A New World Force #1
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location:??? Ocean                                                                                      Time: 0800       

. . . *splash* . . . *splash* . . . *splash*

"W-where am I? why is it so warm?" I opened my eyes to a bright glowing sun rising over the ocean. Looking down I noticed deck below me. "Wait, deck? I'm to big to fit on any deck!?" My mind was confused until I realizes something, I felt something. Why do I feel the deck? shouldn't I feel the water, my boilers aren't there either. maybe my radar, no nothing? where is it!? I began panicking. "W-what's going on!? I d-don't understand anything!" 

{Calm down Yamato, You are ok. I have summoned you here to the western sea}

"H-huh?" isn't that voice the one that spoke to me when I was at the bottom of the ocean? "Who are you? were you the one I made a deal with?"

{Yes, let me introduce my self once again, I am the goddess Zolena I reign over the territory's of war and resistance}

"I see goddess what is going on my ship, its shape has changed and I cannot feel anything, Am I still dead?" I cannot feel my normal parts and it seems my intercom is weird to it only comes out of one place. just below my citadel and observatory platform.

No you are not dead and I believe the reason you feel weird is because well, in order for you to be able to help me with my goals you were going to need a more native and human body, it will be easier to under stand if you say status and see for your self.

"O-oh ok, Status" Infront of me opened a a blue mildly transparent rectangle, it seemed to have my name and lots of information. I looked through the information and I could barley under stand any of it.

YAMATO HP:25,000


MP: 2,500 SE: n/a  Buffs: n/a
Race Kitsune (Battleship)
passive {Flagship} {self repair}
Active {Damage control lvl:1} {Full Salvo lvl:1}                        {emergency speed lvl:1}   {Summon turret lvl:1}            {mapping lvl:1} {Anti everything lvl:1}
Titles  {Last Battleship} {Goddess Chosen} {Warlord}                       {Great Yamato} {World force}

"Goddess what is all this? I understand that its showing me information about me but not much else?" Having skimmed over the box infront of her Yamato was confused and needed help understanding and making sense of all that was going on.

This is a status box, it shows you your strength and skills, yours is unique in that you do not require a status plate to see your information. all other inhabitants require a special enchanted plate to see there status, very few can see there status like you, this is a power reserved for royalty, heroes, demigods, Grand mages, and Apostles/god champions. 

Yamato looked at the box again with a even more questions than answers this time, but one thing in particular was bothering her.            "Um goddess, dose this box say my race is a kitsune? aren't I a battleship? and aren't kitsunes mischievous nine tailed fox spirits?"

Ah yes the definition of  a kitsune in your world would be a nine tailed spirit, but here kitsunes are a race of beast kin, they are humanoids with fox tails and ears, depending on there strength they may have up to 9 tails, this racial change is also why you feel weird you now have a humanoid body. Do not worry though your are still The Yamato, you are still the ship but this body is your soul manifestation, You will need to focus in order to control the ship part of you but before that get use to your new body a bit. . . my time is up but as a gift I will bestow u you a companion to help you. . . goodbye. . .for now...

"So I'm a kitsune now? I guess I better figure out how to move around. " moving around to see and feel was a difficult task as every little thing Yamato did was a new sensation. she had found out slowly how to move here hands then arms and soon her legs as well, Yamato used memories of her sailors moving around to understand her new body.

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