-I, Prince of Bellatrix officially accept your duel!
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The imperial castle of Rannsaka is the biggest castle built. Here is also the peace ball.
Rannsaka hosts the ball because it is the only castle that can support such an event.

Xavier set off on a journey a week ago with Sebastian who was extremely talkative.
Xavier could invite two people, but he didn't want to have a company. Sebastian was brought just because Xavier was lazy to do some things solo.
Besides, he didn't need a translator. Old Xavier knew all the languages of this world.
There were very few, not as in Alexander's world, and they all resemble each other.

Of course, Sebastian gave a significant meaning. For example, to teach him.
Xavier certainly, doesn't want to do that.
Sebastian wanted the job just because he thought Xavier would teach him his secrets.
But how do you tell him that the secret is to die, go to hell and fool someone to take your place?

After a week, they reached the Castle where they were welcomed, by the servants and settled in the best rooms.
Of course, it was just because it was peace. And Bellatrix is the only country that can compete equally.
Xavier got used to the place and food, but he didn't get out of the room.

Evening, Ballroom.

Xavier dressed the suit made for this occasion. Of course, Sebastian also wore an outfit for this occasion. Getting instructions from Xavier to not say a word.

The ballroom was the most beautiful hall in the palace. It was extremely, huge. Xavier thought that if he had such a room, it would be easier for him to give exams.

Xavier chose to not be among the first in the room. So when it arrived, almost all the guests were coming.
He let his energy flow to the full body. It felt like in hell. It was an unpleasant feeling. But he was sure the people here would be geniuses in the fighting arts.
At the entrance, a man received the invitation and began shouting:

-The fifth print of Bellatrix, the Imperial Strategist, and the Imperial Library Keeper. Yakbim Xavier.

Someone else finally calls his name and title.
Now, that he heard, was sure it had to take more titles.

As Xavier it was seen, all the people in the room was shocked.
Everybody could see Xavier's energy. It was terrifying. However, they were all the geniuses of their countries. They could not show the fear.
But what surprised next, was Xavier's clothing. There was something no one ever saw. It looks very nice. Many have thought about where to get it.

Of course, this was Xavier's plan to promote his product.
If everything went well, it was sure there would be questions.
Will create a luxury brand, and will make money quick.
Of way, he will be able to host the fashion show.

Xavier was a fan of clothes. Once, earned the money he was addicted.
And so he got to know.
In this world, clothes are an excellent investment.

All people who have money will spend on their clothes. Clothes show your value.
With minimal modern knowledge of clothes, you can get rich.
You are the first to have the idea. So you are alone on the market for a while. If there is competition, it can eliminate it.

They all thought Xavier was weak and a forgotten prince, but when they looked at him, they realized it was not true.

But they remembered quickly, that he couldn't fight.
Although he was unexpected that he possessed such energy, he could not practice the art of fight.

Just one person was not relaxed. A woman dressed in a black dress.
She knew best.
Xavier's energy was weird, she didn't know, how he got it if he hadn't opened points.

Xavier descended the stairs, started to restrain his energy.

The woman in the black dress was even more curious.
Xavier's control was too good. Even she couldn't make it so easy.

Xavier headed for the drink.
Exactly after taking the drink, he heard a voice in the Rannsaka language:

-That's Prince of Bellatrix? There is nothing about him. I can kill him anytime.

Xavier understood everything. But he didn't respond immediately, look around, and saw a woman not far away from the man, talking to more officials from other countries. It was sooner, a flirtation.

Usually, women present here have a low profile and stay with their partners. But this man wasn't with the woman. And the woman was in the company of other men.
Xavier had a nose for such problems.

Xavier let the energy to flow through his heart, vocal cords, and eyes. All people started to feel afraid. He takes his drink and goes in the direction of the man.
Then in Rannsaka:

-The official of the Rannsaka country, I am Yakbim Xavier, a print of Bellatrix. Next time you should weigh the words well.

Everyone in the room was stunned. Prince of Bellatrix knew their language. And an official of Rannsaka insulted him. And that wasn't the most important thing. If at first everyone couldn't be affected by Xavier, this time it was different. Few people were not affected.

- You!

The official didn't know what to say was shocked by Xavier.

-I, Prince of Bellatrix officially accept your duel!

As Soon the words were spoken, the whole room was in silence.
No one could deny what happened. Actuality, all these words were to their advantage.
All of this can be solved, by a duel.
But he can't fight.

While these people continued thinking Xavier began to speak:

-But as you asked for a fight to the death, and both of us are very important for our country, I propose to let our subordinates fight. You agree?

With a trembling voice:

-I am.

Xavier didn't even look at him. He just drank his drink.

-Once you have accepted, set the stake.


-Of course. If your subordinate kills mine, I'll give you a book from the library.

When people heard, everyone was shocked.

-You, can do this?

The official was intrigued.

- I'm the keeper of the library. Why, can't I? Except you have to share something of the same value.

- Same value?

Xavier put a big smile. This guy is too dumb.

-The books in the library are the life of the ancestry of many countries.
I only require your ancestors' lives. And what can better characterize their lives, that money? You put, all your family fortune, I put a library book.

Xavier made eye contact with the man. The man knew there was a significant risk. Still, it is a book from the immense library.
It's like his whole being screaming that he needs the book.

Everyone was shocked.
He put the bet on a book in the library. Who would not want? Some people envy the official.
Xavier is allowed to give books from the library of an influential official. But not those related to fighting arts.

-I accept!

Xavier signaled to Sebastian and explained the details to him.
Sebastian was shocked but understand Xavier's intention. It was a test!
Xavier doesn't care what Sebastian thinks. He was happy not to have to explain in detail.

Xavier asked for a sheet. And he started writing the details.
Of course, it was a contract of the soul of hell.
He would usually get one done because he is lazy to write it. The situation was different.

-Then we do everything legal! All these men can be witnesses! Check the details!

The man took and examined both of the contract variants and signed it.
No one suspected anything. Eventually betting a book in the library was supposed to be a contract.

When the man signed up, Sebastian began to release his energy.