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A couple of hours before morning, Nila and Mau took their positions next to a massive boulder by the roadside. Tall grass and countless large stones dotted the hill that Del’vhario had chosen for their ambush. An old, and narrow road, long forgotten, wound its way through several hills in this region. From Kargraz in the distance to the beginning of the forest downhill on the opposite side—her forest—, nothing but rocks, waist-high grass, and a valley of flowers stretched across the landscape.

From atop the hill, Del’vhario members lurked, granting them a vantage point to observe both directions of the road. 

“At least I feel safer here, far from her fucking forest,” Nila commented from beneath a disguised rock near the road. Just as they had done before, they used lepri’s skin, which naturally resembled real rocks and hardened when triggered by magik.

“See, Ekk’s? I told you this spot is the shit!” Mau huddled behind the massive boulder, gripping his Skull Ripper tightly between his sweaty fingers.

“Not bad,” X remarked while lying atop of the boulder, which was as big as one-story building, giving him a commanding view of the area.

“And with your plan, this will be Del’vhario’s time to shine!” Mau exclaimed.

“It’s perfect! Nothing can go wrong,” the elf smiled.


The night before, Nila and Mau returned with several bags filled to the brim with supplies. They spread their contents across the table as X woke up. The elf waved to both gnomes to keep the noise down. The trio sat in a corner of the farmhouse, far away from her forest as possible, where they could talk without being heard.

“How did it go?” X asked the duo.

The gnomes exchanged looks and grinned.

“I once heard a rich folk complain that money can’t buy happiness, but it sure can buy us a fat, juicy target!” Nila exclaimed.

“And dusts, and everything that goes kaboom!” Mau added.

“Keep it down! I get it. So, what’s the target?” the elf inquired.

“Recently, several well-loaded caravans have been traveling between Silifran and Saint Jaulea,” Nila explained. “It’s tied to the ongoing hostage negotiations. Anyway, the point is, those motherfukers go by loaded.”

“Ransom money?” X pondered aloud.

“Whatever the fuck it is, it will be ours!” Mau’s voice rose with excitement.

“Is this information reliable?” 

“My contact hasn’t let us down us before,” Nila replied calmly.


“And he’s fucking expensive,” Mau chimed in.

“Valuable information usually is,” for a moment the elf was lost in thought, but soon returned to the matter at hand. “Got more details on the caravans? Numbers? Exact dates?” 

“Here’s the thing: we know those cocksuckers are loaded to hell and back, but some more than others. The mother-load will be delivered next week,” Mau answered.


“I know what you’re thinking, Ekk’s.” Nila took a small bite from dried meat they bought. “But it works better for us this way. The big ones are too heavily guarded. Even for us.”

“We settle for a middle one,” Mau shrugged. 

“Not the mother-load, but still worth it for Del’vhario to nail its claws all over it,” Nila grinned.

“And those come and go almost every day, like... let’s say, tomorrow,” Mau’s eyes shone with ambition.

“You two are learning,” X glanced at both gnomes.

“There’s a problem though,” Nila interjected.

“It began to sound too good to be true.”

“All of these are elven caravans,” the female gnome stared at the elf’s ocher eyes.


“Well...,” Mau trailed off.

“Are they harder to deal with than humans?”

“Ah... humans do go toe to toe with them. If anything, we need to be extra careful with their magik.” Mau replied, taking a bite from the dried meat. “It’s something else that worries us.”

“The problem is those caravans might come escorted by Legazz,” Nila put it dryly.

“What are those?”

“Those curses did make a number on you,” the female gnome stared at him, slightly amused by the elf’s ignorance.

“The demon-gods... who put the curses on me,” X wanted to ensure the blame lay on the right beings.

“Mhmm.... sure,” Nila had her doubts about that part of X’s story. “The Legazz are an elite force within the elven army.”

“Specially trained to counter us. To counter banditry,” Mau added.

“Are the Legazz that good?”

“We’d prefer not to deal with those motherfuckers,” Mau begrudgingly stated.

“And its not like we expect them to be guarding our target. Those bastards will be escorting the important caravans, focusing on protecting elven nobility. But... there’s a slim chance we might encounter them,” Nila said.

“Wait.” X remembered. “How do everyone move through here if the bridge is gone?”

“That’s the best part. Every sorry fucker has to use the old road,” Nila smiled. “It was abandoned a couple years ago, but we know this route by heart.”

“We executed several hits there, and we hit them hard! Boom! Motherfukers!” Mau’s excitement increased.

“Keep it down, will you.” X tried to temper their energetic spirits.

“There’s this perfect spot, over a hill full of rocks and large boulders,” Nila explained.

“It’ the perfect hiding spot. And what’s better, that place is far from this forest. Her forest,” Mau took another bite of the meat.

X eyes shifted from Nila to Mau. “Then what are we waiting for?”

After more careful planning, Del’vhario’s crew went to sleep. By the following morning, all the final preparations had been completed. However, before setting off, Nila led X outside the farmhouse and placed him in a chair. She stood on a stool next to him. 

“Stay still! Your fucking beard stumps are freaking me out. Elves ain’t supposed to grow a beard,” the female gnome said.

“You already told me this. So...,” the elf grumbled.

“I’m going to shave it off.”

“Wait... Gnomes have beards, don’t we?” X asked her.

“Yes. But that’s not the point.”

“Huh.... I think you’re exaggerating.”

“She’s right, Ekk’s, it’s fucking creepy,” Mau interjected to their conversation.

“So, you’re going to shave me because you can’t deal with a bit of facial hair?”

“Hell, yes!” Nila brandished a knife. “And stay still! If we die today, we’ll die looking the part, presentable, not some monstrous apparition."

He didn’t say anything more and let her have her way. 

After a few minutes, it was over. His chin and jaw felt smooth, like baby skin. Nila gazed into the elf’s ashen-ocher eyes. “Ekk’s, let me look under your mask.”


“Let me see.”

“Okay...” He sighed at her strange request but complied. 

Mau approached too, staring at the spectacle.

“Mhmm... it’s bad, but we’ve seen worse dregs,” Nila commented.

“Whole races of them,” Mau added.

“That’s reassuring, knowing where you lie on the looks totem pole,” the elf sardonically retorted.

“Just as I thought so.” Nila looked closer. “Your disease, curse, or whatever it is, is advancing.” 


“There’s some of that... here...” She pointed under his jaw. “It wasn’t there before.”

“You think so?” X asked, perplexed. 

“Maybe... maybe not. But you should see a healer,” Nila concluded.

X tried to recall what the demon-gods had said about his face, another curse, but failed to remember their words. “I’m not going to lose my mind on their account, oh no. Quite the contrary. You finished, Mau? With the preparations.”

“What do you take me for?” Mau smugly replied.

“A freaking great gnome.” X rose from his seat. “It’s time to get what is ours by right, by might!”


They waited for their target as three caravans and countless single carriages passed by, but none piqued their interest. Del’vhario had eyes only for their juicy target. 

“Another one’s coming up,” X announced while scanning the horizon.

“Does it have a banner?” Mau asked.


Nila and Mau tensed up, preparing for action.

“It’s a type of... erm... flying violet chicken-- a two-headed chicken,” X described.

“That’s Galaora’s Spirit,” Nila commented.


“Some fucking mythical elven creature. You should know this shit. Anyway, it doesn’t matter. It’s not them,” Nila said.

Everybody relaxed.

“Are you sure they’re coming today?” the elf inquired.

“That’s what we were told,” Mau replied.

The caravan passed before them, escorted by seven elven soldiers. Del’vhario smiled. If their target came as unprepared as this one, it would be an easy haul. Silence fell while the sun continued its journey across the sky. A yawn escaped the redheaded elf’s mouth, yesterday’s planning and preparation went late into the night and lying on top of that warm boulder further numbed him. His eyes lost focus for a moment.

“Eh? What the...” X refocused his gaze, staring right ahead.

“Another caravan?” Mau asked.

“No...” The elf rubbed his eyes. “I could swear something moved straight ahead.”

“On the other side of the road?” Nila inquired.

“Yes... in the grassy field ahead...” 

“What did you see?” Mau asked.

“It was like a blur, or a shadow... or maybe I’m just too tire-- Wait!” X’s attention snapped to the right side of the road. “Another caravan’s coming! The standard picture is a long-eared female with her arms folded over her chest, looking down--”

“This is it!” Mau yelled.

“Good! You both know the plan. Got it Nila?”

“I’m ready! Those motherfuckers won’t know what hit them!” the female gnome replied.

“I see three soldiers walking on each side and two leading the caravan, riding... whatever those are,” X described.

“Sukullas!” Mau exclaimed.


“The green creatures the elves ride. Sukullas,” Mau reiterated.

“Ah... And... Mau,” the elf stared at the elven group approaching them, carefully studying it. “Is it normal for the caravan to bring two carriages full of slaves?”

“Slaves?” Nila inquired.

“Or prisoners. One of those carriage is at the front and the other one at the back.”

“You sure?” Mau asked. 



“They’re past the third mark. Can you see them now?”

Mau stole a quick peek from behind the boulder. “You’re right. Shit’s strange, but this is our caravan. And... I don’t see any Legazz either. Do you spot any from up there?”

“As you described them to me, no. This caravan is clear,” the elf replied.

“Finally!” Nila exclaimed.

“Nila, Mau... our benefactors have come from far away, bearing tributes,” X grinned.

The trio fell silent as they waited for the caravan to draw nearer. With a flawless plan in motion, the three felt confident in their success. Their bodies tensed, hands gripping their weapons tightly. Nila sat under her disguised rock, positioned closer to the road, ready to trigger one of their explortents and blow the elves sky-high. 

With two arguably successful ambushes under their belts, Del’vhario radiated confidence. Even with indomitable pressure and excitement crawling beneath their skin, both gnomes maintained their composure, readying themselves and recalling the plan. X knew that this time they had to be precise. Unlike humans, elves possessed innate magik that varied in potency and talent from individual to individual. None of them were spared the blessings of the Gods. This fact placed them in a different category, demanding a calculated and flawlessly executed strike.

Dust clouds trailed behind this caravan with prisoners’ carriage at each end and three middle carriages laden with wealth and their noble passengers. A pebbled x marked the spot, the first explosion ready to erupt and welcome them into Del’vhario’s territory. 

Suddenly, a loud voice emerged from the middle carriage. The elven commander barked instructions to the other soldiers and the caravan came to a full stop several steps away from the stones arranged in an x.

“La’meli seiri dei hadeil!” A final command echoed from within the central carriage, prompting the soldiers to gather to their left flank.

“You two there, come out!” Six soldiers formed a line between the carriages on Del’vhario’s side of the road. Tension surged. The ambush hadn’t even begun and already their plan had veered in the opposite direction. 

“We’re ordering both gnomes!” an elven soldier demanded.

The gnomes’ faces alternated between anger and shock.

“Come out from where you are hiding!” declared the apparent elven leader of this group. “We’ll only ask you once! Next time, we’ll magik you!”

Yet, they didn’t call for the redheaded elf. X signaled Mau to step out peacefully. Crossing fingers, he hoped Mau would comply. The rising heat made the male gnome’s decision harder to make.

“Alright, don’t magik me! I’m here!” With his arms slightly outstretched, and his Skull Ripper concealed on his back, secured by his belt, Mau entered the soldiers’ field of vision.

“Careful now. No sudden movements. Where’s the other gnome?” The elven captain watched the male gnome’s every movement.

“Nila, come out. Playtime’s up!” Mau exclaimed. 

Nila tossed the rock-like beast’s hide aside and stood beside her male companion. X wrestled with two lines of thought: firstly, how they had been detected, and more importantly, what to do next. 

“You are under confinement by the Elven Kingdom. Seize them!” the elven captain shouted orders. 

In response to their commander’s directives, two soldiers advanced towards the gnomes, while the rest maintained their watchful stance.

“What now?! My redheaded shitty God!” Mau raised his voice as the elven soldiers closed the distance. 
“We’re too young to languish in some fucking dungeon!” Nila shouted.


X remained hidden, and though they detected the gnomes, they didn’t detect him. But with both gnomes soon to be apprehended, his visions of glory faded away. 

[Let them go. It was bound to happen eventually. This is the Gods smiling upon you.]

It appeared next to him, standing over the boulder.

[Take it.]

But X left it speaking alone. The redheaded elf stood up on boulder and addressed the retinue below. 

[What are you doing?]

“Fellow elves!” the redheaded elf spoke.

The soldiers turned their gaze upward.

Taking it. Seizing the opportunity the demon-gods have presented me. Do go grovel before them and thank them.

In his right sleeve he hid a folded paper, the Magik Barrage scroll.

“Sahli dua gior’ja ma!” the elven leader shouted.
“Lama’ni sua po!” another soldier added.

X couldn’t tell if those words were aimed at him, but it didn’t matter. The night before, the gnomes spent a lot of time teaching him how to use the scrolls and the triggering words until he mastered them.

“These gnomes are my escorts! I’m a traveler from distant lands. And I come to teach, those wanting to learn,” X spoke with pride in his words.

The elf soldiers looked at each other, visibly perplexed.

“Ips hai’la vahua la,” the commander exclaimed at X before turning to converse with the occupants of the central carriage. After consulting with them, he returned his attention to the redheaded elf.

“What are these two gnomes doing hidden, especially the female one beneath a fake rock?” the elven leader asked.

“Learning how to properly protect me, of course. What else could they be doing?” X replied.

Further discussion took place between the commander and the occupants of the middle carriage. This time a more heated conversation ensued until finally the elf captain faced X.

“Do escorts now hide themselves disguised as rocks?” the elven individual asked.

“Mine do,” X replied.

“Then you’ll have no issue accompanying us and explaining it on the way to Saint Jaulea.” the elven commander stated.

X had tried to buy some time, but he didn’t know what for. A future that still eluded him. The elven soldiers hadn’t lowered their guard, eyeing him and the gnomes. Time was growing thin. He contemplated surprising the elves with the magik scroll concealed in his sleeve. Although the gnomes had reassured him repeatedly that these scrolls didn’t require magik to activate, he still doubted. If it failed, they’d be done for.

“Dui manai le’ia vae! Sufu’r dequ lamae!” Sudden shouts erupted from the middle carriage. Upon hearing the shouts, the commander issued several orders to his soldiers. They hurried to the other side of the caravan. Offensive magik began landing indiscriminately all around them.