Chapter 32
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Still trying to get back into the rhythm, so my uploading schedule probably isn't going to be as consistent as it was previously, at least for a bit.

Sonia was now wishing she had taken up some kind of martial art at some point. Because now she needed to basically learn how to fight from scratch in her new lioness form.

After getting her clothes fixed up and enchanted to be able to handle her two sets of sizes, Sonia was now wearing the GDF combat suit again for training, minus the helmet. She didn’t want to potentially ruin her regular clothes.

“Keep those fists up, keep a foot forward with your legs at least a shoulder’s width apart, and keep your back up and your neck straight,” Anja instructed as she observed Sonia in her new feline form, throwing powerful punches at the instant-matter training dummies. Anja had been insisting on her learning at least a few Karate stances as a matter of practicality before anything else. Sonia took that to heart, and was trying her best to practice the ‘Han Zenkutsu-dachi’ stance and ingrain it into muscle memory.

The Gaians were observing as well. Kat spoke up in the background, “why practice stances? Why not just go right to learning how to punch and kick?”

“Stances are more than just fancier ways of standing during a fight, Kat,” Europa snorted.

“Yes, someone who can maintain and utilise a proper, trained stance can more effectively fight than someone who doesn’t,” Logos said. “A sound offensive stance adds an incredibly substantial amount of power and reach to any strike, which is absolutely essential against larger opponents. A sound defensive stance improves balance, strength and stability, as well as greater mobility for evasion. And most crucially, is knowing when to move between stances and when to use a specific stance at any given moment, as there is no ‘one size fits all’ stance. When you have stances properly integrated into your movements and know when to use them, you will be able to strike harder with greater reach and be able to better defend against an attacker.”

“Of course, you never learned this because you’re lazy and too much of a brawler,” Europa said.

In the corner of her vision, Sonia saw Kat pout and cross her arms. “The way I fight works just fine, too, geez.”

“Maybe, but that likely wouldn’t make sense for Sonia,” noted Anja. “She’s gotta leverage her new strength as much as possible.”

It’s not like Sonia needed to be reminded of that. She wasn’t a trained warrior, she was just a normal uni student who just happened to be able to gain superpowers and this buff lioness form because she was friends with a superheroine who went out of her way to acquire a means of actually giving her powers so she could actually be helpful. And she needed all the help she could get in order to actually be able to use said powers to their full potential, though right now her powers basically just amounted to superhuman strength and agility, and she didn’t know what her ‘Gaian Gift’ was, either.

Though, speaking of which… She stopped, and turned towards the onlookers. “So do you guys have any idea on how I can figure out what my special ability is? Would be handy.”

Logos sighed, crossing his arms. “There are very reliable methods of identifying one’s gift. However… The training and equipment for doing so is reserved exclusively to doctors licensed by the Gaian government. The Resistance doesn’t have anyone like that in their ranks, as far as I’m aware.”

“Oh… Uh, maybe we can pay a visit to one and-”

“A Monster’s gift has to be identified and put on the official records within a year of their birth. Adults don’t just do that - to even try would be considered suspicious. You don’t have any kind of ID issued by the government, either. We simply don’t have the time or the resources to try, and I doubt it’d be a good idea in the first place. You’re going to have to figure out what it is by yourself, I’m afraid.”

“Well. Shit,” Sonia sighed, and turned back towards the training dummies as she began pummelling them once more. How was she even supposed to begin figuring out what her ability was? Did she even have one? And even if she did have one, there were countless possibilities. “Um… Any tips for potentially tapping into it?”

She briefly looked over her shoulder again to see Logos and Europa look at each other, frowning. Kat just shrugged. “Mine’s mostly instinctual, so I dunno if I can be much help there. It’s just something you feel out once you already know what your ability even is.”

Europa nodded. “The only thing that I can say is that you just need to try different things and hope for the best. Thankfully you’ve got higher than average physical capabilities, at least, so you’ve got that going for you, but right now until we figure something out you’ll have to try and feel it out somehow.”

“Try drawing out something inside of you, anything. Maybe you’ll get lucky,” Logos suggested.

I know he’s trying to help in any way he can, but that’s not super helpful, Sonia thought as she tried to follow his advice, trying to ‘draw out’ anything, but she was coming up blank. What the heck was she even supposed to be looking for in terms of feeling? It was something entirely new that she had absolutely no experience with. It’d be the same with magical energy or ‘chi’ or whatever, it was completely unfamiliar and she wouldn’t know if she felt it unless it was a completely unique feeling that even a novice could recognise. Ugh, what a pain.

“Alright, that’s enough practice against the dummies,” Anja said, stepping over to Sonia as Prometheus formed around her body, “time to see how well you do against a real opponent who can take a hit. I want to see how well you can maintain your stance, both offensively and defensively.”

Sonia grinned, turning to her and flowing into the stance again. She felt like she was getting the hang of it. “Sure, no problem. Just don’t complain when I kick your ass.”

Anja smirked, right before her helmet formed. She settled into a stance of her own. “Sounds like Estella’s overconfidence is rubbing off on you. I’ll hold back… A bit. But let me make this clear - you’re not gonna be kicking my ass today.”

“We’ll see about that!”

Sonia advanced on Anja, throwing out multiple quick jabs. However, Anja easily blocked or dodged them with elegant side-steps, wasting little time with fast punches of her own in retaliation. “Too slow and predictable.”

Sonia raised her arms to block, but the first punch slipped past and slammed into her head, causing her to take a step back as she raised both arms to protect her face.

She didn’t even notice that Anja was striking at her sternum with a reverse punch until the hit actually connected.

Sonia stumbled back with a gasp, nearly falling over outright. It was striking to her, even with her enhanced durability, that getting hit actually hurt quite a bit. Sure, it seemed obvious when explained like that, but she had never known what it was like to actually get into a real fight. To experience what it was like to actually get hit like this. “I didn’t even see that!”

“Firstly, you were too focused on protecting your head that you limited your visibility. Defence is something you gotta balance,” Anja said, stretching and loosening up a bit before getting back into her stance, “secondly, you were too focused on my face. You gotta be mindful of your opponent’s hands and feet, otherwise you ether will have a harder time reacting or won’t know when your opponent is attacking. Your reaction time is gonna suffer if you only see your opponent’s movements within your peripheral vision.”

“When you put it like that, it’s obvious, but I guess internalising it takes practice, huh?” Sonia took a deep breath, as she returned to her stance, “okay, round 2. I’m ready this time, bring it!”

It took only thirty seconds for Anja to prove just how wrong she was.

“Geez, so much for going easy on me,” Sonia groaned as she sat on Anja’s bed. She hadn’t changed back yet - she still wanted to spend more time in her new form.

Anja sat down by her, and shrugged. “Hey, at least I’m helping you figure out what you’re doing wrong. It’s harder to do that when I’m going too easy on you. You’re not gonna get better if the hurdles can be just stepped over.”

Sonia had to admit that the analogy made sense. She needed something to at least challenge her enough to put what she was learning into practice. Still, Sonia still felt like half the time she had just been getting the shit kicked out of her. Which was still something of a learning experience in and of itself - again, she was not used to the pain of injures from a fight, and the bruises on her body, even if they were healing quickly, still stung.

“So. How’s the new form treating you? You like it?” Anja asked.

Sonia looked down at her sort-of feline hands, clenching her fists, her claws automatically retracting as to avoid piercing her own skin, and feeling her muscles tightening. It didn’t escape her notice how noticeably larger she was. She was taller, wider, had significantly larger musculature, breasts… Actually, now that she thought about it, she could kinda see through her breasts. So this was what it was like to have magic boobs like Anja and her sisters.

In fact, even when she was in human form, she realised she still had distinctly sharper senses than usual, though not to the same degree as her lioness form, and felt a bit stronger than usual too. It was a rather stark reminder that the changes she had gone through were quite permanent, and she couldn’t just go back to normal at a whim.

Then again, that was a reality check she really should’ve had at this point already. “My life is never gonna return to any sort of normalcy, is it?”

“I thought the resident conspiracy theorist would be thrilled about that.”

“I’m not that big a conspiracy theorist. It was just a bunch of harmless fun, kinda.”

“I dunno, you seemed to get into it quite a bit… I mean, you didn’t go into full extremist crazypants territory, but-”

“-maybe I just wanted some kind of escapism in my life so I can forget that the universe I a cold unforgiving place where shitty things happen to good people, like, I dunno, one of my wonderful best friends getting killed by some asshole street racer.”

That triggered an awkward pause in the conversation as Sonia glanced over at Anja, instantly regretting what she just said. But Anja didn’t seem all that perturbed by it, just a little awkward. Sonia winced. “Sorry, I shouldn’t have brought that up.”

“Nah, s’alright. Not like I can monopolise the angst over Matt’s death, or should, that’d be super shitty of me.” Anja glanced upwards towards the ceiling - it was obvious she was mulling something over for a moment. “Sometimes I feel shitty just because I completely broke down over it in a way nobody else did. Dragged everyone else down and broke our friend group apart. Felt… Selfish of me.”

Sonia was gobsmacked by this admission. “Anja… You loved him and you felt like he died because of you. Nobody blamed you for taking his death so much worse than they did. And that’s still the case. We were just worried about what you might do while your depression was at its worst.”

Anja nodded. “I was basically on suicide watch for a while there. Nearly went through with it a few times. I know, it would’ve made Matt’s sacrifice completely pointless, but depression ain’t rational. Thankfully my parents and my sisters were keeping a constant eye on me, and I swear Rya and Atti knew immediately the few times I was about to try, but now that I think about it, it makes a lot of sense when they had bloody magic at their disposal. Not that I’m complaining about it.”

Sonia let out a laugh. “Good! This world would be a much worse place without you, Anja. Anyone who says otherwise can eat a dick.

Anja just smirked - she had been doing that more and more lately. Any kind of smile from her was a good thing, so Sonia would take it. “Trust me, I know. I couldn’t be bothered to go through it anymore even if I considered it - too much effort. Besides, now that I know Heaven and Hell are a thing for sure, it’s probably a bad idea.”

Okay now Anja was just rubbing that in her face. Sonia pouted. “You don’t know ‘for sure’.”

“Leigh has met actual angels.

“That doesn’t prove Heaven or Hell exists, though.”

“There’s still a bunch of psychopomps running around, and they handle souls. So there is some kind of afterlife. And both Leigh and Aurelius seem like the type of people who’d go out of their way to provide proof, too.”

Sonia grit her teeth. She couldn’t deny that Anja was correct on some level, at least, as much as it frustrated her. But it meant other things that frustrated her even more. “You know don’t like the idea of of a ‘god’ who lets terrible things happen to good people for no reason. And no, I don’t care for the idea of ‘he works in mysterious ways’ or ‘he has a plan for everyone’. Fuck that noise. If God really does exist-”

Anja sighed, shaking her head. “I’m not gonna argue about this, Sonia, I just don’t have the energy for it. I’m just not gonna get on the bad side of the Almighty unless I have a damn good reason to.”

“Assuming that He is almighty, but whatever,” Sonia said.

And then she found herself immersed in an awkward silence. That wasn’t how she was hoping this conversation was going to go. “Sorry. I keep making this awkward.”

“Story of my life for the last few years,” Anja said. “When do you plan to head home?”

Sonia pondered that question for a moment. “Soon-ish, I guess? Anything you want to do before then?”

“We haven’t tried having sex with this new form of yours.”

Sonia laughed at the sheer audacity of that statement. “Bloody hell, aren’t you forward, Anja.”

“That wasn’t a ‘no’.”

Sonia chuckled, turning her body towards her best friend, and leaning forward to kiss her on the lips. “It ain’t.”

A hint of a smile emerged on Anja’s face before she leaned into the slow, but sensual kiss.

The kiss progressed for a couple of minutes before Anja began removing her clothes. Sonia followed suit, her clothes quickly tossed aside as she got naked.

Sonia looked down as they pressed their breasts against each other, feeling a pleasurable tingle from nipples rubbing in particular. Not the first time they had done this by any stretch, but it felt a lot better without the sheer size disparity. The fact that both sets of breasts were leaking milk did not escape Sonia’s attention. “You know, I thought having these huge tits would be awkward but I think I love ‘em.”

“Never bothered me. But this feels way better. What, you gonna get magic tits for your normal human form too?” Anja smirked.

“Maybe. Might not be worth the hassle, though, everyone would notice and think I got comically large implants.”

“Since when did you give a shit about what other people think?”

“It’s less about that and more about being harassed because of it. You don’t care so much about that, but I do. You really shouldn’t let people take advantage of you because of your apathy.”

If there was one thing Sonia had observed about Anja and her sisters, it was that they each had a rather interesting relationship with sexuality. Estella was kind of a slut - sure, that was a bit rude to say, but it was true. Natalia was definitely sexually active behind closed doors and while she had been previously repressed, her submissive nature made it difficult for her to say no to most sexual propositions. And Anja was incredibly casual and apathetic about it, rarely putting in the effort to react much to other people groping her and typically going along with sexual propositions because ‘why not’, or perhaps because the pleasure was an escape from the depression.

Anja looked away awkwardly. Sonia knew when she was trying to hide her true feelings out of a desire to not burden anyone else with them. “It’s my body-”

“-and that’s fine, but you don’t need to give every guy a carte blanche ticket to molest you. Have some standards, geez.”

Anja looked at Sonia again, her face running the gamut of emotions. “I want to accuse you of being a busybody, but I know you’re just looking out for me because my head ain’t fully on straight.”

“At least promise me you’ll consider what I’m saying.”

Anja took a deep breath. “I promise. Thanks, Sonia.”

“Sweet. We fucking or what, then?”

“I’d say we could do the classic sixty-nine, but you’re taller than me right now-”

“-nah, we can make it work,” Sonia grinned, getting onto her back on the bed and pulling Anja on top. Anja got the idea, and turned around so her crotch was roughly above Sonia’s head.

Sonia purred, licking her lips. Anja’s pussy looked especially juicy this evening. While Anja had to move a bit forward to comfortably reach Sonia’s crotch with her mouth, Sonia took advantage of her snout and her longer tongue as she bent forward a little, putting her hands on Anja’s firm, graspable bubble butt as she began licking her clit and those pussy lips. She could feel Anja doing the same with practised ease - she knew how to make a girl feel good, and she was in top form, making Sonia moan into Anja’s crotch. As Sonia licked, she could hear Anja’s moans from below as well.

Also, what was slightly odd was the feeling of her breasts pressing against Anja’s belly and thighs. She was used to feeling Anja’s tits against her belly regardless of who was on top, but with boobs this big, the mutual feeling was probably a bit new for Anja.

Sonia began to delve her tongue into Anja’s folds, delighting at both her reach and the different texture of her tongue providing new sensations, using her left hand to continue stimulating Anja’s clit. Anja’s pussy was still as delightful to taste as ever, and the more she delved into it, licking at her inner walls and her clit as Anja did in kind, sending jolts of pleasure down her spine, Sonia’s inhibitions melted away, the extraction of mutual sensual pleasure the only thing on her mind, even if she was still mindful of where Anja’s erogenous zones were.

Which is why the resulting orgasm completely took her by surprise - she barely even noticed it was coming. Thankfully her mouth was wide open when Anja’s pussy splashed her face with feminine juices, and she licked and swallowed as much as she could. She could feel Anja lapping up the mess Sonia had made as well.

“Your tongue feels really nice,” Anja panted, “want to keep going with a different pos?”

“Kinda feel like trying something with a strap-on right now, see how it feels inside me,” Sonia panted, “but we didn’t bring any. Maybe we could borrow something from your sisters?”

Anja turned around with a smirk, getting on her knees and sitting upright. Sonia’s eyes widened as she watched Prometheus emerge from Anja’s groin, forming a large, throbbing red and purple lifelike erection that covered her clit but not her pussy. Anja chuckled, “surprised?”

Sonia blinked, and smirked, as she began mashing her boobs against the symbiote-dick, “surprised you didn’t figure this out sooner.”

“I did, just hadn’t had the chance to try it,” Anja groaned.

Sonia continued to softly mash the dick between her breasts, licking the tip as she worked the shaft. It definitely tasted real, despite the odd colouration. How did it not occur to her before that having Prometheus around could enable all sorts of kinky shit? And the realisation of how large and thick it was only made the anticipation of when it’d end up inside of her even more palpable.

Once Anja was properly worked up, she moved back to missionary position as she slowly pushed the shaft into Sonia’s waiting snatch. Sonia grit her teeth, literally feeling the organic faux-cock rubbed against her insides, dynamically morphing to optimally fit, which delighted her to no end. “Holy shit, Prometheus…”

“Hey, anything to make both you lovely ladies feel good,” Prometheus laughed. Sonia couldn’t help but think he was kind of a cheeky pervert, but he did kinda mean well, at least.

“Fuck, that’s the spot… So this is what fuckin’ with a dick is like… Damn you’re tight,” Anja moaned, pushing all the way in, before beginning to pull in and out. It seemed it was fully functional. Sonia could feel it throbbing inside of her. If she had closed her eyes, she probably wouldn’t have been able to tell she wasn’t being fucked by a guy right now. It was a novelty that she knew would likely wear off, considering all the gals who could use magic could also grow dicks on command, but she wanted to enjoy it as much as she could right now.

As Anja increased her pace, Sonia wrapped her muscular legs around the blue-haired girl’s waist. Anja held on to Sonia’s waist with her left hand, but reached out to grope Sonia’s breast with her right, with a soft squeeze suddenly causing milk to squirt out, which didn’t seem to surprise Anja much, but it did surprise Sonia, who was startled by how much milk came out from such a soft squeeze. What was she, a cow?

“Don’t mind if I do,” Anja smirked, leaning in to suckle on Sonia’s nipple, drawing out milk like it was from a bottle.

“O-o-oh FUCK,” Sonia moaned. Why did it feel this good?! Was drinking straight from the tap (so to speak) even a good idea? In general, however, it was like Anja was sucking on her clitoris, nevermind the reduction in pressure in her chest being a huge relief. “Don’t fucking stop, that feels amazing…”

“You got it,” Anja chuckled, looking more energised than even before they started, plowing Sonia’s pussy with even greater force and speed as she switched nipples, hungrily drinking from the other one while she squeezed the breast she had just been drinking from. It was a two-pronged assault and it was driving her fucking crazy in a very good way.

At this point any kind of restraint had been completely thrown out the window as Anja just slammed Sonia with everything she had, and thankfully, Sonia could take it. However, this combined with the milking also drove Sonia to orgasm relatively quickly, causing her body to twitch in the throes of ecstasy.

She was kinda relieved when Anja finally exploded inside her, blasting her insides with what she hoped was just fake semen or girl-juices or something.

Except then Anja started thrusting again. She still wanted to keep going?! “Anja, wai-”

Anja suddenly sucked up a mouthful of milk, and moved forward, putting their mouths together. Sonia quickly got the idea, letting the milk stream into her own mouth and trying to spill as little as she could, but all things considered, the fact that only small trickles went down her jaw was fairly fortunate.

Oh shit this tasted really good. Is that what her milk tasted like?! Is that what Gaian milk tasted like in general?! She knew Anja’s milk tasted really nice, but this was on a whole other level!

She also felt a rush of energy as she swallowed. Anja chuckled, “apparently your milk has rejuvenating properties. So, got enough in you for one more?”

Sonia took a deep breath, moaning and managing a grin, “just one more. Make it count~!”

Sonia, in full human form, finally reached the door to her third-floor apartment. Even after resting at Anja’s place, she really just wanted to-

She froze right before she touched the keys in her pocket. Something was up. Her sharpened sense of smell could detect that there was a new scent coming from her apartment. Something flickered in her vision, as if she was having trouble perceiving something not normally visible to the naked eye - a magical field covering her entire apartment. This hadn’t been here this morning.

Someone was likely inside her apartment, and had prepared a trap for her. To put it mildly, that was quite concerning. She immediately transformed into her lioness form as a precaution, checking her sensor device - sure enough, it was picking something up, and at least one of her friends would be coming to check on her soon.

She decided not to consider how she knew that was a magical field, but instead focused on figuring out how to sneak into her apartment without alerting the intruder. Getting up to the balcony or a window would be tricky and would probably draw too much attention. If only she could bypass the door entirely…

The gap between the door and the doorframe on the side of the hinges suddenly widened, as if space was warping around her, pushing the door aside and revealing an easily wide enough opening for her to go through without difficulty. On the other side was that evil witch bitch Gulara, sitting on a chair and waiting patiently to spring her trap, likely intending to pounce the moment the door opened. Somehow, she didn’t seem to be aware of the spacial warping. Her hair extended over to the door, lined like tripwires to snare Sonia at the first opportunity.

Sonia had other ideas. She leaned forward, growling as she extended her claws. With a proper run-up, she leaped right through the gap, right onto an area of the floor inside her apartment not covered by the hair, and charged right at Gulara.

This evidently took Gulara completely by surprise, her eyes widening as she scrambled off the chair and tried redirecting her hair to attack Sonia. “How did you…?!”

“Surprise, bitch,” Sonia growled viciously as she pounced Gulara, her new hunting instincts taking over as she clawed at the evil witch, drawing blood in multiple places, before opening her jaw, lunging for her throat with her sharp teeth.

Unfortunately, just as her teeth touched the witch’s flesh, Gulara’s hair grabbed her and pulled her back. Sonia snarled, tearing into the strands of hair with as much strength as she could muster with her claws, but she was barely keeping the hair at bay. If only she could destroy the hairs more easily…

Suddenly, her hands burst into flame, and somehow she barely even felt it. She didn’t know why, but she wasn’t gonna question something that was obviously helpful, as her claws ripped through the hairs like a hot knife through butter, as she slowly advancing towards the wounded witch. “You thought you could ambush and brainwash me, huh?!”

Gulara said nothing, staring in shock and astonishment, bleeding from both the shallow teeth wounds and the claw strikes, before bolting for the balcony, sliding the door open, and diving off as her hair receded, allowing Sonia to pursue, her flames quickly going out. However, Gulara was already swinging across a street light and onto another building nearby, hoisting herself up and disappearing into the night.

“Damn, that bitch is fast,” Sonia grumbled as she changed into human form. Fortunately her apartment was still fairly orderly, and it took only a few minutes for her to fix anything that had been messed up by that brief fight. However, there were was still a noticeable trail of blood that needed to be cleaned up.

It was Gartho who swung by to check in, just before Sonia got around to cleaning up the blood, dropping onto the balcony and letting himself in. “Your sensor detected a supernatural entity not on the white-list, what happened? Seems you had quite the altercation.”

“That damn witch had somehow broken into my apartment and was waiting to ambush me. I ambushed her first,” Sonia said, gesturing to the blood.

Gartho clicked his mandibles in a certain way - she got the impression it was like he was whistling in reaction to something impressive. In general the way he communicated was through clicks and other insectoid noises that were still distinct enough to be translated. “Impressive for your first bout. I’m detecting a magic field that’s suppressing sound from getting out, it should wear off pretty soon. How did you successfully ambush her?”

“I dunno, for some reason the gap between the door and the doorframe widened to the point where I could easily get through,” Sonia said, gesturing to the door, which was now back to normal. “Gulara didn’t seem to notice, and was surprised when I came through. Lemme try and demonstrate…”

Sonia went over to the door, changing into lioness form, and focused on trying to create that gap again. The gap widened a bit, if briefly, but quickly went back to normal. “It kinda widened for a moment… I guess I don’t have full control over it?”

“I didn’t see a thing, but there was definitely something going on there if my sensors are correct,” Gartho mused, checking his instruments. “I wonder… Perhaps your power is being able to slip through any gap, no matter how slight or seemingly impossible.”

“Maybe, but when I was trying to rip through her hair, my hands suddenly caught fire out of nowhere,” Sonia said, as she tried to focus on igniting her hands again.

Instead, her entire body suddenly was covered in flames. She didn’t feel like she was being hurt, or that it was affecting anything on her body, but still, it was cause to panic. “Oh fuck oh FUCK!”

It suddenly went out just as quickly, leaving her panting and very confused. Gartho splashed some water at her feet with a little bit of magic, extinguishing a fire on the floor that she had inadvertently started. “That’s strange. Gaians should only have one ‘gift’, to my knowledge. Perhaps the fact that you can’t control these powers isn’t a surprise due to the circumstances, but by all rights… Hmm. We need to do some testing tomorrow.”

“You’re telling me,” Sonia panted. “Holy shit.”

“I’d be happy to set up some additional sensors in here to alert you if anything is trying to get in,” Gartho offered. “If our enemies are targeting you…”

Sonia thought about it for a moment. “Sure, sounds good. Last thing I want is to be caught unawares.”

As Gartho began setting up hidden cameras and sensors, Sonia just wanted to clean up the blood, take a shower and get some rest. She had a feeling she wouldn’t be able to master her new powers before the full moon came…