Chapter 20: The Fourth Day of School Ends
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When Tifara and her friends were catching the ball in Dalila's home after school, the room was surroudded by white walls. The sunlight and the window's shadow shone through the window on them. Tifara and her friends' bare feet felt the soft cushion from the light brownish carpet.

Dalila held onto the blue ball near her chest and took a look around. She wondered which person she should throw the ball to for a while. Then she turned to Tifara. "Here!" She threw it to Tifara.

Tifara put her hands out forward and caught the ball in them. She also took a look around and wondered which person should she throw the ball to: Sam or May. Alright, take your pick, she thought seriously, We don't have all day, y'know.

Then she turned to her best friend and threw it to her. "Catch this, May!" 

"Got it!" May said when she caught the ball into her hands.

"So, Tifara?" Dalila asked.

"Yea? What's up, Dalila?" Tifara asked back after May threw the ball to Sam.

"Did you get permission to see the man in the hospital?" Dalila questioned.

"What man?"

"You know, the one who got hit by a car last night. Don't you remember?"

Tifara's memories of the car accident last night resurfaced in her heart. Oh, yea. I almost forgot 'bout that, she thought. Dalila gave Tifara her anxious look on her face after Sam passed the ball to her, tilting her head to the left a little. "Uh, Tifara? Hellooo?"

May and Sam noticed Tifara's silence as they called her name. Tifara curiously turned to May and Sam. "Huh? What's up?"

"Dalila's callin' ya," May and Sam answered. 

"Oh…" Tifara then turned to Dalila. "Huh?"

"Are you okay? 'Cause you didn't even bother to answer my question earlier," Dalila responded.

Tifara couldn't even remember what question Dalila was asking her earlier. "Um, can ya repeat the question? I jus' got distracted there for a few moments."

"Sure," Dalila answered, repeating her question.

"Oh, no. Not at all," Tifara answered, "In fact, I haven't heard anythin' from him as of yet."

"I see…" Dalila said as she passed the ball towards May.

"So how's your heart feelin' so far? Is it slowly recoverin'?" Tifara asked when May passed the ball to Sam. 

"Uh-huh," Dalila responded when she shook her head. "It's doin' good so far and I praise Elohim for it."

"Oh, that's good!" Tifara said with a smile.

"Are y'all ready to do some ministry work tomorrow?" Sam asked when he passed the ball to Tifara.

"Oh, yea. Totally!" Tifara, May and Dalila answered as Tifara passed the ball towards Dalila.

I can't wait to do some work for the Lord tomorrow! Tifara excitedly thought, when she continued passing the ball with her friends until it was time for them to leave.


Once Tifara waved her good-bye at May and left her house, Tifara headed her way straight to the end of the sidewalk. I hope Saul's there today, she worriedly thought. I jus' hate the thought of not seein' him around twice in a row.

Once she reached the end of the sidewalk, there she saw Saul waving at her with a grin. Tifara gasped excitedly and waved back at Saul. I can't believe it! He's finally here! She thought. I wondered why he didn't meet me yesterday. Well, there's only one way to find out!

As soon as Tifara and Saul reunited at the end of the sidewalk, they jus' stood in front of and stared at one another, before they walked together towards the exit of May's suburbia. 

"Hey," Saul said.

"Hey," Tifara said. "So 'bout yesterday…"

Saul closed his eyes and raised his palm up for a moment before he returned his attention to Tifara. "It's alright, Tifara. I know what you're goin' to say, and I'm sorry I didn't walk you home yesterday. I was so busy helpin' out Calpurnia's family that I didn't get a chance to meet ya yesterday evening."

"Oh…I see…" So that's why he didn't show up yesterday, was the one thing that came out of Tifara's heart.

"So would ya forgive me?" 

"Mhn." Tifara shook her head with her eyes closed and an understanding smile.

"So were you able to walk home alone with no problems last night?" Saul asked. 

"Oh, yea. I was absolutely fine, Saul," Tifara answered. "So have you heard of David's uncle…?"

Saul shook his head. "Yea…he was in bad shape. I feel so bad for him, y'know…"

"Yea…" Tifara put her head down at first, then she returned her head to her destination. "That was awful…I hope he's okay though…"

"Listen, about this date…"

"Yes?" Tifara turned to Saul.

"I'll be doin' more ministry work this Saturday after church, so I'm thinkin' we should go on the date at another time. What do ya say?"

Tifara expanded her eyes when she heard that, putting her head down with her sad face before she returned her attention to Saul. "Oh…um, uh…sure…but when do ya want to meet me?"

"I don't know yet," Saul answered, "But I'll let ya know soon."

"Oh…okay…" Oh, man…I can't believe that after Calpurnia got grounded yesterday and May not knowing about me and Saul walkin' home together, it makes me really sad to hear that my date with Saul has been canceled, she sadly thought, putting her head down more before she returned her attention to her destination.


When Saul walked Tifara home, Tifara turned to Saul and said, "Bye, Saul. I'll see ya next week."

"Yea, me too. Bye!" Saul said back as he and Tifara waved at each other. 

After Saul walked away from Tifara, she turned around and placed her step on a staircase. She sighed and looked up at her house for a moment. Too bad my date with Saul was canceled, she thought with a frown, It would've been so romantic if it wasn't.

"Tifara!" A familiar voice yelled at Tifara from behind her, before Tifara took another step on a staircase. 

Tifara widened her eyes when she recognizes that voice. No freakin' way, she surprisingly  thought, It can't be-. Once she turned around, she saw David standing behind her. 

"David?!" Eeehhh?! What's David doin' here in this late at night anyway? Tifara thought as she walked her way towards David. "What are you doin' here?"

"I wanna say somethin' to ya before I head home," David said.

"Oh…" Tifara's eyebrow was raised at David. "'bout what?"

"I wanna apologize to ya 'bout my rudeness earlier this week," David responded, putting his head down. "And…I'm sorry." Then he turned back to Tifara while she grinned at him. "Look, I'm not doin' this on my own free will. I'm doin' this for my uncle in the hospital. Plus, I needed his money for my presidential run. So will you forgive me?"

Tifara shook her head. "Sure, I forgive ya. Will ya be my friend and hang out with me and my friends tomorrow?"

"Y-Yea…sure…" David reluctantly answered. "I'll be your friend, but I'll only hang out with y'all on Monday instead. I'm busy this weekend."

"Ah, I see…" Tifara said. "Well, see ya on Monday!" 

"Yea, you too!"

After Tifara and David waved at each other and David headed home, Tifara turned around and smiled, looking up at the night sky. "Oh, give praise to Elohim for havin' David to become my friend through his uncle. I love what You've done for me. Thank You!" 

Then Tifara happily walked upstairs and entered her apartment. While Todo barked and dashed towards Tifara, she swapped her school shoes with her house slippers.

"Welcome home, Tifara!" Her family members shouted. 

"How was school?" Her father asked with a smile.

Tifara kneeled down and petted Todo with a frown. "It was bad as usual, but I didn't get in trouble though."

"Ah, I'm sorry to hear that your day didn't go well, but I'm glad you didn't get in trouble though," her mother said, also smiling at Tifara. "You have homework, right?"

Tifara shook her head. "Why, of course I do, ma."

"Good, now get on with it. Your sister finished hers already. Time you do yours," her mother demanded.

Tifara stopped petting Todo and stood up from the floor. "Alright, ma. I will."

"Plus, dinner will be finished with cooking soon, so please do your homework as effectively as you can, okay?" Her mother asked.

"Okay, ma. I will," Tifara reassured.

As Tifara was about to head for her bedroom, Yulogia walked her steps towards her older sister. Tifara just looked down at Yulogia. "And did you have a good day at school today, my lil sister?"

Yulogia shook her head sideways. "Nope, not at all."

Tifara frowned at her sister. "Awwweee, I'm sorry to hear that. I'm sure Elohim will provide ya a good school day next Monday."

"Yea, sure…" Yulogia gave Tifara a skeptical look on her face. "I highly doubt it, Big Sis."

Tifara sighed when she watched her little sister run to her room. Then she walked towards hers. Dear Lord, please continue to keep Yulogia to have faith in You, she thought. I know you can. You have to, Elohim. In Yeshua's name, Amen. Once Tifara entered her room, she began to do some homework before she ate dinner with her family.