Modern Patriarch is going to Amazon’s KINDLE UNLIMITED program!
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After two years on Royal Road and Scribblehub, Modern Patriarch is officially getting published. As many of you know, I don't have a patreon for this series for a variety of reasons, chief among them being my commitment to quality. While many of my peers are capable of putting out excellent content at astonishing speeds, I required time to craft what is my most ambitious writing project to date when I originally started the story 22 months ago. That perseverance paid off in the form of the launch that's scheduled in a month and a half from now, onto which I have spent another 25-30 hours of editing so I can polish it to the level the story and you, the readers, that have made any and all of this possible, deserve. 

That means it will be required to stub from the website in 20 days from now, so if you want to catch up on the novel or re-read certain parts, ideally do so now. 

Q: What does stubbing mean?

A: Chapter 1-58 will be taken down from Royal Road in accordance with the Kindle Unlimited policies.

Q. Why stub?

A. Without an active/frequently subscribed to patreon, it is the only way I can sustain myself and build an author career that will allow me to write full-time.

Q. Where can I pre-order? Is there other ways to support you?

A. You can preorder here . However, there are many other ways to support the dream - many of which will only be accessible on the launch day, April 9th. By downloading the book on Kindle Unlimited or just leaving reviews on the story, you will be able to help me. The latter (launch day stuff) is more important than preorders. 

Q. What is Kindle Unlimited?

A. It's an amazon program which allows you to read thousands of LITRPG/Xianxia/Gamelit books for free* (as many as you want) as long as you pay a monthly membership (Varies by region). 


Obligatory cover posting: 
