133. Date Night (Part 2)
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“Is this really all the clothes you own?” Sin asked.

“Well, not exactly... A lot of my clothes are back on the farm. I didn’t bring a lot with me since I’m mostly in uniform or wearing my hakama. The other clothes I have are just loose fitting linens I wear around the penthouse.” Rai responded.

Sin pondered for a second as she looked through Rai’s wardrobe.

All she saw there was a couple slightly varying hakamas, and a couple Academy uniforms. To the side of them were the loose-fitting clothes, as Rai mentioned.


“What’s up?”

“Well, we can’t have you dressing up in a hakama for a date.”

“Wha... Huh? Why not?!”

Sin stared at him, deadpan. “You’re not a monk are you? Why would you wear a hakama on a date with a beautiful girl? You should put in the same amount of effort as she does and dress to impress.”

“... Huh... Well I guess that... makes sense...”

“So, let’s go to the market district and find you some nice smart clothes, and I’ll get a new dress!”

Sin beamed as she ran out of Rai’s room to get ready. “Hurry up and get ready to leave! We’re going in 5!”

Oh boy. Well... Rai looked at his mostly barren wardrobe. She’s definitely right. I need some more clothes.

Rai quickly changed into a comfortable outfit from his linens and left his room to meet with Sin.

She was already in the lounge, waiting for him. She seemed excited and ready to go. Sin wore comfortable looking clothes herself, similar to Rai. I suppose it’s easier to shop for clothes when you can easily try them on without much hassle.

“You ready?” She asked him in an energetic voice.

“Yep! Let’s get going.”

Rai and Sin left the penthouse, after saying goodbye to Mr. Guard and entering the lift.


The lift door opened to the lobby, and Rai felt a pang of relief. He didn’t realise it, but he was scarred from the Songstress’s introduction to him before. The fact that she wasn’t there, gave him a sense of calm.

“Hey, you two, you going somewhere?” Naam asked them from the receptionist desk.

There weren’t any people in the VIP area today, which was something that both Rai and Sin preferred. The less people the better.

“We’re going shopping! Rai needs new clothes, and I need a new dress.” Sin said.

“Oooh. Sounds fun! You got any particular reason for wanting a new dress?”

Sin blushed a touch. “Well... Me and Rai are going on a date tonight...”

Naam blinked twice. Then she broke into a full on sprint towards Rai.

Rai was far too zoned out to care. But he did find it a bit odd when Naam began sniffing him.

“Uh... Naam?”

“... I knew it!”

Naam turned to Sin and winked at her, then she shot her younger sister a thumbs up.

Sin’s cheeks got hotter.

Naam’s lips curled into a sly grin. She slowly moved her index finger towards a hole she’d made with her other hand.

Sin wildly shook her head.

“... R-r-right then! Off w-we go Rai!”

Sin grabbed Rai and pushed him out the exit of the reception area.

“Oh, right. See ya later Naam!” Rai waved her goodbye while Sin pushed him out of the Secret.

Naam waved them goodbye until they’d left.


Naam couldn’t help it. She enjoyed teasing Sin like that.

Rai just allowed himself to be pushed. It was a sensation that he enjoyed, but he didn’t quite know why he enjoyed it. Perhaps it was the feeling that someone else was in control of his body. Either way, Sin had dragged him out of the Secret, and they were now on the quiet afternoon streets of the red light district.

Zenith’s twin suns were high up in the sky, and slowly going downwards on their predetermined curves.

It was just past lunchtime, which meant that the red light district was almost empty. There were still some people advertising for their establishments, but for the most part the street was empty.

Sin let out a sigh, then locked her arm with Rai’s.

She looked slightly up at him with a gentle smile. “C’mon, let’s go!”

“Mhmm!” Rai returned her smile with one of his own.

Rai and Sin walked through to the other side of the red light district without much trouble. They enjoyed each other’s company, and walked for the majority of the way in comfortable silence. Every now and then they’d point something out and talk about it. Rai was mostly just enjoying Sin’s presence. He loved being around her. Unlike other people, Sin gave him energy rather than drain it when they were around each other.

Once they’d reached the crossroads in the centre of the capital, Sin had to ask someone for directions. Neither of them had actually been to the area in the market that sold clothes before. Sin normally had her father’s tailor sort out her clothes, but this time she wanted to find something for herself.

As they travelled through the city, Rai noticed how the people they came across began to vary. In the area that they were once in, the red light district, there was always a much free-er vibe amongst the people when compared to the rest of the city. That held true today, even though there weren’t many people in said district at this time of day. Once they’d reached the market district, Rai found that the people on the streets and looking through stalls looked... much more troubled. It felt like they were generally less happy.

For as much shit the red light district gets, it always feels like the people there are much more open and comfortable with themselves than the people in the rest of the city.

The vibe around them shifted once more as they delved further into the market district. There were many more people now than there were before, who lined the streets while crowding around stalls and shops.

This wasn’t the clothing area specifically, but even here, where it seemed only household goods were sold, there were so many people looking to buy things.

Are there always this many? This is absurd... I couldn’t imagine this many people even fitting in Acies, not at all!

Sin tightened her hold on Rai’s arm.

She didn’t want to lose him in the crowd.

After a little while of walking through the crowd of people, Rai and Sin came upon the area that they were looking for.

It was marked by a large fake thread spindle on an archway that led into an enclosed area. Large expensive-looking buildings circled the big square that contained a number of stalls in the middle. Along the edges were shops within the aforementioned large buildings, containing professional tailors that were renting out shop spaces. In between some of the shops were pathways that led to smaller alleyways with smaller clothes shops. Those alleyways all flowed in between the big buildings, and led back to the square by the end of their path.

This was the segment of the market that specialised in tailoring clothes.

Well, there were merchants here selling rugs, blankets, and just about anything that could require a tailor. But there were far more clothes merchants and professional tailors selling their services.

Funnily enough, considering the vast amount of people that they had to get through in the previous part of the market, this area felt a lot less busy. There was a moderate amount of people circling the stalls, but hardly anybody visiting the shops towards the outer edges. There was a healthy circulation of people moving through the alleyways though.

“Is it just me, or are there way less people here than I expected?” Rai asked.

Sin shook her head. “It’s not just you... I’m guessing that it’s because the clothes here are more expensive?”

A voice came from behind them.

“Right you are, young woman!”

Rai and Sin turned to look at the source of the voice, on guard.

The person raised their hands. “Woah woah woah, I’m just a worker here! I haven’t seen you two around before, so I figured I might show you around the shops, give you an idea about what you might be able to afford...”

Rai took in their appearance quickly. Short, well-groomed, white hair. Blue eyes. Skinny frame. Hardly any muscles... but mana flows around them... and it’s grim.

Sin felt it too. There’s no official Commerce workers in these areas... that’s not normal. Also, the mana around them is... gross. It’s vile! We need to avoid this person at all costs!

Sin put on a fake, but convincing, smile. “Thanks for the concern, but we’re alright by ourselves! Take care now!”

She turned Rai around and speed walked forward with him in tow.

“Wait! I...” The person watched as their targets ignored them. “Fuck!” They whispered under their breath. “They looked easy but... I don’t know why they just left... You don’t think they figured something out... do you?”

The big guy leaning against the archway remained where he was with his arms crossed. “Nay... they’re 20 year olds at best... I ain’t thinkin’ they’re wily enuff’ ta figure anything out. Keep yer eyes out fer the right opportunity, and we’ll be feastin’ good tonight!”

“Yes sir! Thank you for the guidance, sir!”

Rai and Sin only heard the person whisper ‘fuck’ before they melded with the crowd at the stalls.

They had to be careful, or they might end up in trouble.

After all, it would be a bit difficult to get to their date if they got arrested for killing some would-be attackers.