Chapter 3: That’s new.
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[Conditions met.]

[Initiating assistance mode…]


[Evolutions available: Beta Slime-Greater Slime-Forest Sli-]

[As the Host is not in a state to voice a choice, the system will have to choose arbitrarily and ask [¿¿¿] for further instructions.]

…Instructions received.]

[Initiating evolution.]

[Restructuration of the body…


[Modification of the mana waves signature…


[Reconfiguration of STATS…


[Evolution finished.]


The slime slowly opens its eyes. It was far later in the morning than normal: the sun was a lot higher than when he “wakes up”. It is confused, as it never lost consciousness before.

What happened?

[Your evolved, my Host.]

The slime jumped out of the hole. The voice was close, to close. It emitted strong mana waves, hopping to detect the being who just talked to it while also hopping to intimidate it enough to create an opening so it can escape if said creature is hostile.


But not one being was detected, or at least, not anything that could talk.

As nothing happened for a while, it decided to address the voice.

Who are you?

[I am your personal assistant, my host.]

What is a “personal assistant”?

[I am part of the system that you acquired at your evolution]

…What do you… Wait no, where are you right now?

[Information cannot be disclosed.]

Then, how are you talking to me?

[Telepathically, my host.]

Which means?

[I speak to you via your mind, and you reply to me with your thoughts.]

… You something about evolution, can you give me more details?

[An evolution is the act of changing races into a superior one. Conditions have been met for an evolution to occur. As we couldn’t communicate however, a choice as been made for you by [¿¿¿].]

…I don’t think I heard you well. Who did you say chose my race of evolution?

[Information cannot be disclosed]


[Information cannot be disclosed.]

The slime felt strange. Something was talking in its head. It doesn’t remember a human talking to someone you can’t see… or maybe that one person in particular? But that’s something else entirely.

Also, the environment felt slightly smaller, or was the slime-itself bigger? Its body felt certainly different.

…What did I evolve into?

[You evolved into a Beta Slime, my host. For further information, please state “Status”. As you cannot express your intent aloud for now, it was made so you can do so internally.]

The slime didn’t so and kept its guard though. It couldn’t sense if the voice held any hostile intent or not, as no mana waves could be detected. Alas, asking more questions would get themselves nowhere, so it did as told.


Then, a list of information was brought in its mind:


Name: None

Gender: None

Age: 5

Race: Beta Slime

Job(s): None

LV: 1

EXP: 0/50

H: 45

MCY: 75

MCL: 75

AFF: All

STR: 55

DEF: 45

AGI: 65

DEX: 20

INT: 75

LUK: 150


Current State:

Body: Normal

Mind: Normal/ confused


Passive Skills/Spells:

Enhanced Agility lv5, Enhanced mana capacity lv6, Enhanced mana control lv6


Active Skills/Spells:

Storage lv6, Absorption lv6, Decomposition lv7, Charge lv5, Detection Lv6, Shape-shifting lv1, Appraisal lv2



Blessing of luck, Blessing of Growth, Blessing of [¿¿¿] Lv1


… What is all this?

[It is your “Status”, my host.]

I understand that. What I want to know is, what are all those symbols? What does a skill mean?

[A skill is a named “action”. Those “action” can be active or passive. ‘Active’ means it can stop after doing said action. For example, you never use constantly your “Storage” skill. You store something, and then it is done. ‘Passive’, on the other hand, is something that is constant. For example, “Enhanced Agility” is an act that is ingrained in your body and so your AGI, which means agility, will increase.

For those “symbols, H means Health, MCY means Mana capacity, MCL means Mana control, AFF means affinities, STR means Strength, DEF means Defense, AGI means Agility, DEX means Dexterity, INT means intelligence and LUK means luck. Would you like a more profound explanation?]

Not for now, but thank you very much. I need to meet my new found friend. So, will you excuse me if I don’t talk to you for a while?

The voice did not respond. Maybe they only answer to a certain type of question.

But that’s not what matters now.

The slime ran through the forest in direction to its friend’s house. It noticed that its movement were smoother. Also, when it could detect certain types of plants, some sort of information came with it in its “head”.

…Emilra plant? Why do I know this?

[Your Appraisal Skill leveled up, my host. As you evolved, your skills leveled up and you also gained more skills. For example, previously, you could only detect information about their structure and mana waves, but now, you can know more information about appraised objects. Would you like to know more about leveling skills?]

We have some time before arriving, so yes please.

[The more a skill’s level is high, the more said skill is effective. After arriving at a level cap, the skill can evolve into a more powerful skill. To level up a skill, one needs to gain experience points, or EXP for short. There are multiple ways to acquire EXP: By leveling up yourself, by using the skill, or by evolving. In this case, you evolved, so your skills leveled up as well.]

Is that EXP the same as the one above my health in my Status?

[What they are used for is the same: to level up. For the EXP above your health, it is to level up yourself. Do you see the symbols LV? That is your level. As you evolved, you returned to level 1. How you gain those EXP Is by eating the magic core in dead monsters, or by progressively absorbing the mana in the environment. However, my host, I advise you not to actively try to search for them, as you are not in any capacity to kill a monster by your own self.]

You do not have to tell me, the monster that I ate before weren’t killed by myself. Or they were weakened and I could” finish them off”, like those strong humans said, or I had enough luck that they killed themselves in some way. Their little stone, the magic core as you said, were delicious. Now, we are arriving so let’s stop this for now.

The slime arrived at the edge of the forest. It went to the pile of wood, hid itself, and waited for Sally. The Sun, luckily, was nearly at its peak. So it waited.

Not long after, Sally came out of her house, bringing bread again with her and running while trying to be the most silent possible.

She sat next to the pile of wood.

The slime, hesitated at first, as it must look different from before. But, deciding that making Sally wait wouldn’t do any good, it left its hiding place. Sally didn’t see it at first, so it rubbed against her arm.

Sally, feeling a stretchy texture against her, looked at her side and found the slime. Her eyes went wide, and hugged the slime right after.

“Friend! You came back! Nice to see you again!”


Author’s note:

Hi! How have you all been doing?

Today, it’s world building time! Or is it something else? *shrugs*

Also, I might try to change how the status of someone is shown. When so much available space isn't used, it irks me a bit. I'll come back to this at another time.

Anyhow, what do you think? If you find any mistakes, you can point them out. I’m open to criticism.

See you later!