129. Price of Peace (Part 2)
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For a city within Aurum, the region governed by the clan of Commerce, the Banks were always a bit of an enigma. Instead of grand buildings and beautiful scenery, the Banks consisted of stone pathways and decrepit houses. Much of the city was filled with homeless people who’d line the streets, steering away any who dared to enter simply by existing.

Kallad understood the depth behind the city, however.

Since the Banks were known for being the home to gold, many of the ‘financial service providers’ made a home for themselves and their businesses here. The sad part, to Kallad, was that most of these homeless people that he walked past were just normal people at one point. But they’d lost everything when they weren’t able to pay back what they owed.

Such was the nature of the den of sharks known as the Banks.

Kallad quietly made his way through the city, since the Kin Reserves building was on the other side of the city’s portal house.

“Oh? Is that you old chum? Kallad Raven!...”

No... please... anyone but this guy...


Kallad felt a hand pat his back.

“How marvellous to see you again old pal! I can’t believe you haven’t aged a day! Just those marvellous Raven genes I suppose!”

Kallad turned to look at the wrinkled, greying, elven man.

“... And you, old man, have aged like shit.”

“Bahahaha! It seems the cobra hasn’t lost its venom quite just yet... What brings you to the Banks old pal?”

“I’m just here to make a withdrawal... last I heard you were coaching new adventurers in the guild so why are you here this late?”

“It seems we’re here for the same purpose then! I need to make a withdrawal on my guild’s behalf. It’s secret stuff, so I had to come late. You understand. Anyway, come, walk with me.”

“... Yes. Of course.”

Kallad followed alongside the man. He wore a very expensive looking suit and tie, and was wrapped in a thick, expensive-looking, fur.

Not exactly the most flattering for his form though...

The thing that stood out the most to Kallad was the insignia on the man’s suit jacket, that was poking out from underneath his furs.

It was the symbol of the Torch family. They were known for their exceptional ability to control flames and fire, which was arguably the wildest element.

Kallad knew better. Lightning was far more of a natural wildcard than fire could ever hope to be.

Still, the Torch family had exceptional influence throughout the clans. Their youngest children had already graduated from Aether Academy, and were making waves in and around the different guilds. Kallad kept track of individuals that he thought could uproot the status quo that kept Zenith back from its best self. This was why he kept track of the Torch family’s most promising flames.

“Tell me Kallad. How is the little one?”

Kallad’s eyes widened. Has he been keeping track of Sin’s progress?

Kallad shot the old man a fake, but convincing, smile.

“She’s doing well. Sindyl’s just enrolled into Aether Academy and has been performing at the top of her cohort since she arrived there.”

“That’s wonderful to hear. I’ve been keeping an eye on Aether Academy myself, since the first year’s students have been... promising to say the least. Who was that one they said could use lightning... Kai, was it?”

The two of them walked past a stray stall full of mouldy breads and rotting vegetables. The seller was trying to sell food this late into the night, but was finding no customers. Past the corner of a building were three street urchins eyeing the breads with watering mouths.

Kallad took a mental note of how downcast the Banks really were.

“Rai. His name’s Rai.”

“Ah yes. Rai... the first and only lightning user in the youngest generation. As far as I know, the last lightning user was from generations past...”

“Yeah. Flame specialists used to be renown for taming the wildest element... but that changed with the evolution of our understanding of mana. Now everyone can learn all of the core elements.” Kallad said, trying to move the topic away from Rai.

“Let’s get one thing straight Kallad. That evolution that you’re talking about, we nobles had already achieved it long before the masses. It might have been from an age long past, but the nobles once stood above all when it came to their latent magical ability.”

“Of course Lucien, of course.”

Stuck up nobles. They’re all the same, aren’t they? It’s always ‘we’re better, they’re worse’ with them. There’s no unity in life when it comes to these assholes.

“Besides... this Rai’s an interesting one. He’s supposed to be able to handle a sword just as well as utilise lightning magics, from the rumours that I’ve heard. Apparently some who are close to him liken him to a young... infamous war general.” Lucien shuddered with his last few words.

“Ah, well I wouldn’t know. I’ve been so focused on the upcoming Summit that I haven’t had time to scout out potentials.”

“Oh yes, of course. Perhaps your daughter would know more.”

“Hmm? What exactly would you mean by that, Lucien?”

“Well... pardon me if I’m overstepping my bounds here. I’ve heard a rumour that the daughter of deception is smitten with the boy that commands lightning.”

“I see. I wouldn’t know much about that. My daughter doesn’t tell me much about her love life, you know? Just how daughters are.”

“Of course, I would know! I have two of them and they never tell me anything, hahaha!”

Kallad let out a measured soft chuckle. This wily old fox... he wants to find a way to Rai through me, and is even willing to drag Sin into it.

“Do you not find it just a little bit disappointing though?”

“What exactly?” Kallad asked in response.

“Well, for such an incredible potential your daughter has, she’s chosen to ally herself with a commoner.”

“Were you not just praising that boy a moment ago?”

“Don’t get me wrong Kallad, he might have potential as a strong pawn... but that’s his limit. Being a commoner, he can’t match up to our best, you know?”

“I see... Tell me Lucien, what of your children? I’ve heard that they’re reaching the upper echelons of the guilds around Zenith by now.”

“Oh yes, they are doing wonderfully! The eldest is now organising beast raids as part of the hunters’ guild, and the middle one is rising up the ranks in the adventurers’ guild. The youngest recently graduated from the Academy, so he’s yet to cement himself anywhere. I’ve been telling him to join the Arbiter’s forces, but he seems to be hesitant to do so.”

The Torch family is part of the Vision clan... It would make sense for them to be helping the Arbiter if the Spectre is in his palm.

“Well, I suppose that would be a lucrative career option. Much growth to be had climbing those ranks. Lots of influence to be gained as well.”

“That’s what I kept telling him! But no, he seems to have his heart set on being a creative. A struggling artist. Pah! As if he could grow doing such a frivolous thing.”


Kallad turned to look at the origin of the sound.

They’d just walked past a small house. The silhouette of a large lady looking down on a small girl planted itself on the window’s curtain in shadow.

Kallad felt for the girl, who was probably just doing her best. Whatever circumstances one were in, hitting a child was never the correct option. It only provided catharsis to the elder, while scarring the younger.

Still, this was their life. But... Kallad did notice something odd around that house. There wasn’t time to investigate it right now though.

The sound of jingles and laughter came from a nearby building on the opposite side of the street.

Kallad looked over and saw light emanating from the building’s openings.

It was a bar.

The people within were enjoying their night, oblivious to the pain surrounding them.

Well, it wasn’t their responsibility, so who would care?

Kallad ignored the bar and kept walking alongside Lucien. They were closing in on the Kin Reserves, where both of them were headed.

“Kallad... may I ask you something?”

“You’ve never asked permission before, why start now?”

“Hahaha! You’re completely right. Well in that case... let the vote go through.”


“Pardon? I don’t know what you mean...”

“The Summit. I know it’s being called for a vote.”

Lucien, compared to how he was when he first met with Kallad on their way to the Reserves, was nervous now.

“You see, I have a lot riding on this... I would make sure that you were paid handsomely for your cooperation.”

“... I see.”

“Please, Kallad. From an old friend, let the vote go through.”

Kallad smiled at the old man as they stopped in their tracks.

“While I know not of what you speak... I will tell you that I’ll do my best.” He winked.

Lucien’s eyes brightened, then simmered back down almost immediately.

“Thank you old chum. I shall pay you back tenfold!”

Kallad chose not to respond.

They arrived.

The Kin Reserves building was the only clean building in the area. Even the richer bars and pubs weren’t as well-kept as this place. Neither did they boast the same amount of security as the Reserves.

Well, for a place where nobles keep their treasures, it would have to be spotless. And it would have to be well protected. At least they’re doing the bare minimum...

Kallad entered the building, with Lucien in tow.