too realistic for a dream (redone chapter)
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{Hey guys, I'm back from the dead. i was gone for how long? 6 months? 7? i have no idea but i decided to upload a chapter. funny thing, i was supposed to upload it a few days ago during my birthday but i forgot. another reason i uploaded today was because the tornado sirens are screaming right now, and twice. can't live peacefully in Indiana can you? pray that i don't die y'all
also if it rings 3 times it means it touched down and im fucked}

Although I'm a gamer that likes things that relate to history, I have friends who play the same games as I do but also watch anime. One day I was playing WoWs Legends, since the pc I played had god levels of unbalanced, and one of my friends texted me through discord.

[Igotgotseggs: yo Anthony]

I looked at the message wanting to know what this weeb wanted. Usually, Steffen likes to tell me “watch this anime” “watch that” “this one will make you cry, pleeaase watch it!” and stuff like that to watch anime.

[super_subhater: what?]

[Igotgotseggs: I got a deal for ya. One which you cant say no to] 

Here we go again. Another of his “awesome” deals where he would do what i say for x amount of days just so i could watch a whole 12 episodes of x anime. The first and only time i agreed to this ended with his parents thinking that we were reverting to slavery again. You know, cause he’s black and i’m white, even I wouldn't doubt it due to how he was phrasing it.

[Igotgotseggs: if you watch up to ep 140 of naruto I will give you a 100 dollar gift card 

Wait what? How desperate is he?

{Igotgotseggs: if you want to I could add 50 60 more dollars if you watch til ep 220, including the filler]

[super_subhater:... fine, you win. Where and when do I watch it?] I gave in since I didn’t get an allowance but my older sister did but put off a bad impression. Great job sis, can’t wait for you to fuck your car insurance .

[Igotgotseggs: watch it through a pirate site and use my account since I would need to know if you're doing what you promised . The account is XXXXXXXXXX and the password is XXXXXX]

[super_subhater: ok]

9:53 pm, 22 episodes later

This is ok,” I thought of the show so far, and could be a great anime for anime starters but I came only for the money. It got late at night and I had school tomorrow so I went to bed to sleep for the night.

There are some nice concepts and cool shit in the story. Must be fun sending your clone to study while you stay at home playing video games.” even as i fell asleep i couldn’t help but imagine this scenario and having tons of free time to do what i want

I woke up feeling sorta light, as if all gravity wasn’t bounding me to this god forsaken world of capitalism (Author: every system has its flaws). But that feeling of lightness quickly went away when i opened my eyes and saw myself standing on… a small island. In this… “island” there was sand, a palm tree, a trunk, and what appears to be a bed made out of leaves, thicc leafs. The air i'm breathing in right now feels pure, the ocean feels full of life, and the sky looks clear. Like a perfect shade of light blue, not too many clouds, and the view is something you would see on some random e-girl’s instagram post or AI art.

I then felt something wet touch my feet and remembered that I didn't move at all and was near the ocean. I then moved away and went towards the trunk to see the contents.


{fun fact: most timeskips will have interesting info or just the first word that came up my head}


3 cans of tuna, two gallons of water, 1 empty gas container, 1 box of 40 matches, a decently big empty page book, a pencil, and a hatchet. Is this meant to be the starter kit for some survival game? I know this is useful when you spawn in some area with some trees, not one lone tree while surrounded by a fecking ocean.

I’m pretty sure my dream tried to mimic minecraft logic but it seemed it didn’t want to become a roblox character. Even if I was in minecraft, would this be enough wood for a paddle boat? Probably not and even then, how long would i last with literally two small cans and 2 gallons of water. Don’t humans live on 1 gallon of water a day? So I'll probably die on day three out in the ocean.

I wonder when I’ll wake up from this dull, but pretty, dream?




Hours passed and the sun was now setting, yet I was still in the dream. 

“Maybe I need to sleep to awaken” were thoughts I had within the first few hours of staying here but with how hot and bright it was I really couldn’t. So i wanted to wait until it was night to sleep and so i did everything i could to pass the time.

I used the empty book to doodle what came up to my mind, memes, sketches, ideas, anything to distract me from boredom and the heat. I only stopped when there was no lead to use as i need to sharpen it but i don’t want to cut myself so i moved to the best thing i could.

“How do you make a sandcastle that can handle a small breeze? I wonder” even after countless times going to the beach, watching youtube videos, and my parents helping me, I still couldn't make a castle last longer than some tofu standing up. Even trying to do Patrick's home would crumble faster than my hopes and dreams.

Needless to say, I got frustrated and gave up on it quickly.

My last activity was more frustrating, funny, and shocking than imagined. Trying to grab fish with my bare hands. At first it sounds hard, and it is, but somehow these motherfeckers have a speed boost ability which propels them far. The first time I saw this “speed boost” of theirs was when i Almost grabbed one of them and fwoon, it sped the feck away. At first I thought it was my imagination and tried to catch other fishes but to only find out they had the same ability.

Ah, it seems like the moon finally started to show up and follow the same path the sun did. But unlike the sun, she would paint everything in a dim white light that would bring a hidden beauty from anything. Too bad I have to sleep to even admire the view.