Chapter 9 – Veiled Alliance
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The morning sun in Arbo stretched across the horizon, its golden rays gradually revealing the majestic outlines of Arbo's terrain. A gentle breeze rustled through the towering evergreens that dotted the landscape, their branches whispering ancient secrets to those patient enough to listen.

As a small territory within Arbo nestled in nature's heart, it held an enchanting tranquillity that belied the undercurrent of political tension running beneath its calm surface.

Princess Moira stood on her balcony, her gaze sweeping across the serene panorama. Her heart mirrored the quiet anticipation of dawn, the impending arrival of Lady Apate, one of Queen Themis' four swords, casting long shadows across her thoughts.

She was a daunting presence even in her absence, her reputation alone enough to stir the calm morning air.

Moira’s castle in Arbo was an imposing structure of elegant spires and expansive halls, its towering walls steeped in centuries of history. As Moira walked its ornate corridors, each stone echoed the steps of those who had come before her.

The greeting room, with its high ceilings and grand windows, bore silent witness to the meetings of kings and queens, diplomats and traitors. It was here that Moira awaited the arrival of Lady Apate.

The day unfolded slowly, the sun's progress across the azure canvas an unwavering reminder of the relentless march of time. Moira’s mind was a whirlwind of imagined scenarios, her apprehension and anticipation growing with each passing minute. She would not show her fear; she knew better than to reveal her emotions in this meeting.

Lady Apate's arrival was an event that commanded attention, as though nature itself recognized the power she wielded. Her entourage, an intimidating force of riders, burst from the dissipating morning fog, transforming the peaceful morning into a spectacle of anticipation. Their leader, Lady Apate, sat astride her horse with a regal air, her silhouette a dark promise against the ethereal dawn.

She was an arresting figure, an embodiment of dark beauty. Jet-black hair, as glossy as a raven's wing, fell in a cascade over her shoulders, framing a face that was as striking as it was inscrutable. Her features were sharply defined, with high cheekbones, a slender nose, and a jawline that spoke volumes about her indomitable will.

Yet it was her eyes that held the most power: a captivating pair of crimson orbs that glowed with a formidable intensity, a stark contrast against the fair hue of her skin.

As they approached the castle, Moira watched from a distance, her expression stoic yet her heart pounding. Each beat was a silent acknowledgement of the woman's potency. Lady Apate was not just a person; she was a force of nature, an overwhelming presence that seemed to command the very air around her.

Lady Apate dismounted with ease and grace that spoke volumes about her confident poise. As she walked, she moved with an air of regality, her long, onyx dress swirling around her, adding a layer of mystique to her imposing aura. Each gesture, every step, was imbued with an implicit menace, her silent command making the atmosphere grow denser with anticipation.

In the grand hall of the castle, the tension was palpable as Lady Apate exchanged polite formalities with Moira. Her voice, soft yet assertive, carried an undercurrent of authority, echoing off the stone walls. Their conversation danced delicately around the unspoken matter at hand: the massacre at Come Right Inn. 

Despite the cordial smiles and polite nods, everyone present felt the gravity of Apate's presence, a chilling reminder of the potential threat she could become.

The conversation veered towards the tragedy, a subject that cast a dark cloud over their tête-à-tête. Lady Apate’s insistence that she had no involvement in the gruesome incident was received with a guarded reservation.

"Princess Moira," Apate began, her voice echoing in the vastness of the hall, "believe me when I say I played no part in the horrors that befell Come Right Inn."

Underneath the grandeur of the meeting room's high ceilings, Moira was a quiet sentinel in the face of an unexpected and worrying truth. She stood, elegant and regal, with her thoughts swirling, trying to reconcile the words of Lady Apate. Trust, in their game, was as fluid as water, and every word was an opportunity for treachery.

"Lady Apate," Moira began, her voice as calm as a placid lake, belying the turbulent sea of thoughts within her. "With the current state of affairs, it's incredibly difficult to distinguish between truth and fabrication."

The servants had quietly retreated from the grand hall, leaving only Princess Moira and Lady Apate in the expansive greeting room. The atmosphere felt heavier, as if the very air held its breath, waiting for the unfolding of the unexpected.

As if acknowledging the mistrust, Lady Apate made a surprising decision. With an air of solemnity, she summoned Marbas. A demon reputed as 'the All-Knowing,' his emergence into the physical world was as startling as the elegant figure that manifested, a stark incongruity in the midst of such raw power.

The room seemed to still as Marbas greeted Lady Apate, his voice a smooth purr that wrapped around the words like a velvet glove. "Esteemed Lady Apate," he began, his every word carrying a weight that resonated through the greeting room. "How may I be of service to you on this fine day?"

Apate’s gaze held Marbas's, her voice brimming with the weight of her request. "Marbas, the All-Knowing, show us the events that unfolded at the Come Right Inn."

The aftermath was a horrifying descent into a dreadful past. Marbas, with his daunting powers, recreated the grisly scene, painting a stark and distressing tableau. The spectral images of Saintess Serene and Madam Susan re-enacting their final moments were enough to make Moira recoil, the ghastly memory imprinted indelibly into their minds.

Although Adonis's name was not mentioned by both Serene or Susan in this re-enactment, both Moira and Apate knew without a doubt that the 'Prince' of the Saintess was Adonis.

The revelation of Adonis's past with the Saintess shook them, leaving a stunned silence in its wake. 

As they grappled with the truth, Marbas, in his enigmatic fashion, demanded his payment.

“Payment is due, dear Lady Apate. All of the lives in this castle should be sufficient.” His tone was light, but the glint in his demonic eyes betrayed a lurking hunger.

Apate's reaction was immediate, but it wasn't unthinking. The moment Marbas demanded his payment, a palpable shift came over her. She looked at Marbas, her eyes narrowing just a fraction, a telltale sign of her mounting displeasure. It was subtle but there nonetheless, a dark storm building beneath the calm facade.

Apate would not allow such audacious demands from Marbas to go unchecked. 

She needed to remind Marbas, and Moira, of her power. "You want the lives in this castle, Marbas?" Her voice was dangerously soft, laced with warning. Her gaze did not leave the demon, a silent challenge that was impossible to miss.

Without missing a beat, she raised her hand, not in a swift and violent gesture but a calculated, deliberate move. Dark energy crackled around her fingers, a manifestation of her ire that was beautiful yet terrifying. The room's temperature seemed to drop several degrees, the air prickling with raw power that threatened to burst at the seams.

And then, she released it.

What followed wasn't so much an explosion as it was an erasure. It was as if Apate's power dismissed Marbas from existence, the air filling the space where he once stood in a silent testament to her might. There was no theatrics, no grand flourish. Just a simple, definitive end.

The echo of her action rippled through the room, casting a chilling silence that muffled the gasp from Princess Moira. Apate’s anger was a visceral force, freezing the room into a mute tableau, a chilling testament to her might.

In the aftermath, Apate managed a swift apology, her voice threading through the still air, "My apologies for such violence Princess Moira." Yet her words did little to alleviate the tension that hung heavily in the room.

Moira's gaze shifted from the empty space where Marbas once stood to Lady Apate, her eyes narrowing in a mixture of awe and concern. She took a step forward, her voice laced with reprimand. "Lady Apate, what have you done? Summoning such a dangerous demon... It was a reckless and perilous act."

Apate met Moira's gaze with a calm yet resolute expression. She held herself with regal poise, unyielding under Moira's reproach. "Princess Moira, I assure you that Marbas was a controlled and calculated risk. His powers, though formidable, are known to me. I have dealt with him before, and his demands usually come in the form of blood."

Apate let out a measured sigh and continued, her crimson eyes revealing a hint of weariness. "Marbas, as the All-Knowing, seeks to consume the essence of life to fuel his knowledge. Normally, I would provide him with my own blood as payment for his services. But today, his audacious demand for all the lives in this castle left me with no choice but to act swiftly and decisively."

After a heated argument between Apate and Moira regarding the necessity of summoning a servant from hell, Moira managed to regain her composure. 

It was during this moment of calm that Lady Apate revealed her knowledge of Adonis' divine inscriptions and his past, during which he was known as "Plum." This revelation sparked a wave of intrigue that reverberated through the grand hall, with its implications resonating in the air.

"So, you knew of his divine gifts," Moira murmured, her voice a soft murmur amidst the grandeur of the room.

Lady Apate paused, her gaze locking with Moira's, her crimson eyes burning with a mix of emotions. "Yes, Princess," she replied, her voice heavy with hidden meaning. "I am aware of his previous identity."

Moira's mind raced, piecing together the fragments of information that now seemed to make sense. Why did she choose not to claim him for herself? The answer eluded her, leaving her perplexed and intrigued.

"Apate," Moira finally spoke, her tone laced with curiosity. "If you were aware of Adonis's blessings, why did you not take him?"

A faint smile flickered across Apate's lips, a fleeting glimpse of vulnerability crossing her otherwise stoic demeanour. "The same reason why you didn't, Princess," she confessed, her voice laden with a mix of truth and regret. "Neither of us could guarantee his safety."

Moira's gaze lingered on Apate, her thoughts spinning with possibilities. There was more to Apate's intentions than met the eye, and the revelation of her knowledge about Adonis only deepened the mystery. What game was she playing? And why had she chosen this moment to reveal her understanding?

Before Moira could delve deeper into the enigma that was Lady Apate, her attention shifted to a more pressing matter—the Saintess of Soiled Light and her intentions. Her duty as Princess and her loyalty to her mother, Queen Themis, demanded that she take action.

"Lady Apate," Moira began, her voice steady but resolute, "We must report the Saintess's motives to Queen Themis as soon as possible. This revelation changes everything."

Lady Apate's eyes flickered with a mixture of understanding and hesitation, her mind likely racing with the potential consequences of such a revelation. She nodded slowly, acknowledging the gravity of the situation.

"Very well, Princess," Apate replied, her voice measured. "But let me offer you a word of caution. If Queen Themis discovers Adonis's true nature and the baggage that comes with him, she may choose to abandon him."

Moira felt a twist in her gut as the need to report this to Queen Themis was superseded by Apate’s warning that Themis might abandon Adonis, considering his complex entanglements. The trust they had built hung by a fragile thread, its weight a testament to the gravity of the situation.

In the thick of a silence broken only by the echo of chilling revelations, Lady Apate unfurled an unexpected proposal. "Princess Moira," she began, her voice a quiet storm, "I offer you my protection from this foolish Saintess."

This offer, draped in the veneer of a potential alliance, sparked a tumult of thoughts in Moira's mind. Her instinct screamed for refusal. Yet, the present circumstances, the layered complexities of their situation, whittled down her options, nudging her toward reluctant acceptance.

With Queen Themis, her mother, out of the picture for this discussion, Moira found herself cornered. She couldn't divulge the newfound knowledge of Adonis's past which intertwined with the Saintess of Soiled Light, for fear that Themis would abandon him. With her queenly resource inaccessible, she saw no other recourse but to tentatively embrace Apate's proposition.

"Understood, Lady Apate," Moira's words rang out in the room, steady and resigned. It was an acceptance carved out of necessity, a cautious dance in the treacherous waltz of power.

As the meeting concluded, the grand greeting room emptied, leaving only Moira standing amidst its opulent surroundings. Lady Apate, her enigmatic presence fading like a wisp of smoke, departed, leaving the princess alone with her thoughts.

Moira’s gaze turned to the vast window overlooking her territory, her mind churning over the day's events. Trusting Apate was a risk, one she was unsure was worth taking. But in the intricate game of power, allies were as valuable as they were dangerous.

The remainder of the day passed in contemplative silence. The castle, usually abuzz with activity, seemed unusually quiet. Servants moved with hushed steps, their usual chatter replaced with whispered speculation.

In her private chambers, Moira considered the alliance she had just formed. What did it truly mean to have Apate's protection? How deep did this alliance run? The gravity of her decision weighed heavily on her, each passing minute echoing with the potential consequences of her choices.

Evening descended on Arbo, its soft hues casting long shadows across the landscape. Moira found herself on her balcony once again, the ethereal glow of twilight reflecting off her pensive expression. As the whispers of the wind carried the echoes of the day, Moira realized that her path had been chosen. There was no turning back now.

As the quiet night enveloped the kingdom, Moira sat in the solitude of her chambers, her gaze fixed on the moonlit landscape. In the silence, she heard the echoes of Apate's words, the promise of protection intermingled with a subtle threat. She wondered about Apate's true intentions. Was her protection sincere, or was it merely a means to achieve her own ends?

As Moira succumbed to restless sleep, she recognized that the days ahead would be filled with uncertainties. However, she had made her decision and now had to patiently await the outcome. With a flicker of hope in her heart, she could only trust that the steps she had taken would lead her down the right path.