm smile.

Sin returned it.

“Let’s get changed and then go to the training area. I really want to test this spell out properly.

“Alright, meet back out here when we're ready?”

Sin nodded.

They went into their rooms, cleaned themselves up, and started getting ready.

After about ten minutes, Sin had finished cleaning up and was already ready. She was surprised at how long Rai took to get ready. Sin sat on the sofa and stared at the blank crystalakrum screen. What’s taking him so long?

Minutes passed.

Nothing happened.

Sin decided to take matters into her own hands.


I’ll just check to see what he’s doing.

She tiptoed over to Rai’s door. Why’d I do that. My presence is concealed, so why did I... whatever. She noticed that Rai’s door was open a crack. Slowly, Sin pushed Rai’s door open.

The lighting was dim in Rai’s room, but it was surprisingly clean. I expected a much more cluttered and dirty room... She looked on his bed. Rai’s uniform was there. As well as... Sin covered her eyes and blushed. She peeked through her fingers at Rai's undergarments laying on the bed.

The door to the washroom unlocked.

Sin held her breath. Panic was setting in.

Rai’s voice came through the door, “Oh. I forgot to dry myself.”

The door locked again.

Sin exhaled.

She quickly left Rai’s room and went back to the sofa. Sin undid the invisibility spell. Her heartrate was high, but she'd at least managed to get the information that she wanted.

Rai, a few minutes later, walked out of his room with his hakama on. He was tying up his hair into a ponytail as he walked over to Sin.

Sin slowly creaked her head towards him. She was already blushing, “Hi. Good shower?”

“... Yeah? You?” What kind of question... she’s literally never asked anything like that before.

“Good. Good shower.”

“Right.” Then Rai's mind reminded him of something that he noticed as he was leaving his room, “Oh. Did you open my door?”

Sin internally screamed.

“Me? No... I would never commit such a heinous crime. No no no, most definitely not me! I wouldn’t do something like that ever! Nope. Never ever. Nuh uh. Not me.”

Rai stared blankly at her.

“It’s really not that bad... The door was open, so I was just wondering. I mean you can go in there whenever you want, that’s no problem with me. I was just curious.” Something’s really messed her up here. Has Sin finally broken after all this emotionally overwhelming stuff has happened to her?

Sin internally screamed again, but louder this time.

“Thanks Rai. Let’s go fight now.” Sin stood up and zoomed out of the penthouse.

“Huh? Wait, she’s gone already?!” He ran to keep up with her. She’s walking, so how is she moving so fast.

Sin’s legs were simply moving faster than the rest of her body could keep up with.

Rai somehow kept up with her though. He waved goodbye to Mr. Guard, and they went into the lift.

Rai centred himself.

Sin held her awkward smile.

Rai flicked a small bolt of air at the side of her head.

She frowned, “Why though?”

“To snap you out of it. What on Zenith had you so... awkward?”

“Fine... I wanted to know what you were doing since you were taking ages... so I... snuck into your room with invisibility."


“If you wanted to know, you could’ve just called out and asked.”

“Yeah... I know that now, dingus.”

“Ooh. That’s a new one. I quite like that one.”

“Dingus.” Sin stifled a giggle.

“It’s such a fun word. Dingus.” Rai giggled as he repeated the word

Sin laughed alongside him.

Rai let out a satisfied 'whew' after that good giggle.

“Alright alright, enough faffing around. Let’s get started.”

They got ready to test Sin's technique.