Journal Entry: Day 7 
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Journal Entry: Day 7 

Today I was woken up by natural light instead of my natural by my body, which was both a noting and welcome, because it means I am no longer confined in an environment void of natural light. After a few hours trek across a forest, I found a road that later led me to a town surrounded by sturdy walls. The gate guards were a lot more diligent with their checks than any fiction will lead you to believe. They checked all my possessions with what I believe to be a magic tool that could detect different affinities of Magic from items. That actually makes a lot more sense than some fictional guard just checking if you have ID and just letting you enter town. Sure in some they have metaphysical ways to check if you have a criminal record, but with the existence of Magic and spatial items, you could be a smuggler of contraband or dangerous goods and don’t have criminal record, because guards don’t check your possessions to catch you in the act. Anyways, since I didn’t have an ID and this wasn’t an Isekai fiction, the guards escorted me to an interrogation room in a government building after making sure I wasn’t in possession of something they would have to arrest me for. In the interrogation room there were 2 magic items, one that could tell you were lying and one for appraising or inspecting or analyzing or whatever your status. I believe there are people that posses the skills that do the same, but having items that do it, means you can check these things everywhere without having such people around. After a lengthy interrogation to find where I came from and if I was a dangerous criminal, they found out I was a Dimension Traveler and some old laws of theirs came into effect. I was issued legal papers and an ID and given a book of laws to check. That all made perfect sense, because they couldn’t know what the society I came from was like. My world could have been ruled by the strong that oppress the weak, disputes could have been solved by murder and war as a legal means, we could have legalized slavery, good thing that is no longer the case, and rape could have been our way of choosing a mate, like some barbarians ad cavemen. This book of laws made sure I know what their way of ruling was and followed it, and if I didn’t I couldn’t say I didn’t know it was against the law. So many fictions don’t cover that simple thing. Anyways, after leaving the government building I found a local inn and had my first good, not extra spicy meal in this world. I practically stuffed myself with salad, soup, main and desert. I was also able to take a long, replacing and very refreshing bath before my meal. I had water in the dungeon and could kind of clean myself, but that way didn’t remove all the grime that accumulates. With the soap and shampoo in the bath I was squeaky clean. I was also able to thoroughly check myself in a mirror and I have to say, there I a difference  from the last time I saw myself in one. Everything on me was as symmetrical as can be, beyond what was typical on humans. We all have differences in our symmetry be it 1 mm or even 1 cm, one leg is always shorter, one side is always lower or higher or bigger or something. None of that applied to me anymore. I don’t think it is the magic in this world at work. My abilities manifested in my world, so there was still some Magic in that world and we humans were not symmetrical. The system could be the reason, but looking at the people in this world so far I don’t believe it is the reason. That only leaves Dian Keto as the culprit. Her healing magic removes all ailments and some ailments are fault of asymmetrical body parts. Other than that, my skin is smooth like silk, my hair is healthy and glossy, and not from body oils. There isn’t a single split end, not that I explicitly checked every single hair. My musculature is more defined, but at the same time it looks compressed. I don’t have the bulk I should have that corresponds to my strength. The only problem with my body that I have is all the body hair. I may have to commission a Blacksmith for a razor sharp blade that doesn’t dull. I spend the rest of the evening laying in bed, reading about the laws of this place and comparing them to our own.