Group Chat 2
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Group Chat 2


Hygieia: I saw Hestia today. Her pics don’t do her cuteness justice. Really wanted to pamper her, but was there on business. Met the employer too. She seems like a nice, shy girl and her looks can rival the best of us, @Hera even.


Hera: ?


Aphrodite: Contact info? Measurements?


Hera: TRAMP!


Aphrodite: You would know…


Hygieia: Cool it. She is barely 18.


Aphrodite: NVM.


Hera: You gave up so easily? :emoji:confused


Athena(admin) has cum online.


Athena(admin): Even Aphrodite isn’t that much of a beast. Insatiably horny and promiscuous, yes. Cradle robber, no.


Artemis(mod): Look loli, no touch! :emoji:police


Hera: Our resident officer is online. Quick, arrest her(Aphrodite).


Artemis(mod): Not enough to hold her. And she’d probably get off on it if I did.


Aphrodite: Want to borrow my fuzzy pink handcuffs? :emoji:blowkiss


Hygieia: Wait a few years for her to mature, then you can proposition her and she might be agreeable. She seemed right at home in the lingerie french maid outfit she was wearing while I was there.


Persephone: Pictures?!


Hestia: Mistress bought it for me. :emoji:heart I’ll post pics of the outfit later. Only the outfit, wearer not included. :emoji:shy


Persephone: Mistress? Interesting way to call…very suggestive… :emoji:wink


Artemis(mod): Probably not what you’re thinking. That way of addressing has a normal meaning too.


Hestia: Nah, she got it right. I found my mistress attractive, so I took the initiative to enhance my training with some optional stuff. Altogether, we added more than a dozen of the hypnokink stuff available for points on this site.


Artemis(mod): Should I be arresting our owner? Legal? @Themis(mod).


Themis(mod) has cum online.


Themis(mod): Since nothing like this was mentioned in the contract, I’ll assume it must be something those involved had agreed on themselves. Which means it’s consensual and therefore legal, even if it is an option that is provided by the business.


Psyche has cum online.


Hestia: The best part is that we can add as many of the site’s hypnokink programs to me as we want without using any points.


Psyche: No fair! Also, can I hang the pics that you provided last time in my salon? When will you bring your mistress to me to get a makeover? I’ll give you one of my salon’s best courses at a discount rate.


Hestia: Sounds good. If you have one that includes electrolysis and laser treatment, PM me the details. Feel free to hang those photos too. @Demeter, would you be able to come up with diet and exercise plans for us if I had @Hygieia send you our exam results?


Demeter: That’s fine. Just post it as a designated request on the tasks page. I’ll discount my usual rate, but I’ll be charging points instead. :emoji:fingerheat


Psyche: Harsh, points aren’t easy to get y’know. There’s always limits on the ones that our owner puts up for direct purchase and they’re grabbed up as soon as they appear.


Persephone: Heh. It’s her fault for bragging about not needing to use them to purchase the site’s goodies.


Artemis(mod): jealous+1


Hestia: Request entered. @Hera, can you give some career advice for newbies? Mistress wants to walk the path of stardom and I plan to be her manager.


Hera: Your mistress is about the same age as you, right? Going to college? What area of entertainment is she thinking about: acting, voice actress, model, singer, idol, stunts, director, screenwriter, etc?


Hestia: Yes, we’ll both be going to college together. She wants to do acting and modeling.


Hera: Got it. I’ll get some materials for the both of you to study from my manager later and I’ll PM them to you. Best path for the immediate future though is to start off by modeling. It will increase her face value and isn’t as demanding on time as acting can be. You can use any spare time to brush up acting skills and then jump into some minor roles for tv series.


Hestia: Much appreciated. We’ll definitely do that.


Hera: In the meantime, take lots of posed photos to ensure she won’t be shy or have camera fright. Then open a separate social media account for her career and post the best of them there. If you drop a link to her social media in the chat, I will take a look and give some advice.


Hestia: That possibility hadn’t even occurred to me! I’ll get right on that. It’s mistress’s bathtime, G2G.


Hestia has cum offline.


Aphrodite: Sneaky Hera just wants to see pics of the girl who can rival her looks. Good job getting her to post pics though. :emoji:thumbsup


Hera: No comment.


Athena(admin): Good job. :emoji:thumbsup +1


Aphrodite: Good job. :emoji:thumbsup +69


Psyche: Good job. :emoji:thumbsup +666


Persephone: Really? You're stealing MY thing?! I know where you live.


Psyche has cum offline.


Demeter: She’s running away.


Persephone has cum offline.


Artemis(mod): The hunt is on.