| ARC II | Chapter 6: Maybe I Want To Be An Idiot Too?
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 Lying in bed and hugging a pillow, Amethely rolled around, feeling jittery as she waited for Alum to come back. He had some things to report and discuss with his party, and he’s now back; she wished to spend time with him.


 ‘Al’ Amethely longingly murmured, hugging his pillow.

 Amethely was currently in Alum’s room. He’d told her she could wait for him and lent her the access ring. Feeling nervous, anxious and jittery, she waited this whole time. She had a feeling that it would take some time, and… her guess was correct.

 So… Being in her lover's room all by herself made her feel like she was up to something naughty—she sort of was. Feeling fuzzy yet calm. She hugged Alum’s sword, Depth Cutter.

 Alum had given her the Key Instruction for the spell that stored Depth Cutter, and… since it has his mana, she cuddles it as a replacement, thanking it for keeping him safe during the journey.

 The reason she did this was that she couldn’t wait for him to come back. After all… they had a date planned, and…they’d spend the night together planning said date!

 Feeling mana leak from the sword, she unsheathed it from its scabbard and laid it close. His mana was radiating as it invoked memories of him, making her happy and relaxed as she bathed in the sensation. It made her feel safe, warm and comfortable; her eyelids got heavier and heavier. Letting out a yawn, Amethely sheathed the sword, holding it tight as she found solace in the radiating mana.




 Walking down the buzzing street, Alum couldn’t help but notice all the happy faces of the people walking by. Joyous smiles and peace—

 (How peaceful) Alum thought.

 Compared to the outside world, where there’s so much suffering and ferocious monsters, he couldn’t help but compare the two, the lucky and unlucky. And as he gazed into the sky, the city was enveloped in the golden light of dawn, making him think back as he reflected on his journey.

 (I did the right thing…)

 He had no remorse over what he did, but it still shook him nonetheless. For him, killing wasn’t something he’d really considered, but when it came down to it, he didn’t even hesitate.

 (Maybe I still am heartless.) he pondered.

 Recollecting his thoughts, he said, “They were the worsts of scums….” as he clutched his fists. Still… he’s scared… ‘Am I going to revert back? To that empty husk of a person—anything goes as long as there’s resentment?’ or…will this case be worse?

 Ever since he began to like the world and the things in it, he started to enjoy the small things. It started small. Noel approached him; he had made a friend—slowly, colours came to be, and now… he’s afraid to be the one to paint it grey again….

 Meeting this friend of his taught him how to feel—rather, he relearned it. At first, it was annoyance, maybe bits of anger.

 (How carefree is this idiot?) he thought.

 Alum never knew he could feel such impatience with another since he was reserved, calm and emotionless. Despite that, he became frustrated and irritated by this individual called Noel. He felt lonely without his presence and looked forward to their time together. He’d feel amused by the stupid things Noel did and how he’d always drag him into it.

 (Truly, what an idiot…) Alum smiled nostalgically.

 However…this isn’t the palace or time to be reminiscing. Taking a deep breath and in respect of his friend, he decided not to think too deeply about what just happened and promised to keep adding more colours to his world.




 Watching the ocean and feeling the wind's gentle caress, everything feels still. This world of mine is monochrome, and the burning emotions I once held are but faded ash.

 In this empty, cold world, I spend my days passing the time. Sitting on this bench and watching over the sea as I read a book. It’s quiet. I don’t even recall most of my days. What did I do yesterday? The day before? None of that matters—if I remember it or not, it holds no place. And nothing’s changed, nor ever will.

 But, one day, a strange individual seated next to me. But… as usual, I don’t acknowledge those around me and just do what I want—however…he began speaking to me, well… I suppose I could consider it white noise as I did not care. So… the days kept going on as usual, with an addition of some noise in the background.



 Days passed, which turned into weeks. I don’t understand. Why is he trying to speak to me? Asking nonsensical questions, trying to get my attention.

 Perhaps…? I felt irritated?

 Will he stop once I give him what he wants?

—That day may have been a mistake on my part.

 “Your answer makes no sense, and that’s not how the formula works,” I coldly said, not looking at him as I kept reading my book.

 Will he leave me alone now? After getting what he wants? This should shut him up, right? But… somehow, that wasn’t the case. His eyes widened, and he smiled at me, barraging me with more questions.

 I might’ve dug myself a deeper hold. But… regretting it now, well… you can’t take back your actions. And, ‘sigh,’ I let out an unconscious sigh.

 “OH! This is the first reaction? It’s a sigh!” he said with a bright and wide smile.


 I fail to comprehend. Why express excitement when the other party was clearly agitated?

 …agitated? Me? …What a strange guy.

 So… days would continue like this, and seasons changed. Looking at the frozen landscape and while turning the pages, this annoyance of an individual was still beside me. I had had enough. I lashed out and expressed great dissatisfaction.

 He looked somewhat pained by my words, got up, and left with his head hanging. Yet… for some reason, I feel regret over my actions, but… what’s done is done. I lost my temperament. How uncharacteristic. Is this what loneliness feels like?

 Some time has passed, maybe… I suppose I won’t be seeing him anymore…. And so, the next day came, and he didn’t show up.

 Finally, some time for myself—I wonder, why? When he’s gone, and I get some peace and quiet, I can’t help but feel a sense of longing for companionship…



 “A week has passed, huh? He’s not coming back… I suppose it’s finally quiet.” I said, yet… those words were nothing but empty expressions.

 As I was in deep thought, an all-familiar presence seated beside me, I glanced over—only to see the guy who had not been bothering me for the past week.

 “Missed me?” he asked, “I mean, from that look of yours, I’d assume so,” he later said with a wide grin.

Am I being teased?

 “Not one bit. It’s been rather peaceful without you,” I replied.

 To which he just chuckled ‘hahaha~’, ignoring my comment and said, “I caught a cold, sorry about that.”


 I felt somewhat relieved…

 “I thought that idiots couldn’t catch colds.”

 I said something I once read, and well, it’s nonsensical. I wonder…. Why did I say it?

 “Wh-what!? How mean! I got into this school, you know? There’s no way I’m an idiot!he playfully retorts as he bumps his fist on my shoulder.

He handed me a drink; it was warm, and from the looks of it, it was canned coffee. This is the first time. I had never really had coffee before. Without much thought, I reached out my hand, taking it.

 “Thanks…” I said. I don’t know… it feels warm.

 “No worries! Now, neither of us will catch a cold again!”

 The way he expresses himself is bright, with his mannerisms and his warm smile.


 “You’re probably the only idiot that’s an exception to the rule,” I softly said, replying to his strange remark.


 He looked at me, dropped his can and splashed the coffee all over the white snow. He looked speechless.

 Do I have a strange expression on my face? I’m unsure…. But, ever since that day, he’d drag me to other places—different places. Places I’ve never been, places filled with colours. And slowly… those colours crept their way into my world as well…. And… it wasn’t a bad thing.

 He’s an idiot.

 He brought me sweets.

 He’s an idiot.

 He’d climb a tree to rescue a cat, only to fall down and hurt himself.

 And… he’s the cheerful idiot who made my day, always positive, and… maybe. Just maybe. Should I become one, too?




 The day has been a long one, and Alum finally made it back to his room. He told Amethely that she could wait for him there while he had some other stuff to do. Still… he was unsure if she’d be here or not; after all…it’s been a whole day.

 To his surprise, or well… he’d hoped for it. She’d been sleeping in his bed when he opened the door. Calmly breathing and hugging his blade, the serene look on her face together with the warm and gentle orange light peeking through—Alum quietly walked over.

 He sat down on the bed, looking at her peaceful face as she snoozed. He gently removed some hair from her face. She’s adorable and precious, as she meant the world to him. She’d entered his world. She brought so many expressions with her, and he experienced so many different feelings when he was with her.

 He felt warmth—a different kind of warmth. He felt shy yet relaxed, awkward at times, but that was fine. His mind was constantly filled with her, and it was almost scary.

 Sensing Alum’s presence, Amethely slowly opened her eyes. Seeing the face of her beloved as she woke up made her feel all warm and fuzzy. The way he gently smiled at her, the warm touch of his palm on her cheek as he gently caressed them. She placed her hands on his and snuggled, rubbing her face against it like an adorable little creature seeking affection.

 But…seeing that he was on the verge of laughing, she quickly realised how embarrassing her actions were. She turned red but gently held onto his hand, sheepishly looking at him.

 She knew how flushed her face was. She wanted him to pamper her and embrace her, but… he was the one that needed all that attention from him. Despite his soft look, he seemed sad. So…she pulled him down on the bed, burying his face in her chest, gently stroking his hair, telling him, “I love you,” with a smooth and calm voice.

 Her heart was throbbing, but… the beat was calm in a strange way. It felt like she was more alive somehow.

 After being pampered by Amethely, Alum could tell that she wanted him to spoil her as well, listen to her selfish requests and embrace her.

 But… Alum didn’t think any of that to be selfish. He knew that she wanted him to forget about all the bad things, at least temporarily.

 “...Kiss me,” Amethely requested, looking at him.

 Even if there was a golden glow, he could tell how red her face was. After all… boldly requesting a kiss like that from him must’ve made her fear rejection, but… there was no way that Alum would do that. Before fulfilling her request, he placed his forehead on hers, looking deeply into her beautiful eyes.

 “I love you,” Alum said and gently kissed her on the lips.


 softly sobbed. She was yet satisfied, “...more,” she urged.

 Although Alum couldn’t see his face, he knew how red he must’ve been, judging by how hot it was. And seeing his adorable expression, Amethely put her arms around his neck. She wanted to tease him more.

 ‘Al… I love you more,’ she teasingly whispered into his ears.


 (That’s what she meant!?) Alum thought. His face was practically burning up for thinking she meant something else.

 Seeing how Amethely had successfully teased him, she kissed him, and she couldn’t help but giggle. “Eehehe~ this was also what I meant.

 “...Really?” Alum said as he covered his face, “That’s a little unfair,” he grumbled. He felt as if he’d somehow lost; he grabbed her shoulders and pinned her down.


 Amethely was dumbfounded. She didn’t even know that she could make such a sensual sound. But before she could turn away, cover her mouth, or do anything to hide her embarrassment—her escape was sealed with Alum’s lips placed on hers.

*N…mm…nn….n… ah…haaa…hah…*

 After sharing a deep kiss, the two looked at one another. Their breaths were ragged. “*Haa* Payback,” he said, catching his breath as he then smugly grinned and said, “I love you more,” to the puzzled Amethely, whose face was steamy, hot red.

 “....D-Don’t look!” she cried in a panic, pulling Alum into her bosom.

 Her heart was rapidly beating, and her mind went completely numb. She felt strange. (I-Is this—) Alum had fallen asleep before she knew it.

 (He must’ve been tired.)

 She calmed herself down and relaxed. Gently, she caressed his hair and gave him a kiss—before falling asleep herself.