Chapter 8: The Avatar of English
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I sat there frozen for what felt like 10 minutes, but in reality it was probably only about a few seconds.

"Wait what res-"

"We are back my youngins, I hope you weren't getting too frisky while we were gone!"

"Why are you talking like a suburban middle aged mom?"

"My football team is ready for you."

"Don't make that sound like a threat!"

They came back with four bowls of fried ice cream. Two seemed to be Vanilla, one caramel and one matcha. I had no idea Naven knew I like vanilla, since he got me two. What a nice guy!

"You got me two bowls?! Your kindness has no bounds my comrade!"

"I'll eat both right in front of you."

"I was wrong. I overstepped my bounds."

"As long as you understand."

"That's the first time I heard you admit being wrong and it was for something like this…"

I don't know why I'm being judged by Nuri, but I can assure you this was tame compared to what I would have done otherwise. 

"So~! What were you guys talking about?"

"How much you make at the Park."


"How do you not know the park? Is that why it's so poorly managed?"

"...Stop, please"

Ignoring the pleading of Yua who caught on, I waited for the final push.

"What park are you even talking about?"

"Nuri Park obviously."


Silence. Though fortunately she began to smile.

"That was terrible."

"No, I don't think you can tear it to be honest"

Of all the people, I thought Naven at least had my back. Will need to revoke his comrade privileges.

Still smiling, Nuri started walking up to me while mumbling something.

"...I'll kill him."

"Stop Nuri! I know how you feel but don't let him control you like this!"

Before she got close to me, Yua started holding her back.

"Let me go Yua! If I kill him now these lame jokes will finally die out!"

"Oi take that back before I tell your kids practice is canceled."

"Clearly he's ready to square up too"

"Wouldn't you feel like you lost if you physically attacked him?"

"...Okay no worries. I'll only separate the head from the body and bury them in different locations."

"He dies either way then?!"

For legal reasons, this is a joke.

After a few back and forths and Nuri accepting her defeat, we finally get to the topic.

"So, what's up? Did something happen?"

"Hmm? What are you talking about?"

Or maybe not.

"What? You called us here, no?"

"I did"

"Oh was it to hear my jokes? Thank you my homie, your eagerness has reached me."

"Name two places you want to visit?"

"Hmm? Sendai and Seoul"

"Nice, I'll bury your body parts in both places then"

"Please don't…"

After seeing me genuinely scared, she sighed before continuing.


"Can I not ask you guys to hangout just because?"

"Huh? Oh, well it's not that you can't. I'm just not used to invites with no ulterior motives"

"What the--"

"Forgive my friend here, he's a bit socially inept"

"Maybe violence is the answer"

"Whoa, it's not like you've actually experienced any of that anyway"

You don't know what you're talking about. 

One time a girl asked if I could meet her by the school library afterschool. I thought my popular phase was coming. When we met up, the first thing she asked was if I knew another guy's number. She then said that she brought me out because she thought I was close with him. I literally only talked to that guy once, and it was because we switched bags by accident! Though we did have a good convo since he turned out to be interested in the same things I was… oh I see why girls liked him now. 

I can easily say this to him but-


The perfect comeback should suffice. Wow aren't I great? The power of "Okay" rather than clearly denying or agreeing with something makes this statement seem unsolved. Like a mystery. Yes, that's it. Look at that face that immediately twitched after hearing my response. This is what I live for.

…I'm definitely not a piece of garbage. 

After some time talking, Naven was the first to leave since he had to go take care of his dog.

"Oh by the way Yua, didn't you have work soon?"

"--Oh wait you're right! I need to leave now, see you guys later!"

"Wait where do you--"

Before I could even ask her where she worked, she sprinted out of the plaza. Which just leaves me and Nuri.

Yup, it's time for me to leave.

"Well I guess we should split up here"

"Ah wait I need to tell you something"

"Look I'm sorry about the Dad jokes so please don't come after me or my family…"

"What?! That's not even what I was going to say… I'll go after your dog then"

"Okay let's fight"

"I was kidding"

"What is it then?"

After a brief pause we made eye contact and she smiled.


"...What for?"

"For being friends with Yua"

"You make it sound like she's a loner?"

"...Honestly, due to her past experiences she's been completely closed off to people overall. Especially for guys, which is why up until now I've been her only friend."

She looked down a bit before continuing.

"I honestly think I've been lacking as a friend, since despite how happy she may look with just me, she is probably still lonely. So when we met that day and she was smiling talking to someone other than me… it made me glad."

"I really am grateful for meeting you guys, so once again…"

"Thank you."

There was a brief silence as she did a slight bow in my direction.

Seriously, this girl…

"...I think you don't realize how strong a friendship could be."

"What do you mean?"

"It's the quality of a relationship that counters loneliness, not the quantity. And honestly…"

Why do I always end up saying cheesy things? I may as well start a business to feed your local mice.

"You should give yourself more credit."


"You're a better friend than you think"

"...I appreciate the sentiment but you don't--"

"Why do you think despite what she may have been through that she's still able to enjoy life right now?"

"Look, it may not sound like much coming from someone you don't know well, but please believe me when I say this."

"The difference between having a single person and having no one at all is life altering."

"So don't say you weren't enough. Not just for yourself, but Yua too."

After a good minute, I decided to finally get up.

"Okay let's go before Koji starts missing me!"

She sat there for a good minute seemingly thinking until eventually;

"...You have a way with words huh?"

"I'm the Avatar of English"

"That's gross"

She joined me.


"Ah by the way, here"

"What's this?"

"It's a coupon for a free drink at Tairo cafe as thanks for earlier"


"Oh? I'm surprised you didn't reject it"

"I'm skipping the steps for both of us"


As we were about to split ways for our respective buses, I checked the coupon and realized something.

"Wait, this expires today?!"

"Guess you better go today then, bye!"

Maybe I shouldn't have been nice.