Chapter 63
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" " - Speaking

' ' - Thinking

[ ] - System Talking

!! !! - Crew Card

After defeating Ace in a fight, Leo and Zoro return to Black Pearl with two new members, with Leo carrying the unconscious Ace like a sack of potatoes on his shoulder.

"So, they accepted your offer?" Rindou asked as they reached the deck.

Hearing her words, Nami and co stop talking and turn to look at them.

"Yeah, and it worked extremely smoothly," Leo said while putting Ace on the floor before turning his face toward Dan, "since you are a doctor and you also want to join the crew. So here is your first patient."

Rindou brings out a medical box she always keeps on her crew card and lightly throws it toward Dan.

Dan didn't wait for another second to hear his words and started checking him for injuries.

Not because Leo said it or anything, but he could use this chance to check how severe Ace's injuries were. After all, Ace is the person who saved his life on that island.


"Nami set the sails. We are sailing toward the Polestar Islands," Leo said while turning toward Nami.

"Hn! So, our work here is done," Nami asked in surprise as not even an hour had passed since they arrived on this island, and they were already leaving it.

"Yeah, the work there is done, so we can start sailing toward Loguetown and then to Reverse Mountain," Leo said to which Nami just half nodded before walking toward the ship's wheel.

"You really did a number on him," Dan said slightly angrily.

Leo calmly turns his gaze to Dan before saying, "I already know that, Dan. I just want you to tell me how severe his injuries are."

"Two cracks in the jaw, three ribs were broken, and some swelling here and there in his body," Dan replied by listing all his injuries.

There was complete silence between them after hearing Dan's report.

"Okay, I should have held back more," Leo murmured under his breath before replying to Dan, "How long will it take him to heal?"

"A-ah!" escaped from Ace's mouth as he started to wake up.

Ace surveyed his surroundings with a puzzled expression on his face before his gaze fell on Dan. "Dan, where are we, and what is this..."

But he stopped in the middle of his sentence after seeing Leo waving at him with a smile.

"Oh! So, I lost, huh?" Ace asked while trying to stand up. "Ouch!" escaped his mouth as he got up from the floor.

Dan quickly moves to support him in standing while saying, "Take it easy, Ace. You have three ribs broken in your body."

"Don't worry about it, Dan. I will heal in no time," Ace replied with a sunny smile on his face.

Leo simply looked at their interaction before replying to Ace, "Yes, and badly I might add, you were just my punching bag for a minute or two."

Ace's smile deflated at this as even if he knew about it, it didn't mean Leo had to say it this savagely.

"So, what will you do now? You know you cannot defeat me, and just so you know, we are already sailing, so you can't run away from the bet," Leo said with a slight smile on his face as he sat on one chair while guessing them to sit on the other two empty chairs in front of him.

After exchanging glances with Ace, Dan assisted Ace is sitting in the empty chair.

Both of them looked like they were sitting in a job interview. This was caused by Leo, Rindou, and Zoro sitting on one side with relaxed looks on their faces.

While Ace and Dan have impassive faces, anyone could have nervousness in their eyes.

"I will join your crew," Ace said with a firm look on his face. "But first, I want to know what happened to Sabo."

An amused look on Rindou's face before she replied, "Didn't you already lose the beat, and now because of it, you have to join us, so why should we tell you anything?"

Ace replied almost instantly as if he already expected this would be the reply from the other party and had an answer ready in advance, "Because if you do that, then I will not try to run away from this crew with the first chance I get, and I know that only he can stop me from leaving, and I am sure he can't watch over me all the time."

'I didn't live most of my life with bandits and criminals for nothing,' Ace thought while smiling inside.

"So, you try and see how you do with that," Rindou replied with a lazy smile on her face.

"Alright, stop it, Rindou. Look, Ace, you will join my crew, and I will tell you about Sabo," Leo said to which Ace quickly agreed.

"Just so you know, I would have told you about him even if you hadn't asked after you joined the crew," Leo said before looking at Dan. "So, what about you, Mr. Dan? Anything to add?"

Dan simply shook his head lightly before replying, "You already know my answer. I have already promised Ace to join his crew, but now he is joining your crew, so I will also join your crew."

"Wonderful, so here are your crew cards. Just give them a small wave and then just say yes to it, and it will complete the process," Leo said before lightly throwing two black cards at them.

Ace and Dan simply caught the card and gave it a light wave, and after getting it all done, Ace asked with a surprised look on his face, "Are these stats really telling us about our abilities in such detail?"

"Yes, it does, and can you both show us your stats, as it helps in finding where your talent lies, so we can improve those things?" Zoro said with a slight smile on his face as he watched their reaction to the stats.

"Sure," Ace said before showing them his stats.


!!Showing Stats!!


Name: Portgas D Ace

Authority Level: Main Crew

Post: Fighter

Power Level: E+

Devil Fruit: Flame Flame Fruit{Mastery- Basic(2%)}

Haki: Conqueror Haki{Mastery- Basic(5%)}

Skills: Hand to Hand Combat{Mastery- Intermediate(69%)}, Swordsmanship{Mastery- Basic(10%)}, Gunmanship{Mastery- Basic(51%), Staffmanship{Mastery- Intermediate(22%)}, Navigation{Mastery- Basic(41%)}, Cooking{Mastery Basic(9%)}, Stealing{Mastery- Basic(70%)}


With Ace's skill sets of Basic and Intermediate mastery and a body that was at the level of a strong Lieutenant from Marine Headquarters, and adding the potential to be able to use all three types of Haki, it's clear that Ace has the potential to achieve Admiral level easily or even more.

"Damn, you are packed with skills, bro," Dan said after seeing his stats screen.

"Yeah, you have two skills at the intermediate level, so that's some serious mastery," Rindou commented after seeing his skills.

"And you also have Conqueror Haki, which means that makes three people on this ship to have it," Zoro said before turning toward Leo. "And you said it was supposed to be extremely rare, but now three members out of eight have it."

Leo, who was thinking of something, was briefly startled by his question before he replied, "Maybe I am just that talented at finding people with potential."

"Ahm, it's my turn now," Dan said before displaying his stats.


!!Showing Stats!!


Name: Dan

Authority Level: Main Crew

Post: Doctor

Power Level: F

Devil Fruit: None

Haki: None

Skills: Medical Mastery{Mastery- Intermediate(8%)}, Knifemanship{Mastery- Intermediate(5%)}, Hand to Hand Combat{Mastery- Basic(48%)}


"That's good."

"Wow, Dan, I didn't know you were this talented of a doctor."

"A worthy addition to the crew."

(Word count: 1309)


*** A Big Thanks You To Madlad for becoming a Patron***


*** A Big Thanks You To Nieus The God of Magic for becoming a Patron***


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(Without space)

The links is also in the synopsis
