Chapter 9 – Ambush
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Skylar and Ayla headed yet further away from the Buffer Zone, heading the opposite way away from Awayo and Milim and headed where there were no official maps by the humans from the portal to Earth in the Buffer Zone

Of course the locals knew the local terrain, but this was much further than the official knowledge of the humans on this side of the portal

They had departed from Milim barely a couple of hours ago, travelling a lonely path past stone ruins of an ancient building in the middle of the dense forest

It might very well have been a temple of some sort, as there was a headless statue of a humanoid of some kind, and clearly it wasn't human as it had 6 arms that had been broken off and tentacles for legs

They stopped their journey to scan their surroundings

But it was not curiosity that stopped Skylar in his tracks

It was the fact that they were followed!

Skylar had only just noticed several kilometers ago and had sent random birds to track them from the air

But Ayla had known all along, way before Skylar, but she didn't show it, nor warned Skylar

When Skylar told her to stay alert, she simply told him that she had known all along, which frustrated him

But to her, their followers were not a threat to her

As they stopped in place, Skylar yelled "Show yourselves!"

From the shadows of the forest, 20 or so adventurers appeared and a large brutish man with a scar across his face and sporting a mohawk laughed and started clapping

The group started surrounding them as their leader stood closer to them while walking around the both of them

"So... you discovered us. Maybe you are deserving of your C Rank" he laughed

"Who are you?" Skylar asked, his eyes not leaving the man as he paced around them

"Us? We are the Fenrir's Fang, and I am their leader Wolfgar" he said

"What do you want?" Skylar asked

"I heard from my underling about an Elven beauty, but before I checked it out, you have left Milim? Why so unfriendly?" he asked and started approaching Ayla 

Skylar moved and stood between Ayla and Wolfgar

"Move aside boy. Just because you are now a C Rank, doesn't mean you are my match" Wolfgar said as he grabbed Skylar's shoulder to and shoved him aside to the ground

As Skylar stumbled from the large man's shove, Wolfgar ripped off Ayla's clothes revealing her whole nude front that wasn't wearing underwear

But Ayla didn't react and continued staring Wolfgar straight in the face

"A defiant one huh? Or are you too scared to move?" Wolfgar asked as he suddenly grabbed her neck and kissed her as his other hand went for her naked crotch and stuck his large finger into her pussy

"Ayla!" Skylar yelled as he tried to get up but two men grabbed him and one punched him in the stomach, winding him

"Kill him, this bitch will entertain us all night!" Wolfgar said as he continued fingering Ayla and kissing her

Suddenly, Ayla squeezed his finger with her pussy and Wolfgar was shocked at first before realizing what happened and screamed

Ayla's, now no longer kissing him, moved her hips and Wolfgar's finger was ripped off his hand and the remnant finger was seen crushed in her pussy

Wolfgar withdrew a few steps and looked at Ayla, who was non challant and didn't even withdraw the mushed finger from her pussy

"You..." he growled angrily as his body started growing even larger, with fur starting to cover his body and his clothes started ripping off

"Are you scared now? Well it's too late" Wolfgar said, barely slurring his words as he gained his beastial form with him now fully nude

But Ayla didn't respond and looked towards Skylar and frowned

Wolfgar looked that nearby Skylar was on the ground, getting the shit kicked out of him by several men

Suddenly, they were thrown off him and were sent crashing to the trees

Wolfgar growled angrily, seeing his followers struggle against a newbie adventurer

"Ki..ill himmsss.." he said, barely able to speak as his mouth foamed in anger

The other members of Fenrir's Fang attacked Skylar, each with a myriad of weapons and enhancements

Some had claws from their arms, others had tails and extra limbs

Wolfgar grabbed at Ayla with his claws but Ayla easily sidestepped and avoided the attack, but her dress was caught by Wolfgar and completely ripped off, leaving her naked

"Grrrrr" Wolfgar closed in again, but this time a large hairy penis could be seen with a bright red head

Suddenly, her right hand suddenly burst into a fireball and she shot it at him

He screamed as his head burst into fire and started rolling around

While that happened, Ayla shot another ball of flame, lighting his hairy penis on fire

Now, witnessing their leader r0lling on the ground in flames, they started approaching Ayla menacingly with their weapons too

Skylar, who was now fighting with his sword had managed to kill 3 mercenaries with his sword, even though they were similarly ranked or higher than him

But many of them were experienced mercenaries, and even though he had the advantage of speed and strength and other attributes as he shared Ayla's hero abilities, they were still competent enough to dodge his attacks, although some found out the hard way that blocking his attacks were a fatal mistake

Although Skylar was sharing the strength and speed and other attributes of Ayla, his limited moves were his own that he learned by himself with his adventures with the Grey Wolves and from his training at the Academy, not hers

While he could share abilities of Ayla through their link, he could not absorb skills unless she teaches him.

And while he single handedly defeated Galdar who was an A ranker in Awayo, that was because he was given a free hit. If he had to fight, one would imagine Galdar would have the upper hand in experience

So overall, he fought like an inexperienced hero, with all the attributes of a hero, but none of the finesse

Even so, he had managed to kill 3 mercenaries, and Ayla had killed the leader, but there were around 17 left, all looking like they wouldn't retreat or show mercy 

"Don't worry, I got this" Skylar said to Ayla as he returned to her side but realized that she wasn't about to do anything anyway as she stared blankly

Ayla simply stood still, watching the battle, now naked as her dress had been completely torn off, leaving her gorgeous breasts and her pussy with a bloody finger still in it

Skylar opened his arms out and smiled concentrated

Suddenly, the forest became covered with thousands of rats as they charged out like a huge wave of rats, and a hundreds of falcons, hawks, eagles and other birds of prey suddenly appeared out of nowhere and started diving at the adventurers

"Rat swarm!" one of the adventurers yelled

The adventurers didn't panic and fought back at the sudden overwhelming force, but before long started screaming as sounds of crunching bones permeated the forest

The birds that attacked aimed for faces and were flying off with dangling eyeballs freshly plucked from their living victims

One by one the men dropped under a swarm of rats that looked like moving carpets as the rats ate flesh and bone

Wolfgar, who was still alive but writhing in pain from his flaming head and penis, actually lasted longer than the rest as he had regenerative abilities in his werewolf form, but as more and more rats attacked their regenerating meal, he finally collapsed in a helpless wail before the sounds of loud bone crunching silenced him forever

Only his flaming skull was left by the rats, in mid transformation between that of a man and a wolf, and his sausage below finally burnt to ashes

"Werewolf huh?" Skylar muttered seeing the strange sight

"Yes" Ayla answered bluntly

"Are you alright?" Skylar asked Ayla as he walked over to her

"Alright? Why wouldn't I be?" Ayla asked, looking genuinely confused at his question

"Nevermind. Let's er... get you cleaned up" Skylar responded as he realized that she wasn't even bothered even with the bloody finger in her pussy

He pulled it out of her pussy, and fed the rats who were starting to return to the forest

They strolled off hand in hand as the rats finished their job as stains of blood seeped into the ground leaving no traces where they were after they were done


They bathed in a waterfall, many kilometers away as Skylar made sure Ayla's pussy was clean from the filth of the werewolf's finger

"Are you bothered by it? Does it turn you off from making love to me?" Ayla asked

"N.. no. I would always make love to you. It's just... unclean from the finger, you know" Skylar responded

"But we made love when my body was still rotting and decaying" Ayla reminded, staring at Ayla's face curiously

"But... that's you. I will always make love to you" Skylar quickly replied

Ayla looked at Skylar's worried face and suddenly laughed

This was the first time Skylar had seen her laugh, and she suddenly kissed him

Before long, one thing led to another and they made love in the stream under the waterfall

Skylar blasted her full of cum three times before he was finally sated 

They lay on a patch of grass nearby, drying themselves under the sun when Skylar turned to Ayla

She had her eyes closed, and looked gorgeous under the sun, like a beautiful painting

"Why are you staring at me?" Ayla asked with a smile

"You... you've never smiled or laughed before" Skylar said

"It's because... I'm starting to gain back my.. emotions, feelings" Ayla said. She had recovered her memories before, but she had been emotionless

"You... you're regaining your.. er.. humanity?" Skylar asked

"I'm still an undead. But other than my heart not beating without you commanding me to, I think I'm more or less what I used to be" she said

Indeed, Ayla's bodily functions including her beating heart only started beating again after Skylar ordered her to. Otherwise, she was as dead as any undead. But now with her heartbeat, her body generating and pumping blood, even her body temperature was that of a human

She was digesting food, producing waste, in every way she was a living being

"That's great" Skylar said, guessing that she was recovering herself slowly

"Maybe it was that werewolf's actions of fingering me. I reminded me of being abused and raped by the undead" Ayla suddenly said, the first time volunteering information

"Oh.. I.." Skylar didn't know what to say

Suddenly, Ayla hugged him and started crying

Skylar didn't know how to respond, but he hugged her tightly as he felt her tears wet his chest

His Ayla... his doll... was now starting to become the living again

She had regained nearly all she lost as a living person, but besides her abilities as a hero and high elf, she still retained her undead regenerative abilities, and undead powers

As she cried, she slowly climbed on him and started fucking him again while riding him and crying

He enjoyed himself, but was concerned as it seemed she was using him emotionally as she continued to cry and fuck him

She orgasmed loudly several times, her cries heard throughout the forest

Finally, when it was getting dark, she finally collapsed on him, his groin completely drenched with her juices and his cum

He left her on the ground as she had fallen asleep as he got the firewood to camp for the night

He sat silently next to her, giving her his lap as he grilled fish that he caught in the river over a fire

He stared at the fire, deep in thought as he sat pleased that he had a living woman in his life again

Suddenly, he felt his dick twitch as he looked down to see her facing his penis and suckling his suddenly erect member

She didn't open her eyes, but continued until he eventually came in her mouth

Finally, she looked up at him with a smile

"Er.. I've cooked some fish" he said

"Ok.. I've had my appetizer" she opened her mouth, showing that she swallowed his cum

She turned around and sat on his still erect dick and took one of the fish and started eating it

She peeled some fish and fed it to him as he reached under her arms and played with her breasts

"This is the life" Skylar thought, as it seemed as if he's never been happier 

Ayla leaned backwards and kissed him, sharing the food in their mouth as she rocked her body on his cock and he continued playing with her breasts